What's the point of interest in Rothe Farms inside the wagon next to Imbross Irri' Karr ?
I was handing in a quest to Imbross and noticed a constant stream of players (mostly the same names,level 60 with all purple gear) going into the wagon,a minute later spawning outside the wagon and going back in again.Occasionally they would stop at the vendor and sell (I presume).
I did ask in zone chat,but nobody took the time to answer,so it leaves me guessing Imbross has a nice little drug trade going on inside the wagon. lol
Can anyone shed some light on what's going on inside please ?
It is small, and I believe that instance has one node of each type and...two? chests. And yeah, being even remotely geared level 60 would make it extremely quick to run through, especially if you just hit the first node over and over.
I prefer the first whispering caverns instance personally, slower, but seems to have better odds of rank 4s.
Okay, Panic.
And yeah,the guys running it were doing it pretty fast,I didn't time it however,but it was a constant stream of players (same names)
Thanks for your replys guys/girls.
Side note: Funny how nobody had time in game to enlighten me and had to fall back to the forum.Thanks again for replys.
and ofc they dont want it to be public cause then it will get fixed
Once completed u can't reactivate it though, or maybe i just don't know how.
just look up the AH for Rank 5 enchantments then look up the sellers name and try to locate the subject, it will say for example "The Night Raid #10"
They avoid to start auctions with 99 pieces of rank 5 enchantments since it's too suspicious and Cryptic banned such sellers recently. They have now multiple accounts and their auctions variate form 15 - 30 pieces each. It's very likely that sophisticated Bot-Programs exist to run this specific instance over and over again.
Ye guys that's how the Gold Sell Mafia or in this case AD-Sell-Mafia works.