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Vote Kicking Feedback Thread (XBOX)



  • masterdane313masterdane313 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I was in a dungeon with 2 GWF. One tries to kick the other during the last boss fight to remove the competition. I voted against it. He gets kicked anyway. By the time the battle ends the GWF figures out I'm the one who didn't vote on his side. I got kicked before the loot roll and missed my bonus chest.
    This needs to stop. I suggest a WoW like approach. No kicking during combat or for a short time after.
  • unspokinsinunspokinsin Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I don't think the vote kick should be removed. Because it is needed if someone is being a *** or such. But the system needs to be revised and fixed. Getting kicked on the last boss or out of a dungeon that I started cleared then one guy comes in and starts kicking every one for his friends. A simple fix is no vote kicking during combat. An once the chest pops Kicking should be removed. Or how about like a heroic encounter the chest also pops up on the top right to help combat the kicking. You would still need your keys and such.
  • drgreenthumbnzdrgreenthumbnz Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Game is garbage, best idea is to just quit
  • twiggleberrytwiggleberry Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    There is absolutely no justification for kicking people 2 hours into a dungeon. You make a group for the dungeon at the start. You don't abuse a mechanic that was meant for permanently disconnected people, or something you cannot control.

    To the few of you up there trying to justify it as game failing othewise, or what your definition of someone elses role is, you are the very ones who are abusing it. I know some Clerics who did not build a Cleric to Heal, but to be DPS, so that god argument of what role to play goes out the door with an ignorant mindset of MMO's. Sounds like an argument where they don't want to start or create a good group to begin with... they would be happier to join a random que, play god, and start kicking people they don't think is up to their standards. Never, has there been an MMO with a mechanic abused so badly, and I've played since the creation of MUDS. On a PC, people at least had etiqutte , but on the XBOX, you hear every excuse in the book to try to justify it, then turn around and watch them kick people out so they get the loot. The XBOX playerbase on this game is corrupt and vile at times.
  • quaffliciousquafflicious Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    That's the key takeaway right there. Run with two other people and you'll never be kicked again. In fact, I've noticed a lot the insta-kickers will quit if their kick vote(s) fail. I've also noticed more and more people quitting immediately after joining when they see me with my guildies. I'm not sure if that's because they know they can't kick anyone or because they've been kicked too often when joining a guild group as a random...

    Its because they know they are going to get kicked as the majority of guild runs are the above stated trolls that want all the loot. They take 3+ people in and control the run just to get all the loot. This isn't all guilds, but pretty much if you get in and see 3 people from a guild and you are a class that one of them is, chances are you are getting the boot, which is bull****.
  • hawkeyelhawkeyel Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yes they really should remove it. That way if people don't like the look of there team they can leave at start.Better than having someone do the mission to get kicked at the end.
  • codher0codher0 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    One of the best parts of there matchmaking system and you guys are trying to get it removed. That is so messed up. There is a reason why they wanted a vote kick option and you all need to deal with it. They did not remove it on PC so obviously they are not going to remove it on console. Most of you need to not take it so offensively. You got kicked big deal. It takes 5 sec To que for that same dungeon. Use your mic and have a beastly gear score. Those are the 2 most important things u need before you even think about queuing for a dungeon.
  • greatg1gintheskygreatg1ginthesky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    codher0 wrote: »
    Use your mic and have a beastly gear score. Those are the 2 most important things u need before you even think about queuing for a dungeon.

    That right there is part of the problem. Having a 'beastly gear score' doesn't mean a thing.
    If someone doesn't know how to build their character and use it correctly, then no amount of gear score is going to help them.

    People look at someones gear score and think 'ooh, he's 2k below me, let's kick him'.
    It's an awful mentality, and it's wrong. I regularly out-perform people with higher gear score, and I witness others doing it all the time.
    It's all about the build, and the ability to play your role correctly in a 'team'.

