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corpsemaker86 Bounty Hunter


  • why do the devs do everything they can to make sure pve is exclusive to CWs?
  • So give Sents a feat that un-does the effects of heal depression. You can't just do a massive nerf to survivability in one patch and on the very next patch do a massive nerf to dps. This cripples the class. Sents are absolutely horrible in pve. All we have is pvp. It's so easy for us to die now and the new sent pvp gear…
  • ok yes I think this move should be changed to actually provide correct utility. As it stands, this move is a dps move. It's hardly a gap closer. The problem is you warp to your enemy then freeze in place while they continue to move. The result is that u never actually catch up to your opponent. If you use T.R. you cant…
  • why are you making us choose between damage or survivability. there is no middle ground anymore The sentinel pvp gear has almost no offensive stats whatsoever. You cant mix and match pieces of destroyer without losing set bonuses. General consensus is that GWFs are balanced after Healing Depression. This is really a double…
  • I would really like a dev response on this topic 1) should I be expecting a bonus? 2) If not, why? There is already a reduction in stats to make way for tenacity. No set bonus doesn't make sense. The profound weapon set is more expensive than any other pvp pieces in terms of both glory and seals. Why even bother to…
  • ^^ I don't know what to say about this emotional rant but I stopped reading after a few paragraphs, its far too long and reads as a wall of text. But after you finish crying and want to get into a real discussion, reread my post and understand 1) I am clearly referring to perma style gameplay. I even defended combat TRs in…
  • And you can check my posting history. Its well known that I play and have strongly defended TR's in the past. I have a TR with over 18k Gear Score and I'm well aware of their power relative to other classes.
  • 40k hp is a little high even if you swapped out for 2x 616hp rings instead and changed the thickgristle with frostbite (and of course have all the feats and hp boon) hp still isn't 40k. That's assuming you have 4x rank 10 radiant. would give you 39,850 hp. with the greater repulsion and thickgristle its down to 38,593. and…
  • ^^ I didn't have trouble bursting him down u nub, I had trouble killing him with his SF and pvp artifact combo. Offense is also defense and u cant do damage to someone when your dead. he's a skilled player hey guys I haven't checked this thread in a while. ill make sure to add whoever has asked. I've been playing my new…
  • no it doesn't They didn't list it on purpose. they would have been more than happy to show off about the speed increase in the notes if it were actually faster What makes this truly disgusting is that they wont simply list its 110% speed, so casual players will drop hundreds on boxes only to find out the hard way. There…
  • There is nothing legendary about this. You cant release a new mount and put an orange bar around it to drive sales... that's discussing and so classless by the devs. Looks are in the eye of the beholder, some of the 50% mounts look better than the 110% mounts but that doesn't make them epic. We judge a mounts rarity rating…
  • Considering that I was able to buy many stacks of 99 RANK 5 ENCHANTS for only 91k, rank 4 is a complete an utter joke. where are the eggs? because of the devs being greedy and purposely not adding eggs to this event reward like they should have, they now cost 42k+ and at times the cheapest eggs in the ah are in the 50k…
  • I can show you if you would like. feel free to que with me in pvp. Feel free to send me a friend invite I have already listed my character name and the handle is my user name. I've embarrassed some of the best GWFs in the game Your also underestimating deflect for TRs. 41% is nothing to scoff at especially when TRs get 75%…
  • You guys are doing it wrong. The key to beat GWFs is actually through burst. Take it from a very experienced and nearly unbeatable 1v1 character My Character DarkMaster has progressed to the point that he will win 1v1 against any GWF. In fact, the only 1v1 loss I had in recent memory was against steamroller in a GvG…
  • They could easily fix the problem by introducing lots of fights with only 2-3 enemies... of which the enemies are heavy tanks with high dps and CC immunities. This will take away the CWs ability to bunch them together, aka their aoe damage, and allow a more focused assault. This brings up the value of GFs and TRs. I really…
  • I have a 16k sent with only a greater vorpal and I prone ppl from 100% to 0 ALL THE TIME on live. haven't tried it on test yet. And yes, we are the low armor dps melee class, we are entitled to the most burst dps. everyone knows this. Who cares about utility when the moves themselves suck. Utility as in we have a move that…
  • Trololol 25%? Actually, I agree TRs shouldn't be allowed to kill anything there should be a button that you click when u see a TR that automatically kills them. This is an easier solution and in line with your suggestions
  • 75% deflect severity because we are a melee class. you get to damage ppl from 40-80 yards away. of course we will have higher deflect severity what kind of stupid question is that. You also have more dodges than we do. Also, Most TRs do even have high deflect. On average a TR will run with 19-24% deflect which isn't…
  • Dazing Strike has been bugged for a while, and the range of the move is terrible. The animation is very long and doesn't follow the player so an enemy can simply walk away from it Its a decent move out of stealth but the problem is that you can no longer que it up while in stealth due to some sort of bug making it a bad…
  • You cant defend CWs that refuse to invest anything into defense. These are the types of players that grab blue belts so they can avoid using defensive slots instead of offensive slots The ONLY good CWs in pvp are the ones that focus on defensive abilities... period Deflect, HP, and Regen in the current pvp system for CWs.…
  • You don't understand the class to make those comments. Every single offensive ability?? (LOLOLOL) We have 2 burst moves, Impact Shot and Lashing Blade. In fact, we have the most utility moves of any class with very few true damage dealing moves. Lashing is one of the easiest moves in the game to avoid and has a 20 sec…
  • ^^ I Don't understand the nerf to Impact Shot considering the fact that Defenses have already been buffed tremendously. I would like an explanation as to why they wait until they add tenacity to implement this. I could have lived with them reducing the charges to 3 maximum out of stealth, and I also could have lived with…
  • You guys are assuming a lot of things about TRs... In particular, that we are all permastealth << LOL The reality is that a very large percentage of TRs don't like this play style. You need to understand that many of us don't even have the ability to restealth in combat and must go without taking damage for a very long…
  • I love the idea O.P. Everything you have suggested is spot on
  • well, considering that they nerfed the stats of the current GG set; I use it for pve :( I cant imagine any tenacity items being actually good since they lower the stats. Also, at 18% anything else is just dumb. they shouldn't add more tenacity on top
  • there is no skill of the same magnitude. I don't know how you play your TR but if your like me and don't play as a stealthy TR (ffs I don't even use S.S.) Impact was very important and completely irreplaceable. Its over, get ready for 100% of TRs to play as perma in pvp