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  • I have eight characters that I am leveling, four of which are fully booned for Sharandar on the live server. I have done minimal testing of the new Paragon path for the CW and have a level 58 Hunter/Ranger on the test server. I am an altaholic and will eventually have all the classes at level 60. Now, I have an outrageous…
  • I believe the moderation shown in this thread represents the understanding that this is a thread to organize an event to honour those that serve rather than a thread debating specific incidents that occurred and given the times of the posts it seems that understanding is shared by other moderators as well. I will be…
  • I agree completely. The shard merge seems to have solved the possible conflicts of being able to send items across shards, not sure why that was a problem but now it is solved. Bind to account and account banks solve many issues with the drops, specifically in Malabog's Castle.
  • Scardale, Featherdale, Deepingdale, Harrowdale, High Dale and Mistledale
  • Bremen, Caer-Konig, Goodmead, Termalaine
  • Baenre, Barrison Del'Armgo, <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> Tlabbar, Xorlarrin and Mizzrym I believe are the current most powerful houses. If I was to risk the wrath of the Spider Queen and mention fallen houses, Agrach Dyrr would seem worth mentioning as well.
  • Ahh, the memories of the first computers people used. I am a bit older which allows for earlier adoption of technology. Cassette cartridge memory devices, making the ball bounce and change colours on what predates a commodore 64 and measuring transfer rates in baud are some of my favourites. For me the sound codes sent by…
  • The feat breakdown and the discussion of the Paragon Paths was excellent. Your analysis of the feats was informative. I had not looked at the Paragon Paths very closely as I was playing multiple classes to get a feel for each of them. I was following the bar across and putting 5 feat points into each column and wondering…
  • I understand the dilemma but have a few thoughts on the matter. The Founders packs are available now and in the future. The offering of the Founders packs now allows the customers that have made the decision to buy with the information available to buy now, with the bonus of initial closed beta access. The beta tests,…
  • The answer to coloured text was given in another thread. You are free to use any colour of text in your posts you would like. Several other members have chosen to use green text as well. One of the other moderators uses blue text. The colour palette for text is open to everyone. And btw, Welcome to Neverwinter
  • From my memory of the videos you may be mistaking the 4e Rogue ability of accessing the shadowfell (I am not a loremaster, so I apologize if I incorrectly describe this power) for stealth. If the screen was much darker then that is what it is. Stealth should be covered by Thievery in 4e which includes pick lock, pick…
    in Stealth Comment by marenor February 2013
  • There may be a Dwarf or two in my future. Judging from the avatar at least. I have in the past preferred Dwarves and I see no reason to stop this trend, even if the race and class are mismatches.
  • I will start with examining the character creation utility to try to understand the options available and to determine my personal favourite. I will then test the basic social interaction functionality, interacting with NPC's and other player's. If guilds or other more advanced social interaction is available I will try to…
  • Adomas, There has been confirmation that the Founders packs are applied to your account and the items will be available after each character wipe. Specifically the mounts and companions.
  • Going back to the OP. Gillrm did not seem to be suggesting that the unlock be universally disabled but that there be a method to allow people past the level limit unlock. Gillrm suggested that respected authors be allowed to invite other authors known to them to access the Foundry. Given that the Foundry unlock was…
  • I am going from memory to posts that I have read earlier and hopes this makes sense to you, I believe the time is set about 100 years after the Spellplague. There is a detailed timeline created by one of the resident loremasters, Zebular in the Art and Fiction section of the Moonstone Mask. The thread is stickied. I hope…
  • Very nice Bluesteel8. It brought a smile to my face and now back to watching the forums. :D
  • If Fortune Cards are similar to what I have experienced then I have played with them a few times. If I remember correctly, they have permanent affects which are sometimes beneficial and were very rarely provided by the GM's. I would imagine that some of the affects would have to be changed, i.e. "Your character grows a set…
  • I was drawn 'Dungeons & Dragons: Neverwinter' (NWO) initially due to the affiliation with D&D and Wizards of the Coast (WotC). I have played in steady PnP campaigns mainly based in the Forgotten Realms (FR) over the years. Even a GURPS campaign that was loosely based upon FR lore, just to change up the game play. As I…
  • The mount code in the most recent issue of PCGamer, with the Neverwinter cover, contains a key the guarantees you a mount and is a Beta key. The Closed Beta access will be phased, which means the key qualifies you for access to the Closed Beta but does not guarantee which phase of the Closed Beta you will get access to.
  • Welcome ruffiana, Thank you for visiting. It is nice to see developers posting on the forums. What are the trade-offs that you consider the most difficult to come to terms with when you begin a new animation?
  • Given the non-committal responses to the Ranger class that have been released I would initially like to play a TWF Ranger, even if it is likely just another voice encouraging the development of the class. Of the officially released classes I would like to play a Brawny Rogue and may then try a Great Weapon Fighter. If I…
  • Sgio, D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) was a PnP (Pencil and Paper) rpg that dates back to 1970's. There have been various editions throughout the years and D&D Next (5th Edition) is currently being play tested. This game is based on the 4th Edition rule set and the FR (Forgotten Realms) lore, specifically the city of Neverwinter…
  • Greetings Paks, Welcome to the Neverwinter forums.
    in I'm Paks Comment by marenor January 2013
  • Gillrmn, I believe this may be belated at this point, but happy birthday. I have appreciated the information you have provided throughout the forums and I look forward to playing the game with you
  • L'bel'la zhah udosst Truth, lu'bel'la dos