Ohhhh. I do roleplay, and not everyone who RPs actually writes their history in their bio. You actually have to RP with them and learn In character. That is how I do it as well :P
To be perfectly fair, if I put in 8 hours straight of just questing on a new character, no distractions, I could likely make at least level 30. Blazing through leveling up in a game isn't necessarily a crime if that were the issue here, but apparently it isn't.
I have been a fan of DnD since I was in middle school, I have done the table top version off and on since then. As an RPer as well as a gamer, I have always enjoyed the idea of creating a character of your own and putting them into a fictional world that, while already fairly developed, still offers alot of opportunities…
You know, the AD would have made it's way into the system either way, it just got put in alot quicker, so a bit of a hole in your argument there. Just sayin.
...if people cheat to level, then they should pay the price,not me. I did the quests and dungeons [and had fun doing it]. I'm not gonna say "people cheated!? WIPE EVERYONE'S ACCOUNT!!" just because people don't know how to play legit or are too lazy.
Shard: Mindflayer Name: Erik Blade@ryftlord Race:Human Class: Greatweapon Fighter Preference: Tank/Crowd Control I don't do PvP, but I'll do just about anything PvE. I work well in a team as long we establish who does what. Don't be shy, I don't bite xD.
Been asking myself the same thing. I think you would be better off looking at how it affects your stats and what stats you want/need rather than what the game says for now