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  • That's some rather unimaginative editing of my post you chose to reply to isn't it? Picking out one small part so that it totally loses the context of which I intended it..... grow up, or get a job with the press where at least you get paid for that kinda thing.
  • The Permastealth definitely needed to be broken, but they could have done this simply by raising the cooldown of bait and switch...... What they have done is overkill, and it will affect PVE, Don't get me wrong, the rouge is still going to be the highest single target dps in the game, and therefore still desirable for…
  • heh, well, the only way I'd believe they're taking action against people for this is if I'd seen it myself...... I've been playing MMOs longer than you, and only a few(very few) games ever took action against KSers, and PWE/Cryptic is not known to be a company that takes action against such things......... but if it makes…
  • lol, don't get me wrong, it's annoying when people do this, but reporting them isn't going to do anything because they haven't broken any rules. It's not griefing, the only way it's griefing is if you make a reasonable effort to move(change instance) and they follow you and continue to interfere in your fights..... also…
  • Personally I feel a sense of achievement that I didn't have to break out the wallet for an account bound epic mount, 6 char slots, respec tokens, and gear for 5 level 60 chars...... Instant gratification is overrated, and completely defeats the purpose of an MMORPG..... You want Instant Gratification? Why bother even…
  • It's not just you, those things are broken for my guild as well..... my guild is pretty full atm, and I can't even send around a guild mail letting people know that I have to kick for super long periods of inactivity(IE months) to make room for new recruits..... I just feel I owe them the courtesy of an explanation of some…
  • Save up your AD, convert it to zen in the exchange and buy things that way...... I've never spent a single penny on this game, and yet I own an account wide 110% mount, 6 character slots, and have bought a respec or two..... it's really not that hard.
  • This is extremely discouraging....... as someone who's already leveled every class to 60, been through all the story contentso many times, played with all the dungeons, gauntlegrym, etc...... there's going to be very little reason for me to continue playing if they're not releasing a new class....... way to drop the ball…
  • Hmmmmm, might be a nice little place to farm enchantments or something? Being level 60s with all purples, I doubt they were botters, botters generally don't sport purples, they were probably just farming enchantments is my guess..... I'll have to give that area a look myself, thanks for the heads up.
  • Well, it's not really about balancing, as everyone knows, some classes have advantages that make them a natural choice for PVP, and other classes have to work really hard to do well in PVP...... that's not a problem the way I see it, the enchantments are allowing for people to be overpowered to far too huge a degree,…
  • I completely agree, level 60 pvp is completely <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> because of such and other enchantments, I think a good solution would be to remove the effects of all enchantments entirely in PVP, and leave their effects alone for PVE.... this way a player could only be overpowered as much as his base…
  • True, but that could be solved with a better cash shop model, reserve the cash shop for fashion and purely cosmetic item purposes.... people shouldn't be able to buy 110% mounts, coalescent wards, bigger bags, and respecs, those things should all be earned.
  • NO!!!! NO!!!! NO!!!!! That is all :)
  • Lulz..... you'll be eating those words soon enough.... knockbacks are very useful in dungeons when used correctly..... probably a bit overused in some cases. You're what.... lvl 20? You have much to learn young one.
  • Yeah right, I've played 4 characters to 60 and enjoyed every minute of it, and am still enjoying it....though finding myself a little bored and really hoping the new classes are coming soon lately, but in any event, the game's far from perfect, it's got it's share of bugs, annoyances, and things I don't agree with, not a…
  • LOL, Atleast you get a funny story out of it, my fight with the dwarf king was far less eventful.... a few unlucky wipes, and getting to watch our rouge that we had on the boss go flying across the room a few dozen times before we finally took him down.
  • Well, I have 4 level 60s........ yeah, leveling probably a bit too fast.
  • In D&D RP terms. Would a D&D character attempt to cleave a monster in two with a single swing of his powerful blade? Sure, in-fact I think it's a requirement in the adventurers job application. Would a D&D character use powerful spells to fling hoards of monsters to their screaming deaths off a cliff? Absolutely! Would a…
  • I will enjoy the game just fine with you not playing it thankyou, I will enjoy the game with you playing it, couldn't care less either way, but if you play with me, you'll play right.
  • If you'd bother to read the "balance changes" blog on the front page of the site, you'd see these things are getting fixed in the gauntlegrym update...... until then, people who are using these exploits are not at all playing the game the way it was intended..... do you see a **** achievment for exploiting your way through…
  • The problem with the world today is everyone's in a hurry, well guess what, you in my group, you slow the hell down and do it right or i kick you.
  • Insist that your party do the dungeon correctly, if not, kick them if lead, or leave and find another group....... I agree it's ridiculous that there is so much exploitation occurring in dungeons..... but it's only happening because other people go along with it..... when you refuse the most they can do is whine, call you…
  • You quitting? Buh bye then, I'll still be playing, I'm not letting something so trivial and stupid ruin my game experience, I just find it annoying, and something requiring action, not a deal breaker..... quit trying to turn your own thread from a "let us report the bots in-game" into a "wah cryptic was mean to me, ima…
  • Most bots I've seen simply run to bases on foot, if they encounter an enemy player they will generally not use encounters, instead they will simply chop away with their at-wills.... and hit you for practically nothing and be really really easy to kill. I have seen bots that use horses to go from base to base, but they will…
  • YES! I'm seeing bots in every single PVP match, I usually don't report because the whole ticket process is way too much of a hassle, If I could simply right click on a persons portrait and click a report menu option, I'd be far more likely to report the bots and hackers I come across(and yes there ARE people hacking in…
  • LOL, we DON'T WANT the WoWTards here, PLEASE let them stay with that crappy game and as far away from here as possible..... Subscription games are a thing of the past, it's a failed model, past it's prime, free 2 play and buy to play are where it's at, why in the world would they want to move backwards instead of forwards?…
  • Wipe is easy as pie, hit delete character and be done with it. Quit crying about what exploiters are "taking advantage if", Let cryptic worry about the exploiters, you just play the game and shut up, or don't for that matter, either way is fine with me, just quit whining.
  • AKA QQing..... Less QQ, more Pew Pew, A gift is just that, A GIFT, they didn't have to give us a **** thing, you don't question a gift, did you tell you're parents that the gifts they gave you on Christmas were <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and that you think it's an insult? Seriously!?!?! o.O