Same here,.. from UK,... can't stay logged in long enough to invoke, professions,.. as another said,.. even collect VIP key... ={ Not happy will be submitting a ticket for key,.... =/
Same here,.. from UK,... can't stay logged in long enough to invoke, professions,.. as another said,.. even collect VIP key... ={ Not happy will be submitting a ticket for key,.... =/
If the Dev's do actually read these things,...... I applaud your effort,... if not the end results,.. I do like and appreciate all the effort that goes into your data mining,... but your basic logic is slightly flawed,... no matter what you do,.. (unless you have true, complete balance - which in MMO's seems to be a…
OK,... I'm pretty sure there is a problem with this patch. It never happened before the patch,... now it happens every time there is boss in the fight. When I use the Ranger power Marauder's Rush,... I'm supposed to launch myself at my target striking it with my weapons,... only now,.. after the last patch,.. I don't rush…
Make that 2 of us,... all my 'Simril LIght Refining' items are giving are only giving 5/8 of the refining points they claim in their tool-tip? Is anyone else having the same problem? Thanks
Thank you,... not used to how these things work,... lol. It is likely I'll miss it. In Europe, it's between 8:30 and 10:30 now. If this finishes in another hour,... Most will be asleep or going that way. If it's only 1 day long,.. with a work day tomorrow, many will miss it completely. ={
Thank you,... not used to how these things work,... lol. It is likely I'll miss it. In Europe, it's between 8:30 and 10:30 now. If this finishes in another hour,... Most will be asleep or going that way,.. with it being a work day tomorrow,... if it's only 1 day, many will miss it completely. ={
Just tried to redeem the fixed code,... and nothing,... nada,... zip. Arc says the code was redeemed, and that my items should be coming to my character via in game mail. Won't let me re-enter the code, saying it has already been entered.... nothing. Ticket submitted. Follow up: The ARC confirmation e-mail (not the in-game…
To me, the development of this game,... not in terms of the software,.. but the storyline & content,... seems to have lost it's way. Mod 6, seems to have been a case of 'we said there would be a big change, so we made a big change'. It seems to have lacked a direction or a goal. At least, it feels like one hasn't been, or…
Thank you for trying to reward the players and make things more interesting! Very much appreciated. Looking forward to how you solve this! =} It just stinks that the real players,.. are now likely at a disadvantage to those that were able to redeem / exploit the code,.... ={ Anyway,.. thanks again,....
Yeah,.. I was experiencing the multiple resets,..... now if I hover over the button it says 'reset at 11:00 AM'. (which is the 'normal' daily reset time here.) It's well after 11:00 AM, and my invocation has not reset..... So, am I going to miss a whole days invocations?....
+1 to the comments on mod 6 implementation. To wait this long,... and this is what we get?... OK,.. if you are going to 're-baseline' WoD,... ok,.. just tell us. This game, in its simplest form, is about character creation and progression. The stat system,.. the boons,.. everything is about how you 'build' your character…
+ 1 from me... It you are an end-game player,.. this did not just extend the game. It completely redesigned the game. Changing the rules in the middle of the game, making your plan for developing your character and all the work already done developing the character worthless. It requires you to essentially 'start over'…
I guess the 'other thing' I'm noticing, after mod5,.. now that a trapper's primary damage dealing power (thorned roots - capstone) is DoT instead of fixed damaged (pre-mod5), not just our CC are cut in half,.. but so is our damage output. This not only affects PvP,.. but also all dragons and most bosses that are 'immune'…
OK,.... I'm a newb. playing my first and only toon. It is a PvE build HR, stormwarden, trapper, 15k GS. I play PvP with it,.. cause it's all I got, and I need to do the dailies,... I really don't expect much. Pre-mod 5,.. I would be on a winning team (all random - don't do premades) 1 out of 4 times. I would never be at…
I couldn't agree more! LOL I'm a casual PvP'er,... but I find it a lot of fun! Well,... until about the time of the last patch. When I run the 4 daily PvP matches,.. I'd usually get 1 win,... pretty easy,.. I'd get dropped in with a good team,.... 1 Huge loss (like 1000 to 200 or 150),... and 2 very close, but competitive…
Sorry,... no exaggeration,.... just finished my 100th win in PvP,... and what I am seeing is exactly what you describe. I'm not really able to take part in PvP any longer,... I can be a target that takes the pressure off the other 4 for about a second until I'm dead. That's about it,.. 2 months ago, I went 1 on 1 with a…