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Chat Banned. Proof this system sucks.



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    jaidentjaident Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ireportyu wrote: »
    That screenshot wasn't of me spamming, that was someone else who got silenced. And to be fair their amount of 'spam' was questionable-- I don't remember if it was 2 or 3 lines or something. Something I probably would have /ignore'd for. But that's beside the point.

    I think it's great that you use the system as it's intended to be used. The fact is that other people don't and they're the reason I'm trying to get it changed. When it can and is being abused it is no longer 'working as intended'. Right?
    You would have ignored but not reported, you are admitting there is a problem but not doing anything about it. More than one line is spam, seems like common sense to me. Pick a side, don't try to feed me nonsense.
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    shieldtowershieldtower Member Posts: 1,230 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Because this is how Chat works in all PWE games. Cryptic didn't 'put it there'. They implemented the PWE system. If you don't like it here you won't like it in STO. Besides, you can't affect their bottom line by switching your expenditure to another of their products.


    You seem to be woefully misinformed about this feature.
    • Champions Online launched in 2009
    • Star Trek Online launched in 2010
    • PWE bought Cryptic in 2011
    • NW "open beta" started weeks ago

    Cryptic did 'put it there', it's been a part of their chatserver functionality since Champions Online was in development. PWE had absolutely nothing to do with it.

    And before you try to defend its use again I'd like to point out that at one time a Cryptic GM mentioned that this feature was intended only for the reporting of RMT spam, GMs would read the reports generated by using the function and that anyone using it incorrectly would be punished with varying levels of bans.

    I'd LOVE to find that quote but I don't think you'd believe anyone named "Archived Post".
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    gollygeegollygee Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shahualing wrote: »
    It's a good way to get banned, so...uh...go for it I guess?

    EDIT: I'd also like to point everyone to this thread;


    The problem with that is that it is unofficial. That would be like saying "You cannot ask questions about the game here because there is an unofficial channel, albeit unknown to the majority of the community, for questions about the game" and then banning them. If people are being restricted from the game's services and your only retort is to use something unofficial and hardly known to anyone outside the forum to work around it then your whole defense is flawed. If there was an official trade chat I would be all for being strict with the trade spam in zone chat.
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    shroommageshroommage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jaident wrote: »
    Don't know what to tell you, I can't control what other people do or how people act. I use the system as intended, I use report spam as intended, I don't understand what your message is. You posted a screenshot of yourself spamming, I said I would have reported it, you used some kind of voodoo magic to silence me despite the fact that I almost never use zone chat and have never spammed a thing.

    Some kind of logic you are trying to use here. Might want to rethink how you try to get your message across, you won't be convincing very many people. You are only making yourself look like a fool.

    What about the AD exploit? You can easily say that using the AH properly would result in no problems, which would be true. You could also argue that the problem lies only with those who exploit it, and therefore a fix is not necessary, which would not be true.

    This is the entertainment industry. It's best to avoid features that are known to impede the entertainment of people, misused or otherwise.
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    iluvatarrulesiluvatarrules Member Posts: 172 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    shroommage wrote: »
    Before I get to my post, I'm going to post an image that I want every single one of you to look at very closely.
    If your writing in any way resembles anything green or below, please refrain from posting.


    Now, onto my actual post.

    First, the problem.

    The system, though effective for hindering spammers, is very easily abused. Suppose there is a group of 20 or more players who have no qualms about chat banning players they don't like or don't agree with. Suppose these players share a guild. Suppose that any time one of them encounters someone they want banned, they simply post that player's name and handle in guild chat, and everyone in the guild reports that player. All of these things are possible given the current system.

    Now suppose that instead of banning players they don't like, they ban everyone they see. It would be possible, even easy, for them to stand in PE, banning every single user that speaks in zone chat. In fact, to avoid being discovered and banned, they could even create alternate accounts. This would cause some obvious problems for everyone.

    Next, the solution.

    Cryptic has made it pretty clear that they have absolutely no intention of changing the system. It's cheap and easy for them. They've stated that reprogramming it would be unfeasible. Given the similarities (including recurring bugs) of every game that uses their engine, I'm inclined to believe them. They definitely don't want to fix it.

