seems they stealth changed it during latest patch.....i loved my +10 AC armor :'( but seems you were right about it bbeing a bug...personally i thought it was just compensating the somewhat decent stats it had other then the AC.
and yet none the less when you call tech support about something not working the first thing they ask is..."are you sure it is plugged?" guess there's a good reason for that lol
you a tad late to the debate but yeah sadly there isnt any >< and we never got any words about why hr are treated different then all the previous classes changes that all got a respec token, from what i've been told anyhow.
i agree that for domination it should be only for your own battle instance in zone chat. As for GG i think a side chat would be better. I actually ridiculed someone iin domination out of a misundertanding cause i thought he was in same battle and whining while they were totally winning by a large margin :s
i agree a "dressing room" would be a nice thing....heck even being able to see the mounts before buying em would be nice (had trouble deciding which horse to choose at lvl 20 because i had no clue how they looked) PS: i think that half-elf would look a lot better without those hats :p
but without naivety (like the naivety to believe that signing a piece of paper guarantees that you will do what's written on it) we would be in constant war!:eek: so i find naivety relaxing and good personally :p
true it is somewhat weird to have error warnings (like inventory full ones) in yellow but completion messages in red lol and am i stupid to still hope for a free respec token because of changes to gwf and hr classes? lol
aaaw here i was hoping there would be a mention about a retraining token..o well guess those fixes needed to be done too. Can't blame a guy to try and understand why is hunter doesn't get a token when the other classes did in similar situations.
i was actually wondering what people were going about in zone some people got a random email with a giveaway code? dang why didn't i get one :'(
If all the comments i have read about how the other classes have gotten themselves a retraining token upon gaining a new paragon path, i find it somewhat darn right unjust towards us hunter rangers who were forced to choose the stormwarden path wether we liked it or not. If this was the only change the hunter class had…