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Trickster Rogue is now the most Tanky Class in the game

corpsemaker86corpsemaker86 Member Posts: 148 Bounty Hunter
edited March 2014 in The Thieves' Den
They have far surpassed GWFs and GFs since the pvp patch came out.
Its absurd that a class which was intended to be soft is actually the hardest to kill.

The problems are the following:
1) Lowest Risk dps in the game
2) Highest survivability in the game
3) Complete control of fights
The combo of these issues make them extremely imbalanced in pvp

The way that the class is designed right now gives them complete control over whether they win or lose which is a completely broken game mechanic.

In more detail, some major issues reveal whats wrong with the class:
*Stealth bonus speed of 30%, allows them to play cat and mouse on nodes. Really? stealth makes u go faster? that makes sense....not. Only in this game have I seen this. If you use the top 5 MMOs that have a rogue class for reference Rogues ALWAYS move slower in stealth, not faster. YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE SNEAKING, this means slower movement.
-Since they are moving so quickly even when u find them on a node and try to attack they move away at a quicker rate than you can catch them. If you try to use an AOE or CC to get them out of stealth they will anticipate it once you get close to them and dodge roll. Dodge should remove stealth just like encounter powers.
Honestly, the class would be much more balanced if they removed the stealth speed class feature. It at least gives a chance for other players to beat TR's on a node

If it wasn't for the combat TR's that actually need ItC, I would suggest this ability be reworked as well.
75% deflect severity is too high now. The move is synergistic with fey thistle boon and tenacity. Should be lowered to 50% to better reflect the state of the game.
Also, full damage immunity is absurd and a beyond moronic game design. ITC from stealth should have only 75%-90% immunity. this will at least give players a chance to put dots on the TR since you already know the TR will go back to stealth after his ItC - DF combo ends.
Post edited by corpsemaker86 on


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    corpsemaker86corpsemaker86 Member Posts: 148 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    And you can check my posting history. Its well known that I play and have strongly defended TR's in the past. I have a TR with over 18k Gear Score and I'm well aware of their power relative to other classes.
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    twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm just astonished that nobody else has ever raised these concerns before.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
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    todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    No worries, corpsemaker86. Just keep posting constructive feedback and the devs will definitely see them. They already have some plans to rework some of our mechanics, so I'm sure changes aren't far off. Let's just wait for their announcements so we can test it in preview and provide additional feedback.
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    *Stealth bonus speed of 30%, allows them to play cat and mouse on nodes. Really? stealth makes u go faster? that makes sense....not. Only in this game have I seen this. If you use the top 5 MMOs that have a rogue class for reference Rogues ALWAYS move slower in stealth, not faster. YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE SNEAKING, this means slower movement.

    I explained this in another thread where someone was making the same complaint.

    In every other game I've played, there is no depleting stealth meter. You hide (possibly making a hide check for success), and then you're hidden until revealed (by an action, by a spot check, etc.).

    In Neverwinter, if your stealth meter is full, you can hide, but then the meter starts draining and when it's empty your stealth ends.

    So speed boosts from being stealthed are a mechanic created to help TRs actually have time to do things during the duration of their stealth.

    Also bear in mind that much of the speed bonus while in stealth comes from specific class features and without those slotted, the TR's movement speed in stealth will be normal. There's also one feat in the third tier of the Saboteur tree, which relatively few people even play due to the underwhelming capstone.

    If not specced for it, their movement speed in stealth is normal, and this should absolutely not be reduced because of the way stealth works in Neverwinter. In other games, it makes sense to have a reduced movement rate because you're not playing beat-the-clock (or rather, the depleting meter).
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    revocainerevocaine Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 58
    edited March 2014
    PvE on the other hand....
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    slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    It is the SE that makes TR broken atm.

    It is a auto win in 1 v 1s.
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    coldfire2038coldfire2038 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    i agree whole heartedly with the *dodge roll should make them come out of cloak* just because look at the HR, their stealth ability is broken by dodging, taking hits, someone looking at you, the slightest breeze, phases of the moon, and if you start walking with your left foot instead of your right
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    izidiusizidius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 40
    edited March 2014
    i agree whole heartedly with the *dodge roll should make them come out of cloak* just because look at the HR, their stealth ability is broken by dodging, taking hits, someone looking at you, the slightest breeze, phases of the moon, and if you start walking with your left foot instead of your right

    A ranger isn't even supposed to have stealth...that's a Rogue's territory.

    Stop attacking the rogue, you all want to nerf the damage, the stealth and skills...what next? Nerf their little hp and defense?
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    kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    1. There is nothing strange, unique, or particular about a stealth-based class holding the initiative in combat.

