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What do you honestly think about HR's PvP situation in Mod 4?



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    jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I'd really try out combat if I were you. I'm only 15k and on page 4 with him (missing 2 enchants too because I gutted them to get the royal guard set, rank7s anyway). The playstyle isn't nearly as boring as mod3 since you have to maximize damage (which means alternating encounters and at-wills for procs) for lifesteal and make use of maurder's well to survive.

    Still do really good damage but have a better chance at living and much more dynamic playstyle than mod3.

    Yeah, I respecced last night. I dunno, I think Hamlet, that you just rock at pvp, irrespective of build. Despite 17 and a bit k, and doohickeys and pets and coins, either I'm just **** unlucky with pug teams, or I suck, one of the two. Languishing in the 50s atm. Down from the low 20s. I have been slaughtering people in open world however, just wrecked some high spec TRs yesterday. An evoker is a great thing to have.
    No idea what my toon is now.
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    hamletswordshamletswords Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,320 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    jonkoca wrote: »
    Yeah, I respecced last night. I dunno, I think Hamlet, that you just rock at pvp, irrespective of build. Despite 17 and a bit k, and doohickeys and pets and coins, either I'm just **** unlucky with pug teams, or I suck, one of the two. Languishing in the 50s atm. Down from the low 20s. I have been slaughtering people in open world however, just wrecked some high spec TRs yesterday. An evoker is a great thing to have.

    Well, it takes some getting used to. You have to do damage to stay alive through lifesteal, and the best way to do that is using abilities to proc flurry and then hitting them with at-wills.

    You mentioned in game that you were pounding on a guy with rapid strike. That's cool when you're able to but most of the time it's hard to have someone sit still long enough to get a bunch of hits on them. Some top guys are using rapid strike but I still find aimed strike/careful attack to be better. You only need to hit them once with it then it doesn't matter if they're in range or not, and flurry will proc off the bleeds as you apply it.

    Using aimed strike/careful attack also allows you to be more mobile since you only need to be close to them for the initial application.

    The only one problem I have is when I get someone really low it's hard to finish them with at-wills. Hunter's teamwork does pretty bad damage in combat spec, and they can still dodge aimed strike.

    I'm still working out if aimed/careful is the best way but I have had lots of success with it.

    Also, it could just be bad parties. Pug lottery can suck in streaks.
    My Harem: Dawn HR, Erin CW, Piper TR, Zoe GWF
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    twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Well, it takes some getting used to. You have to do damage to stay alive through lifesteal, and the best way to do that is using abilities to proc flurry and then hitting them with at-wills.

    You mentioned in game that you were pounding on a guy with rapid strike. That's cool when you're able to but most of the time it's hard to have someone sit still long enough to get a bunch of hits on them. Some top guys are using rapid strike but I still find aimed strike/careful attack to be better. You only need to hit them once with it then it doesn't matter if they're in range or not, and flurry will proc off the bleeds as you apply it.

    Using aimed strike/careful attack also allows you to be more mobile since you only need to be close to them for the initial application.

    The only one problem I have is when I get someone really low it's hard to finish them with at-wills. Hunter's teamwork does pretty bad damage in combat spec, and they can still dodge aimed strike.

    I'm still working out if aimed/careful is the best way but I have had lots of success with it.
    How necessary are the extra ticks from CA? Because if you PvE as well as PvP then Stormwarden is a better paragon than Pathfinder for Combat - lots of AoE for trash clearing and healing through lifesteal. So it would be nice if SW was also viable in PvP.
    Also, it could just be bad parties. Pug lottery can suck in streaks.
    I find I tell myself this a lot. I'm not sure I believe me any more. :p
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
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    mxtimemxtime Member Posts: 316 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    bis hr is strongest class in the game
    can prety much 1 shot everything
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    ralexinorralexinor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Stormwarden is viable in PvP, just not really in 1v1 situations. SW excels in group fights - 2v2, 3v3 etc.

    A properly rotating Stormwarden can force the opposing team to play defensive until it's moved on to a different node/area.
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    jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Well, it takes some getting used to. You have to do damage to stay alive through lifesteal, and the best way to do that is using abilities to proc flurry and then hitting them with at-wills.


    Also, it could just be bad parties. Pug lottery can suck in streaks.

    Lol, must admit I've had some really lame pugs. Anyway, started ggpvp as a luskan - or whichever group it is that constantly loses, so that hasn't helped my LB stats much. Still, need a few more achievements for the last pvp boon. The encounter/AS/zoom out/pewpew/zoom in/encounter/AS routine is taking a little getting used to but working well. Not sure if I can bring myself to dump my profound/BI gear combo for royal guard though... Not sure I can face the DDing required on the HR either. Did you buy yours off the AH..? Are the cooldown reductions amazing enough..?

    Thanks for the tip anyway.
    No idea what my toon is now.
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    jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Did a little testing tonight on the dummies in icewind dale. I've never liked the mechanics of careful attack much, over rapid shot/strike. Anyway, looking at the combat log, a dummy hit with hindering strike to proc flurry, then aimed strike for the bleed, with/without careful attack applied - then zoom out and pewpew with either rapid shot or hunters quarry.