    You usually find that the people who are kick happy, are pretty awful at the game. Good players can make it work.
  • oz4201oz4201 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Crappy, crappy mentality Codher0. May only take 5 seconds to requeue but it can take 5 **** hours to come across a group that'll let you run one dungeon if you're the wrong class. Its also not just about gear score....and if you knew how to read you'd understand a lot of shifty <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> happens. loot ninjas/boss thieves/class hogs (dudes who join a dungeon and instantly kick whoever is same class so no gear share) <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> is crazy out of control.
  • zachwhozachwho Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Earlier today two guildies and I were running spider temple during the dungeon delve. We join que and get into a fresh run. It's me a GF, a Dc, and a Tr. Now the other two "randoms" are a GF and Dc. In party chat we're kinda laughing about the que system, but we're going to run it as is. We were all 15k+ gs, the group comp shouldn't be an issue. Then they tried to vote kick me and the DC... can you morons not read? We are in the same guild.... and we out gear you two clowns by 4k+.... morons, they were promptly kicked and we got a HR and SW, just burned through everything. People are idiots.

    Another problem with this system isn't necessarily the kick system but the game. PW has designed almost every boss to be an AOE adds zerg fest. And some classes just make this game much easier. The classic comp of 2 CW, Tr, Gf, and Dc just make things easier, and people want easy. Can it be done with other group set ups? Sure. Is it as easy? No.
  • lefallenapollolefallenapollo Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    They just need to fix the system in general.

    Require a DC GF and 3 DPS when you queue for a balanced team.

    Get rid of kicking in battle and after final boss kill.

    People who leave dungeons to try and find ones at the end boss should be given a penalty like PvP gives you, where you can't queue for 30 minutes.
  • mattachinemattachine Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    There's only two reason I would vote to kick someone. They are inactive. Just standing there not doing anything.
    Second is that they agree on certain rules that they then break when it comes to need/greed.

    And yes I've voted to kick someone at the end of a boss fight or even just after before they got to the box, because they needed on a purple loot item that we all agreed on beforehand that we would all greed on.
  • ostkinfernoostkinferno Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i had some <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> like this done to me yesterday. Was doing a dungeon with a team. I was egroing as i should be doing the WF. we flew through Caverns of Karrundax and beat the boss no problem. Just as the boss died i got kicked so i lost out on any drops as well as the chest. I reported the players to xbox doubt anything will be done but something for sure needs to be done about the voting. I agree we should have voting but it needs amending because right not its being abused terribly.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    codher0 wrote: »
    One of the best parts of there matchmaking system and you guys are trying to get it removed. That is so messed up. There is a reason why they wanted a vote kick option and you all need to deal with it. They did not remove it on PC so obviously they are not going to remove it on console. Most of you need to not take it so offensively. You got kicked big deal. It takes 5 sec To que for that same dungeon. Use your mic and have a beastly gear score. Those are the 2 most important things u need before you even think about queuing for a dungeon.
    Also worth pointing out that sometimes a lower tier armour set is better, due to set-bonus synergy. On one toon I could be 14k GS, but I'm much lower because I choose the lower armour set.
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  • jaxcevaaljaxcevaal Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2015
    You people either A. need friends or B. need a guild.
    You obviously don't understand the NEED for the vote kick. Try looking in the suggestions forums instead of general discussion.

  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Been there, eviscerated that.
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  • jaxcevaaljaxcevaal Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2015
    SOLUTION! ENTER DUNGEON WITH 3 MAN GROUPS. Enough said, no more excuses. No more getting kicked. No more WHINING that makes me want to start joining the kick-everyone party..... I've about had enough with these constant threads about the same thing. Read the forum rules. I'd say my thread was a duplicate, but it was promoting the vote kick as opposed to complaining about it lol.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I would agree that a few thread mergers are in order.
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  • ussula76ussula76 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i love the red panda its so cute! lol.

    very interesting about the psychology behind society and elitism. thankyou for sharing that!