    (1) This has been true for all types, all sorts of classes that utilize any form of stealth/invisibility as a class mechanic. If anything, the TRs portrayed in NW are actually comparatively the weakest of them all in this aspect -- since in NW stealth is restricted to at most around 10 seconds, give or take a few.

    (2) This means (originally) stealth is suppressed as a sustained/maintained class trait, and is allowed only a limited use for direct combat purposes only. The short duration is by itself an inhibitor which puts a time limit on "taking the initiative." In many cases, a wrong judgement simply leads to stealth being wasted with no particular results at all.

    (3) If you really want to see "taking control of combat", refer to other assassin/rogue type classes in other MMOGs where stealth is most usually a toggle-type power with unlimited duration. In those games, you'd be able to observe the true meaning of "choosing fights".

    (4) Compared to that, NW stealth mechanic is actually the least threatening of them all.

    2. While it may seem like arguing semantics, there is great difference between a class being "tanky" and being "highly survivable". That's a big difference.

    (1) TRs are by no means "tanky". Again, if we compare it to similar classes in other games, NW TRs are actually the least impressive of them all with almost no means/powers that offer any kind of utility towards survival.

    (2) Typically, other assassin/rogue type classes in other games, are usually considered the most versatile combat class, equipped with a wide assortment of direct combat-utility powers, such as special crit boost buffs, special survival utilities, and multi-purpose CCs and interrupts. In NW, there is a grand total of ONE
    power that directly boosts defenses, and that is ITC in the MI paragon path. There is ONE defensive utility power in the form of Smoke Bomb, which has only very situational use due to its very short duration as well as being totally useless against any ranged attack, and there is ONE power that refills stealth, the Shadow Strike. (B&S is essentially a stealth extender, and has almost no use when used out of stealth)

    (3) Without the temporary effects of powers mentioned above TRs are inherently defenseless. Deflection, in the words of keltz0r, is "highly overrated". I have also mentioned in a few different posts on just how much deflection is needed for it to be really considered a defense mechanism that significantly boosts survival. Most dodge-based defenses in MMOGs need around at least 50~60% to really work as a main defense mechanism for a class ("main defense", as in real 'tank' classes relying on damage reduction).

    (4) "Survival" with a TR, believe it or not, most usually comes from the human factor, not from the class or its mechanic, and has no bearing whatsoever in how the TR may be "too tanky". If you have seen how the master-level TRs operate in terms of combat maneuvering, mind-games, and resourcefulness, you will understand. Good TR players never stop moving. They use everything within their disposal to their advantage, and particularly the terrain.

    Particularly in the Hotenow ruins map, although I'm not the best of the players out there, I could more or less reliably survive and escape 3~4 enemies with my life intact -- provided that these players are not as experienced as I am. I take into consideration the high-low terrain differences to use to hide, hide behind the stairs, run around pillars using my small Halfling stature, use these terrain features to break line of sight from enemy attacks, calculate which enemies to attack first, calculate the chances of survival or how long I can survive when I break stealth judging by which way the enemies are facing and which ones will not notice me attacking their friend who is way behind them. Caught in a bad situation among multiple enemies, I instinctively throw my VP dagger at the enemy furthest behind, which I will teleport to, and by doing so I know I will disappear from the sight of the enemies that are closest to me and attacking me, which has a high chance of buying me extra time to escape... etc etc..

    All of this comes from experience, and I don't really "think" about it. It comes instinctively in a fluid-motion as I continuously move around and change positions and etc.. TRs are all about combat maneuvering. Doing this successfully allows me to survive a lot longer than you might think, even when I don't have stealth, and even when I'm not a MI TR. I do this without ITC.

    If I can do that, just think about the level of "perfection" when the best TR players do this. The most noticeable trait about best TR players are their distinct maneuvering methods. You can immediately spot a good TR player and a bad one by just watching him move and position himself.

    ... all of this has nothing to do with whether the TR is systematically "tanky" or not. Most veteran TR players know this by heart, since none of the other classes need as much maneuvering as a TR does.

    I agree there needs to be something done about ITC. But at least, if something is to be done, it should be done from right intentions, and right intentions start out with right information.

    I don't think you have the right information.
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
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    tricksterknighttricksterknight Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2014
    hmmm , I almost have to agree with the post here. ,, if my gear was better and i was running perfects in all my slots BiS on my build I would be unstoppable Im pretty sure of that, I gained gobs of power, Huge amount of defence, gained deflection, and I run with 22% pvp resistance (1098 tenacity), Im also a halfling, so lets say I have 33% cc immunity now in pvp, on the down side i lost all my crit ,,, I have 568 crit now,, so that suffering ,, BUT, base damage is much higher which tenacity does not effect so maybe it was a good trade off. I have been face tanking some GWFs, GFs, other rogues, so yeah if my enchants were better ,, and I had the third artifact ,, i do believe i would be an unstoppable beast, and I'm a Int/con build. but , I suprisingly have trouble with CWs now o.0
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    snappa0126snappa0126 Member Posts: 90
    edited March 2014
    They have far surpassed GWFs and GFs since the pvp patch came out.
    Its absurd that a class which was intended to be soft is actually the hardest to kill.