    The creation of official trade and LFG channels would result in a great reduction of frivolous bannings, but the hypothetical griefing guild I mentioned is still very possible. This would also have no effect on people reporting their competitors.

    The AD exploits had been floating around for a long time and were allegedly brought to Cryptic's attention. Regardless of whether or not these claims were true, Cryptic only acted when the problem was so severe that it threatened the entire game. I have no intention of reporting people falsely, but I feel that the problem should be brought to the attention of the community at large, beyond this forum.

    1) Go to your pyramid.
    2) Count to the third row of this pyramid
    3) Read (it says something about counterargument)
    4) Explain to me how one of the most fundamental debate rules is considered a thing that must not be used (by you and the pyramid)
    5) Do some research on debates
    6) Come again
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    jaidentjaident Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shroommage wrote: »
    What about the AD exploit? You can easily say that using the AH properly would result in no problems, which would be true. You could also argue that the problem lies only with those who exploit it, and therefore a fix is not necessary, which would not be true.

    This is the entertainment industry. It's best to avoid features that are known to impede the entertainment of people, misused or otherwise.
    There will always be malicious, sick people out there who actively find joy in searching for and abusing loopholes, exploits, and generally causing mayhem. No one can change that, we can react appropriately and find a solution to problems caused by others as they arise. The problem with this particular issue, being /zone chat mainly, is that obviously PerfectWorld or Cryptic don't want to hire more employees to police chat. It's not a perfect system but it's what we have. Deal with it or don't play seems to be the message. I certainly won't be spending money on this game anytime soon.
    Join responsible gamers and boycott the Xbox One
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    suguiosuguio Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) Go to your pyramid.
    2) Count to the third row of this pyramid
    3) Read (it says something about counterargument)
    4) Explain to me how one of the most fundamental debate rules is considered a thing that must not be used (by you and the pyramid)
    5) Do some research on debates
    6) Come again

    1) Look at the pyramid.

    2) Read and understand its purpose.

    shroommage wrote: »
    green or below

    4) Try again. :cool:
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    ireportyuireportyu Member Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    In all fairness they may be colorblind. The green and blue are very similar.
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    shroommageshroommage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) Go to your pyramid.
    2) Count to the third row of this pyramid
    3) Read (it says something about counterargument)
    4) Explain to me how one of the most fundamental debate rules is considered a thing that must not be used (by you and the pyramid)
    5) Do some research on debates
    6) Come again

    1) Learn what color green is.

    EDIT: If he's colorblind, I think he should avoid color-based discussion.
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    iluvatarrulesiluvatarrules Member Posts: 172 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    shroommage wrote: »
    1) Learn what color green is.

    EDIT: If he's colorblind, I think he should avoid color-based discussion.
    I think that it is obvious that I am not color blind. It is also obvious that I missed the "green" part. I thought he was taking all the pyramid for reference:
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    ireportyuireportyu Member Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    Looks like the other thread was closed and disposed of. Maybe something is being done!
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    calaminthacalamintha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gollygee wrote: »
    The problem with that is that it is unofficial.

    Compacted by the fact that there's so many of them, and with names like NWN*, NWO*, MB*, etc. The best and the worst part of Cryptic's chat system is that it's cross-game and cross-shard.
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    nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) Go to your pyramid.
    2) Count to the third row of this pyramid
    3) Read (it says something about counterargument)
    4) Explain to me how one of the most fundamental debate rules is considered a thing that must not be used (by you and the pyramid)
    5) Do some research on debates
    6) Come again

    People are talking Pyramids now? I have one. It has spike traps and a lot of cobwebs ( I should do the dusting more :< ) but as far as I know it hasnt chat banned anyone...

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    somebobsomebob Member Posts: 1,887 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ireportyu wrote: »
    Looks like the other thread was closed and disposed of. Maybe something is being done!


    Not a chance.

    As no doubt mentioned in this thread somewhere, the player run Mafia based chat ban system is going to stay. Period.

    Working as designed according to a developer on CO.
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    zahinderzahinder Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, the chat ban system could be worse.

    It could...


    Yeah, I got nothing.
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    aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,366 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This thread has long since worn its welcome. Trolling and name calling add no value to these forums, so if you wish to be a part of this community, please respect one another.

    As for the OPs choice of title, flame on, flame off.

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This discussion has been closed.