Tried playing it again this morning and as soon as it started it locked up :( looks like I am going to the PC for now...hope these bugs on Xbox get fixed before ESO releases next month
Holy HAMSTER you can actually talk in complete sentences? Yet you troll the HAMSTER out of!/page3
sorry hard time following, but let me make sure I got this right? You were in a dungeon with a group of people. You killed the first boss after which a cleric came on and won a loot roll for a purp item that dropped from said boss that he didnt help kill? If that is the case, yeah I would drop too. I wouldnt be mad about…
Honestly in these situations the players who hijack the room need to be given suspensions if not outright's ******ed. They need to allow the player to have the ability to file a report against it.
I usually dont like running with other pre-made guild runs cause I find that most of the times I will get booted for some stupid reason. I usually drop as soon as I see I am like one man out 4/5 of guild members.
Nothing actually...its players being ******ed and greedy. I mean the item is not even identified so you dont know if you are rolling on an item you can actually use or not. They just want the dungeon to be mememe mineminemine...and when it doesnt go that way they throw a temper tantrum like spoiled child and boot anyone…
I am guilty of kiting against dragons...I get their attention and try and turn the dragon's front attack to the front so I am the only one that would get hit, but unfortunately it also has the tail attack. I stopped doing that when another player pointed that out. I thought I was helping but the tail attack on Charthraxis…
The amount of vote kicking on this game is ridiculous. I mean I got kicked out of a simple lvl 30 dungeon on my tank simply cause one of the guys I ran with before said I was "undergeared." True he was better geared than me, but that didnt stop the fact that I took #3 while he took #4 on DPS, or the fact I took #1 in…
Oh thank you groovyloopylou, that and another one that really irritates the hell outta me. Charthraxis...the dragon is hard enough to take on just by itself. It pisses me off in the middle of the fight when we now have to contend not only with the dragon but some of the cultists someone brought with them. Please for the…
lol...well I still wound up with 8 Devil kills topping everyone else...but I couldnt understand it for the life of me why he reported me when I did nothing to him
The problem was is that he didnt hardly do any fighting. I had the mob down to 25% health by myself when he jumped in. Now I did that much damage in about 1 minute. The fight lasted another 30 seconds but I did the vast majority of damage and it wasnt for the "quest" it was for the Event. The Devil's Event that happens all…
This reminds me of WoW on several raids. I used to get kicked when I joined with the bare minimum. Most players seem to equate GS with skill when that is not the case. I actually remember hearing of a player in I think it was WoW who topped the PvP charts in nothing but gray, common gear (HAMSTER gear, junk gear) and not…
what was it...last night I noticed that some players would say 88 up 88 up 88 up....I think they got it the first time....then you have the ones who spam chat with stupid symbols or every single minute about some Dragon Bone gear no one is interested in. Please put FILTERS IN