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  • Been gone a while. Came back and was levelling my CW. He's focused on having a lot of crit. He's only at 65. This change made a huge difference. A few days ago he could easily solo three groups of mobs while questing. Today he struggles with one. I'm not saying a change wasn't called for. I'm also levelling a TR and SW.…
  • Uh, yeah... I wouldn't bother to much about that. I tend to make people mad a lot. Its rare to upset someone that has the ability to do anything about it. And even then you have to give them an opening. I will admit to being "hacked" once a long time ago. That 1 time was a total loss. But it was also totally my fault. I…
  • Yeah, no thanks. As one of the humans this would affect I really wouldn't like that. And unless the cap was very prohibitive it would have little to no affect on the bots. Remember they have unlimited accounts. They'll just use each long enough to hit cap then switch them out.
  • I'm not suggesting that. I fully admit I can't see the big picture here. What I am saying is that if the intent is to stop botters, then it will fail. Because you can make unbound items using the bound materials. At best it will just add a step or two along their path to the AH and slow them down. I'm really kinda hoping…
  • I've not checked the stacks on preview yet, but it doesn't work that way in the regular game now. With the artifact refinement items and with other things. Bound ID scrolls for example don't stack with unbound ID scrolls for example. If you get a peridot or an aquamarine from the 7-day invoking box it is also bound. It…
  • Something here from my own perspective: As the odd player with nearly unlimited playtime I am not bothered by needing to farm my own RP stuffs. I don't recall ever actually buying stacks of these. From time to time when I'm wanting fast AD I even sell mine. Not being able to do that will not be a problem though. Since it…
  • The mounts in the store are one of the better deals in my opinion. It really depends on how determined you are to get rank 3 mount though. I find it a must. A lot of people say the fastest mount isn't really needed. But I disagree. It saves me a lot of time. Not just from the speed, but you can take more hits without…
  • That's the way itemization works here. There are a few stat layout templates (for lack of a better word) for each level. The stat-slots on each template can be filled with one of several different stats. Level 60 blue/green gear works the same way. From time to time you find a piece of gear that doesn't fit one of those…
  • Not sure what you mean by excluding upgrades. So I'm going to ignore that. If you are trying to ignore the modules themselves, then that doesn't even make sense. Its like asking: "What is there to do at 60 besides the stuff they made for us to do at 60." Getting to 60 probably isn't even half of your character progression.…
  • It is possible to get the skeleton companion. I managed to get one before I burned out on running it this year. I play a lot, but if I can get it in a day and a half... then others can get it in span of the whole event. That said, the fact that its possible doesn't excuse having a grind like this ruining what should have…
  • Yeah, at first a little voice in my head was going "What???" when I read that. Players were asking for Power Swapping forever. While gear swapping is a rather recent addition to that request. Sadly it makes sense though. The gear-swapping aspect is only really needed for pvp. With pvp being big on the Russian server or…
  • This AMA guy lumped a couple of the questions together. One person asked for dragons, while another asked to turn regular enemies into bosses. While having boss models would be cool, and would require all that stuff you mention. I personally just want the ability to turn current models into bosses. They have that ability…
  • This is what I said about this event last year: The only thing that changed is now we have less time to do it and a prize that cost even more tokens. I actually fell asleep at the keyboard running around PE doing this. I think I'm going to go back to running my dailies.
  • The mask route would be cool if we had a chance to get the blue masks from something else. But after running this all day, I don't think that is the case.
  • Paragon Items or whatever. I'm sure they could come up with something. I don't know if they would really want to though. One of the big things about level cap increases is everyone getting new gear. I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to make the older artifacts obsolete.
  • Spent some time in PE messing around with the Masquerade of Liars event. I happen to see a Drow and Tiefling on Owlbears. Both were also floating over their owlbear mount. So its not completely a Dragonborn thing. I'm guessing its shows worse for Dragonborn because of their size though.
    in Owlbear Comment by runebane October 2014
  • Disagree with this. Don't get me wrong, authors want the other stuff too. I really want them to push whatever code they used to make the TOD WC lair boss out of a shocktroop devil into the foundry. But many of us realize the rewards need to come first. Take this thread for example. How many times do you see rewards…
  • Only if they are blind. Look at what the guy said himself. In another question someone asked why choose Neverwinter over something like WoW and the foundry was brought up as a reason. Also the foundry gets the game talked about. Its good press. Not long ago they linked an article in the forums where the foundry had gotten…
  • Yeah, that happens from time to time. I've not seen it in a long while, but it use to happen rarely when buying from the invoke store as well.
  • I actually got kinda depressed by most of the answers. The guy seemed honest, and was trying to put a positive spin on stuff. But there are only so many ways to say we don't have plans for this or we can't do that. There were a few odd bits of juicy info though. Like where he said they are working towards taking the profit…
  • There is, you seem to be unwilling to see it though. Is no worse than forcing unwilling need runs. No. Running them was fun the first few times. Now people run them for AD. So they can do other fun stuff. The alternative is they not run them at all. And suddenly pugs have an hour or more long wait for their queue to pop.…
  • I'm sorry. I really meant people who need in general, not you specifically. I should have worded it better. You had referred to new players (who would be inexperienced). Also depending on the class players who haven't completed certain sets may be at a disadvantage compared to players who have run a particular dungeon…
  • The way you are looking at this is totally one-sided. Just try to see the other point of view. Is it so surprising that people farming AD want compensation for their time running dungeons. You expect them to just run the dungeons for no reason. Helping you get your gear and they get nothing? Who is being greedy now? The…
  • I didn't mean they'd give us prizes for the points. More like they might add in other rewards later. Other games have done this. WoW for example added their achievement system fairly early on, but they didn't add most of the rewards to it for years. They later expanded it even more as they changes a bunch of things to…
  • Kinda was thinking they meant the leadership boxes. And it is more than a little annoying that you can't send those all to one character to open.
  • Here is the thing... you aren't anymore right than them. You want it to be a regular run, they want it to be a greed run. You have the right to need on stuff, sure. And they have the right to initiate a vote kick on you for doing so. Its kinda a jerk move, but no more so than needing if everyone else is choosing greed. If…
  • Heh, I've not done that yet. But I also noticed discard being next to refine and wondered why they put it there. Personally I think discard is one command that shouldn't even be on the list. I don't think I've ever intentionally used it. I mean the time I did delete some artifacts (the class ones that can't be fed to…
  • I also agree that rolling need should make gear worthless for anything but equipping. But its only one of many fixes that are needed. Such as separating greed/need players in the first place. Whether everyone likes it or not running dungeons for loot to sell is a part of the game. And one player being able to equip an item…
  • To the best of my knowledge there is no prize. Well you get points, but nothing to spend them on. But it seems like something they are likely to expand on in the distant future.