I second that GF is screwed. I'm cool with DPS spec being a viable option. I kind of like the idea! But it's HAMSTER that 2 other specs are completely worthless. At this point the whole feat tree is pointless. Might as well not have it and just give the bonuses passively instead of the false sense of customization.
Yes because people that work at Mcdonalds have no bills at all and aren't worried about paying rent/bills/food. Just because you have no bills and can spend all your hard earned burger dollars on video games doesn't mean everyone can. A LOT of people that play free to play games can't afford to spend money on a monthly…
You might be surprised how easy scaling gear would be to code. One method (block of code) could be ran on all stats for each piece of gear to bump it to the higher level. It would be very similar to how they code the stats for gear already in the game. Yet I couldn't get on board with that since it would take out incentive…
Reminds me of another MMO that has PVP. I hear they have ranked matches now but I'm sure they are the same unless your whole team is fully decked out with "(insert adjective here) PvP gear".
The PVP in this game reminds me of Arathi Basin in WoW. People are to stupid and just want to PewPew the enemy instead of focusing on the objectives to win. Hell wow even tried giving bonus honor when you stood at these capture points but people still would often not fight on them. Really take the win as a "you were…
I am only a level 41 GF on my main so what I have to input will only be up to that point. I play a GF because I enjoy tanking in games. I find joy in seeing dozens of mobs trying to beat me down as I laugh in their faces. I've been building towards tanky/aoe threat/aoe CC. For the first 20 levels I tried tanking anything I…
Nope but this means that they are working on the code for the AH. I wouldn't be surprised if next patch has more AH fixes. This is just what one dude fixing that bit of code has fixed so far.
Good idea but shouldn't be necessary. This is something they really need to fix. I sent an in game bug report but that was on day 2 of OB. As my friend says they are "need rolling on vendor spec".
I am really starting to hate dungeons. My experience with them from 30 to my current level 37 has not been enjoyable. First off I love a good challenge in a game. I played to many games that are face roll and they get boring fast. But I think that once you hit 30 there are several issues that are giving me a bad…
I agree that this needs a healthy buff. It is barely damage. At level 33 I find it doing 1-9 damage back at enemies. If this was an always on it would be a lot better but still need more %. Instead you have to be blocking for this to count as well as use up 1 of 2 slots for active.
I don't have this ability yet but I already know its going to get me huge threat. My GF is my main and level 31, already I can tell I'm having an easier time tanking things and holding aggro. There are plenty of things I plan to use when I unlock them to be even better at tanking. Yet I don't see it smart for me to tank…
A lot of QQ. Yeah it sucks you can only put so much in heroic and then are forced to use the rest of feats in paragon. Yeah it sucks that it does not explain this anywhere. But this is how the game was designed. If these defense feats were so important why didn't you pick them up? If you don't want to spend AD on the (the…