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What is the Arc Client?
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  • to be honest I didn't know what else to call it because its supposed to be Beta, but i've not heard or seen anything about a launch date, plus it shares elements of a live game. OP.. try going to the launcher selecting options and then verify the game files that could help if you haven't done it already. It depends what…
  • Try finding a guild that does the content you want to do.
  • These sorts of problems are not that unusual for a new game (I've beta tested and been at launch for quite a few of them). With the best will in the world sometimes fixing a bug will cause more bugs etc. It'll get better as time passes and in about 6 months the vast majority of bugs will be gone. The major one's like the…
  • Thanks for taking the time and effort with posting this OP, I've been using it while levelling up my GWF and I like it. Just wanted to take 30 secs to says thanks. :)
  • No offence meant mate, but it might be time to look for another guild. It sounds like they need to get there heads removed from there backsides. It sounds like you're not having any fun in that guild and that's the idea of them. Its the problem with having GS.. saw it on wow when it first appeared there, so when I was…
  • This issue needs to be looked into, I've had exactly the same thing, my CW will stand in a red circle and cast no matter what. Its like he's standing there saying... no.. I'm not moving until I cast this even if I die in the process (i just think CW's have a real stubborn streak). I've also had this to a lesser extent with…
  • about 6.7k on my CW. Not overly concerned atm about getting gear, I'd rather level alts and check out the other classes as well as getting AD's to respec when the other paragon path's come out.
  • Its like if you own a cat called Sparky, thats his or her name until you decide otherwise. NW is Cryptic's game and if they say its Beta thats exactly what it is. Whether it has elements of a live game or not. To be honest from what i've seen there's elements of things that says to me it should be in Alpha and not Beta.…
  • Have you ever thought by labelling the folder "Live" it would stop people from having two copies of the game on the PC, and save HD space, and you wouldn't have to re download the full game client when it goes "Live"? It looks like its called "Live" so when the full release candidate is ready it'll just patch over the top…
  • Whatever the folder is called doesn't matter, it could have been called Barney Rubble, Fred Flintstone or Xena warrior princess as far as I'm concerned if Cryptic say its open beta thats exactly what it is. My only wondering about this whole affair is Open Beta usually lasts about 4 weeks, but the game imo is far from…
  • I dont think the dev team had thought there was this many bugs in the game, not the exploits anyway (although rumours are that one was in closed beta) these take time and man power to fix setting the schedule back by a few days / weeks. Let the devs do there stuff and then in 6 months time when the game's live etc then…
  • I like the little pack. But i tried to put the XP booster in the mail to myself so i could use it on another other than my level 60 and found I couldn't. I'm hoping the devs pick up on this so i can at least give it to another of my chars instead of deleting it.
  • I feel pretty much the same as you OP. I signed up for a open Beta test so in the beginning I was treating it like a Beta I was finding bugs looking them up and if I couldn't see them previously reported I reported them. Then the exploits started and I started to hit the forum''s more to see what the hell happened etc.. I…
  • Its nice they feel this is needed, but in beta things like this happen. Although its making me wonder if the game is truly in Beta still.
  • I believe its the @handle that makes a difference. Its like having half a dozen guys all called John with different surnames.
  • I agree with you, plus a lot of people posting seem to have missed the point of what a Beta test is and seem to be treating NW as a live game thats out of the testing phase. I can understand a lot of the moaning if it was a live game, but its a test. It just happens that the store was enabled and people helped test the in…
  • Same issue here, Virgin in the Bristol area of the UK.
  • Its not up to me buddy, but this is a beta test not the final release of the game. Speaking personally I understand about the amount of time invested so far, I've put in quite a bit of time myself. But I refuse to put in any money into a game that's in the Beta stages. It has been known for games in the Beta stages to be…
  • I've never been involved in a Beta test Open or otherwise that didn't involve a complete character wipe before the game was released as live. Problems like we've been experiencing are usually the reasons behind the wipe to make sure no exploits etc are being carried over to the live game, although some bugs graphical or…
  • I figured that might be the case, cheers for the confirmation. I guess once the server comes back then I'll probably get the email for the PW change.
  • Just as additional on this, i tried to change my PW, been waiting about 40 mins so far for a confirmation email, still haven't gotten anything and it is going to the right email address. I've Just tried logging into the game with either old or new pw and it says the account service is down.
  • If your having issues getting into groups, why not start up your own guild? Advertise in zone chat for some help setting up a guild, let them know they dont have to stay if they dont want to, do some recruiting then when things start moving you'll have your group, make new friends. At best you'll be doing dungeons and…
  • A character wipe at this point would require a lot of work, I'm guessing because people have already bought stuff off the zen store. If this was made transferable to new characters I'm all for it. (not for my sake, but for the people who have already sunk rl cash into the game)
  • Glad its not just me, i've been getting lag for the past hour or so, tried re-logging that cleared it for about 5 mins. Had numerous server not responding too.
  • This game has a lot of potential as it stands at the moment, but there is still a long way to go in my opinion before it can even compete with a lot of MMO's on the market at the moment. Personally before the end of open beta i hope a lot of the issues are resolved, a couple of things i personally want to see changed is…
  • Teshendale Shadowdale Scardale Moondale Harrowdale Deepingdale