    i see the point someone made about finding a good guild...in order to avoid having to quit the game because of its current unplayability and then feeling like i just got muscled out of a freaking video game by spoiled elitist high school kid acting bullies, i would be willing to give the guild idea a try...assuming of course the guilds are not having the same attitude and bad manners...know of any good ones?
  • obliviouslusterobliviousluster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    ussula76 wrote: »
    i love the red panda its so cute! lol.

    very interesting about the psychology behind society and elitism. thankyou for sharing that!

    i see the point someone made about finding a good guild...in order to avoid having to quit the game because of its current unplayability and then feeling like i just got muscled out of a freaking video game by spoiled elitist high school kid acting bullies, i would be willing to give the guild idea a try...assuming of course the guilds are not having the same attitude and bad manners...know of any good ones?

    I would scour the guild forums for the xbox1 here on this site. If none really interest you, then I suggest creating a simple thread and asking for a guild that meets your requirements. Simply make a post stating what you expect from a guild and what you can "contribute" to it.


    "Hi! My I'm <insert name here>. I'm a <insert class/race here> looking for a guild that is fairly active, laid back, and has no elitists! I just want an easy going guild that likes to do epic dungeon runs and helps newer players. Thanks! Hope to play with you soon! :)"

    Something small and cheesy like this easily gets the nicer players' attention. If they have a guild that fits your description- then they'll either PM you or mention their gamer-tag/guild name. Anyway, there's actually a lot of easy going guilds around, they just don't "recruit" (spam chat) players. The better kinds of guilds are the ones that don't parade themselves 'round the game asking for specific levels/classes/gear score in my opinion.

    Lastly, I'm glad you liked my little speculation. :P More so that you enjoyed the red panda!
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  • greatg1gintheskygreatg1ginthesky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I just ran The Shores of Tuern with randoms and it was a great run to be fair, so because I was the leader of the group I put us straight back into the queue for another run.
    I can't remember if anyone got disconnected or what, I was just in the zone lol. Anyway, to cut a long story short:

    We ran through the skirmish, kill the final boss and then I usually have a quick look at the scoreboard, and then run over to the chest. So as i'm looking at the scoreboard, the vote kick screen pops up.
    I'm thinking wtf, whyyyy??? I vote no, and whoever it was got booted anyway. Before I can even react I got booted too. YEAH THANKS GUYS, I'VE JUST RAN IT TWICE WITH YOU AND WAS THE BEST PLAYER IN THE TEAM TWICE.
    I did over 1.5 mil more damage than 2nd place, I revived 2 people in the boss battle, and to be fair (without meaning to blow my own trumpet) I'm a good CW. When I'm playing, the mobs are generally kept in check.

    lol I'm actually so angry you wouldn't believe, I know it's only a game, but just out of pure principal, i'm fuming. I wouldn't mind, but there was no loot to fight over, it was merely to stop me and the other guy opening our skirmish chest. I mean.. c'mon, that's just ridiculous.

    I know, I know... run with guildmates blah blah blah.
    Well maybe if I could see guild chat through all the millions of messages of people trying to sell their blue items for 6 million astral diamonds I would.

    So yeah... rant rant rant. Fix chat, so if i go onto trade tab, I see trade chat. If I goto guild tab, I see guild chat, etc etc. And there are already countless posts about the vote to kick option, so I won't go into that. Needless to say, I think the community in this game (xbox) are the scum of the earth, and the quicker I can run guild only the better.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Sorry. Kickers, low class scum that they are, are going to kick simply because they can. There's no rhyme or reason to it... nothing justifiable anyway. At least Shores is pretty short. It sucks to get kicked by the dregs of society no matter the circumstances, but at least you didn't put 2+ hours into a dungeon and finally beat the boss only to get kicked for no reason other than to stroke the ego of some insecure waste of carbon.
  • traumapaladintraumapaladin Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015
    The title says it all. I understand vote kicked is used to remove a group when you have hit a boss you can't down. This is a crappy part of the game because everyone wants to run epics but get kicked. I my self get a fair share of being kicked from a Epic dungeon for that very reason. That is not what has me pissed enough to post on the forums. No the reason I'm here is because Vote kicking needs to be disabled during a Boss fight and when the dungeon is over.

