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  • I hate to ask this, but in the game for full screen mode, you do have the resolution selected that is one supported by your monitor? So if you have 1920x1080, your monitor supports that? I've seen people select 1920x1200 by accident and get the result you are describing. It's like saying "you have the newest drivers" and…
  • I would say this is a Perfectworld account issue, not a bug. You should contact them through perfectworld tech support web page, be specific, and wait about 24 hours for an email reply (it is launch day after all). They are quite helpful, but it does take a few emails to get past the rubber-stamp responses sometimes. The…
  • Game mechanics based on calculations of a falling object...well played papare33, well played.
  • They have said this was a timed event - the 20/20 hindsight suggestions would be you should have sold before you logged off, lol. :p I'm guessing the bone dealer will appear in other "events", so unless your inventory doesn't have the room for the bones, you will just have to wait for his return. That being said - if…
  • I really wish I had seen this last night. I have 2 equal level characters - the first hit the bug on Sunday, the second last night. I never would have thought of the /killme fix, so simple. And the change characters? Of course, you respawn back at nearest campfire. Brilliant! The only option in the NW bug/help was to…
  • Sigh...I've only just gotten to 60 and finally bought some good gear...only to find everything I've learned and been using is now nerfed. I should just ask people for money to play the class that nobody wants - it will then get nerfed and everyone else will be happy as their class dodges the hammer. I don't even know if I…
  • That was very helpful, thank you - I now have a guide for where I am going to eventually die multiple times .... So...to be "that" guy. I've all but the cap of the "Focal" set, any idea where that drops? The caps are still 100k on auction house, and I'm just too new to 60 and poor to spend that much!
  • Ok, so I don't know if this is similar enough to what you are describing, but my game doesn't crash so much as it "freezes" every once in a while while I am working in the guild bank (not typically personal bank). Typically, I cntrl-alt-del out and run task manager, after a few seconds, I go back to the game and it's now…
  • Haven't tested this, but here is something a player suggested in another thread.
  • I was selecting other "tasks" until it fixed itself, and that work around seemed to work most of the time. I'll try your script if it happens again! Thanks.
  • I am having a similar issue. I've tried IE/Mozilla/Chrome, all fail with similar text error. Been using Chrome for about 2 weeks without issue up until today. I'm not seeing any Dev reports on this at the moment. Error: OK, open 'c:\DragonServer\NightServer\gateway\prod\Night\login\server\public\locale\en\index.html'at…
    in Gateway Comment by dakxer May 2013
  • Yes. And your helpful response tells us all about you as well. :cool: Lighten up everyone, no need to be mean about this. Everyone who played lost "time" on Sunday, and valuable "playing time" while the server was down (I fit into both categories). Lets all just move forward and try and prevent cheaters from ruining our…
  • Best question I heard asked: I opened 10 nightmare lock boxes on Sunday - will they have the same items in them that they did when opened? Should I just throw them away and get new boxes then since they had junk? In other words, the lock boxes were junk on Sunday....are they still junk, or are the contents of the lock…
  • Well, the forums have been entertaining, so thanks all for posting ;) I put this at about 7 hours, so I hope that is due to the fact they have fixed the bug and are now going through logs to catch the cheaters. I'm willing to lose a night of gameplay if at least "some" of the people responsible are dealt with. I expect…
  • Agreed. Having the bad luck of playing mostly on weekends, this hurts. The economy isn't ruined unless this was widespread. I have not heard how many accounts are involved (is it 40%, or just 1 %) If it is just 1%, I would think they can just destroy those accounts and any account they "shared" mail with - as those are the…
  • What a great idea for both guilds and everyone else. But for guilds, it's yet another reason for members to hit that web page for information instead of digging through the dev comments looking for information. Plus the Dev forum is always good for a lot complaining, which isn't a mood we want our fellow players to be in.…
  • Shaudra, "log off and log on" is a solution I've had with using the gateway and the game at the same time. I'd say, there is some miscommunication and handshaking that isn't being cleaned up between the systems. Glad to hear it fixed your problem, and I'm glad you followed up so people know your simple option to try!
  • Another way to look at it is that although you are "getting better at your craft" you are also crafting more complicated items that take more time:p To make you feel better, one of the bonus slots is to have 100% asset bonus, so I'm guessing that's a target to shoot for. I'm curious if that means things are made "right…
  • I lost a few diamonds, maybe 20? because of this bug. I was deleting blank emails to get rid of the mess so I could get to the attachment emails. Whoops. It is sad to hear it wasn't a 1-time thing. I figured it was something I was doing, but the "dual listing" is exactly what I saw. A good warning to those that are quick…
  • They just need to add the invoking to the gateway.playneverwinter.com, then people can log in with cell phones and invoke every day they are on vacation! ...lol, just kidding.
  • I feel silly posting twice, but I agree with you and tungsten and you just posted: I would have liked special treatment, but didn't expect it. In a week, things will be different. The people who were in the pre-play were some of the most polite and helping people I've seen in general chats. Nobody calling people stupid…
  • Honestly, VIP means "Very Important Person", not "early access". If the $60 only meant 3-days of pre-play, it should have been called 3PP other than VIP. I get they want to make money, but by intentionally misleading people into thinking they are purchasing something that makes them important, when in fact it means nothing…