    Results. CA added about 4 booms of around 1k a pop to the bleed already in place. However rapid shot outpaced that 4k compared with the HQ volley by a 1000hp or so in the same time. You can get 3 rapid off in the time for 2 HQs, and RS seems to crit better. Plus of course, in melee, you have your lawnmower move available when you've no imagination or wiggle room left. Though CA gives you the option to just plain run away I suppose, or worst case scenario, maybe kill the wiz who's just hoisted you up in the air and is freezing your toes.

    Sooo. I think I'll stick with rapid and aimed for business as usual. Call me stubborn. ;)
    No idea what my toon is now.
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    hamletswordshamletswords Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,320 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    Not sure if I can bring myself to dump my profound/BI gear combo for royal guard though... Not sure I can face the DDing required on the HR either. Did you buy yours off the AH..? Are the cooldown reductions amazing enough..?

    Yeah IMO they are amazing enough. You lose the speed and some healing, but it's worth it IMO. I did buy it although I probably would DD it if given another chance. I really gutted my gear to get it (running with 2 rank 6s and a lesser plaguefire now...lol). I'm currently back on my CW trying to earn AD to pimp my HR back up because gear does make a pretty hefty difference.

    Still even with that gear she's on page 4, along with my OP as hell CW (who uses the same crappy gear lol).

    Anyway, I've been accused of cheating for using Royal Guard from a TR who thought I was gear swapping to reduce cooldowns, so it must be pretty good. It's especially useful if you switch out something for ROS against a TR on a node- lots of procs and another dot to nail him with.

    In PVE there's no question royal guard is BIS.
    How necessary are the extra ticks from CA? Because if you PvE as well as PvP then Stormwarden is a better paragon than Pathfinder for Combat - lots of AoE for trash clearing and healing through lifesteal. So it would be nice if SW was also viable in PvP.

    I'm not convinced they are necessary, but they are helpful. The main problem is you have limited opportunities to apply damage in PVP. One of the best things about careful attack is you can't dodge it's application, and it's bonus damage for the length of the duration.

    However it seems to proc less than 40% piercing blade damage, and it doesn't seem ideal to proc flurry either.

    I think an HR could definitely get away with using aimed-strike and rapid specced SW and I probably would try it out if I had some zen.
    However rapid shot outpaced that 4k compared with the HQ volley by a 1000hp or so in the same time. You can get 3 rapid off in the time for 2 HQs, and RS seems to crit better. Plus of course, in melee, you have your lawnmower move available when you've no imagination or wiggle room left. Though CA gives you the option to just plain run away I suppose, or worst case scenario, maybe kill the wiz who's just hoisted you up in the air and is freezing your toes.

    Yes but you can't use encounters and at-wills at the same time, so that time spent rapid-striking/shooting is time you can't spend repositioning yourself with maurader's or buffing yourself or using boar's/fox/ROS if they're up.

    The only times I wish I had rapid shot/strike available is when the enemy is really low and encounters are on cooldown because the only thing to finish them off with is aimed strike which can be dodged easily, and the rare times when you can onload a lot of rapid strikes on them because it's more bursty than careful attack.

    Also, hunter's teamwork isn't all that much worse than rapid shot.
    My Harem: Dawn HR, Erin CW, Piper TR, Zoe GWF
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    jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Okay slightly necro'd the thread, but have now got royal guard, bought 2, farmed 2, so didn't have to gut my character.

    Holy ****. It's like being on nitro in pve, and pretty **** good in pvp too, plaguefire, CA and lots of dots means huge ap generation and basically no end of encounters. Lost a bunch of HP and my crit is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, but still. Thank god for my pvp ringset though, otherwise my tenacity would be non-existent. Don't have to swap gear for pve either, which is nice.
    No idea what my toon is now.
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    enbeekayenbeekay Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    jonkoca wrote: »
    Okay slightly necro'd the thread, but have now got royal guard, bought 2, farmed 2, so didn't have to gut my character.

    Holy ****. It's like being on nitro in pve, and pretty **** good in pvp too, plaguefire, CA and lots of dots means huge ap generation and basically no end of encounters. Lost a bunch of HP and my crit is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, but still. Thank god for my pvp ringset though, otherwise my tenacity would be non-existent. Don't have to swap gear for pve either, which is nice.

    Is there such a thing as a HR spec that can do both PvE and PvP? The concept of the class it what makes me interested in it but it's hard to take in the full discussion of this thread since it has happened over the course of a few months and things have changed.

    Would you or any other PvP/PvE HR's mind sharing your set up?
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    phargynphargyn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    jonkoca wrote: »
    No, you'll be fine unless...

    1) you depend on constriction for cc, or spam fox for cc immunity.
    2) a CW sees you.
    2a) there's a TR behind you.
    3) you try to hold a node on your own.
    4) someone hits you a couple of times.

    I really hope I'm exaggerating.

    Sorry,... no exaggeration,.... just finished my 100th win in PvP,... and what I am seeing is exactly what you describe. I'm not really able to take part in PvP any longer,... I can be a target that takes the pressure off the other 4 for about a second until I'm dead. That's about it,.. 2 months ago, I went 1 on 1 with a GF,.. it was a blast,... he won 2, I won 2. Now,.... no chance,.... 0 and 4. Unfortunately,... HR is the only character / class I've got. So for me,... it may be bye-bye to this game.... Just gets frustrating and no fun,... you spend a few months working a build and getting it up to lvl 60,... then with some decent gear,... and they change the rules in such a large way that everything is wasted effort,....... Very frustrated.
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