    I am so sick of being kicked when the boss is about to die when there is another trickster rogue because they don't want to competition for gear. This just happen to me during the Dungeon delvs. We were going to kill the last boss ad rouge joined the group tried to vote kick. Me and my buddy both said no because I do not mind rolling against another rogue I play the game to have fun.

    So just before the boss is about to die I am suddenly vote kicked. The last boss had less then a bar and I missed out on a free box at the end of the Dungeon because some greedy little child cant share. So I feel that once in combat or a boss fight or the dungeon has ended the Vote to kick needs to be disabled. This isn't the first time it has happen like this.

    I feel your pain. Just the other day got kicked out of Spider Temple when a Grand Regent's chest piece dropped. Bye 200k AD lol.
  • oudaesuoudaesu Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    First time this has happened to me. Went into a dungeon and there was 3 guild members, me and another random. Right after defeating the Epic Pirate King boss, he got kicked then me before we could have a chance at the loot. The other guy had his mic on and it was kind of funny, lol.. but other than that man that is lame.

    They deny you a chance to open the chest at the end, which has nothing to do with them. If you do some stuff like that in a video game for virtual stuff, I can't imagine what type of scumbag you would be in real life, lol.

    I hope they fix this, there's lots of losers on xbox
  • ancojoancojo Member Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Thats a joke! Some peeps just take the game to seriously and ruin it for others! Did you not get theirs game names? I entered the Dread Vault and won the shard after killing NOTHING, I should have pressed Y but pressed A! I felt bad so listed the Shard on the AH for 1AD buyout!
  • oudaesuoudaesu Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, I didn't. It was some French clan, don't remember the names.

    But there are some scrubs on this game, kicking people from easy dungeons like the Epic Pirate King, lol.. Hopefully I'll find a active guild soon
  • greatg1gintheskygreatg1ginthesky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Unfortunately the majority of the Xbox Neverwinter community are like this, and it only seems to be getting worse.
    I'm fast reaching the stage where I just don't want to run with any randoms at all, doing so leaves a bitter taste when I see me or others getting kicked time and time again for no other reason than to be a complete <BEEEP> !!

    To all those saying people are kicked because they are doing something wrong, or blah blah blah... that's complete <BEEEEP>, and you know it. Play a few dungeons or lvl 60 epic skirmish' without your guildmates, and you'll see for yourself.

    Don't get me wrong, I have had some good runs with randoms, but as I said.. the mentality of most now is just vile. A real shame, because the game is great as it is, but I can imagine it would be so so much better with a good community.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    That sucks, man... but there are a lot of threads for this already.
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  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Unfortunately the majority of the Xbox Neverwinter community are like this, and it only seems to be getting worse.

    This seems like more than a little hyperbole to me - I've met heaps of great players, with a small minority of jerks.
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  • greatg1gintheskygreatg1ginthesky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    telprydain wrote: »
    This seems like more than a little hyperbole to me - I've met heaps of great players, with a small minority of jerks.

    Not at all, I'm speaking from experience. I've played a lot of this game, and most of it has been running with randoms.

    As I said, run the epic Shores of Tuern skirmish without guildmates, and I'd be willing to bet that you can't go 2 or 3 times without getting kicked. Not being able to run 2 or 3 ten minute skirmish's in a row without getting kicked is quite a high percentage, don't you think?

    I havn't ran dungeons for about a week, until today where I tried to run a T2. I had to join about 7 or 8 times until I wasn't kicked immediately by people already mid dungeon. I know I'm not the only one because I see others getting booted all the time. Apparently I'm the only one that votes no.

    I reiterate, the majority of the Xbox community are horrible. (Might I add - I mean randoms. My guildmates are cool, but chat is such a mess that unless I'm in party chat every time I play it's pretty much impossible to get anything organized with guildmates).

    I'm sure there are nice folk out there, but currently level 60 experience for lone wolfs is awful, it's about as simple as that.
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