    The problems are the following:
    1) Lowest Risk dps in the game
    2) Highest survivability in the game
    3) Complete control of fights
    The combo of these issues make them extremely imbalanced in pvp

    The way that the class is designed right now gives them complete control over whether they win or lose which is a completely broken game mechanic.

    In more detail, some major issues reveal whats wrong with the class:
    *Stealth bonus speed of 30%, allows them to play cat and mouse on nodes. Really? stealth makes u go faster? that makes sense....not. Only in this game have I seen this. If you use the top 5 MMOs that have a rogue class for reference Rogues ALWAYS move slower in stealth, not faster. YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE SNEAKING, this means slower movement.
    -Since they are moving so quickly even when u find them on a node and try to attack they move away at a quicker rate than you can catch them. If you try to use an AOE or CC to get them out of stealth they will anticipate it once you get close to them and dodge roll. Dodge should remove stealth just like encounter powers.
    Honestly, the class would be much more balanced if they removed the stealth speed class feature. It at least gives a chance for other players to beat TR's on a node

    If it wasn't for the combat TR's that actually need ItC, I would suggest this ability be reworked as well.
    75% deflect severity is too high now. The move is synergistic with fey thistle boon and tenacity. Should be lowered to 50% to better reflect the state of the game.
    Also, full damage immunity is absurd and a beyond moronic game design. ITC from stealth should have only 75%-90% immunity. this will at least give players a chance to put dots on the TR since you already know the TR will go back to stealth after his ItC - DF combo ends.

    You nailed it. My thoughts are aligned exactly with yours in respect to TR's.
    HAMSTER, level 60 GF, "Bloodthirsty" since Mod 2
    Anarchist, level 60 CW
    level 60 TR
    Pluck Yew, level 60 HR
    level 60 DC
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    snappa0126snappa0126 Member Posts: 90
    edited March 2014
    kweassa wrote: »
    1. There is nothing strange, unique, or particular about a stealth-based class holding the initiative in combat.

    (1) This has been true for all types, all sorts of classes that utilize any form of stealth/invisibility as a class mechanic. If anything, the TRs portrayed in NW are actually comparatively the weakest of them all in this aspect -- since in NW stealth is restricted to at most around 10 seconds, give or take a few.

    (2) This means (originally) stealth is suppressed as a sustained/maintained class trait, and is allowed only a limited use for direct combat purposes only. The short duration is by itself an inhibitor which puts a time limit on "taking the initiative." In many cases, a wrong judgement simply leads to stealth being wasted with no particular results at all.

    (3) If you really want to see "taking control of combat", refer to other assassin/rogue type classes in other MMOGs where stealth is most usually a toggle-type power with unlimited duration. In those games, you'd be able to observe the true meaning of "choosing fights".

    (4) Compared to that, NW stealth mechanic is actually the least threatening of them all.

    2. While it may seem like arguing semantics, there is great difference between a class being "tanky" and being "highly survivable". That's a big difference.

    (1) TRs are by no means "tanky". Again, if we compare it to similar classes in other games, NW TRs are actually the least impressive of them all with almost no means/powers that offer any kind of utility towards survival.

    (2) Typically, other assassin/rogue type classes in other games, are usually considered the most versatile combat class, equipped with a wide assortment of direct combat-utility powers, such as special crit boost buffs, special survival utilities, and multi-purpose CCs and interrupts. In NW, there is a grand total of ONE power that directly boosts defenses, and that is ITC in the MI paragon path. There is ONE defensive utility power in the form of Smoke Bomb, which has only very situational use due to its very short duration as well as being totally useless against any ranged attack, and there is ONE power that refills stealth, the Shadow Strike. (B&S is essentially a stealth extender, and has almost no use when used out of stealth)

    (3) Without the temporary effects of powers mentioned above TRs are inherently defenseless. Deflection, in the words of keltz0r, is "highly overrated". I have also mentioned in a few different posts on just how much deflection is needed for it to be really considered a defense mechanism that significantly boosts survival. Most dodge-based defenses in MMOGs need around at least 50~60% to really work as a main defense mechanism for a class ("main defense", as in real 'tank' classes relying on damage reduction).

    (4) "Survival" with a TR, believe it or not, most usually comes from the human factor, not from the class or its mechanic, and has no bearing whatsoever in how the TR may be "too tanky". If you have seen how the master-level TRs operate in terms of combat maneuvering, mind-games, and resourcefulness, you will understand. Good TR players never stop moving. They use everything within their disposal to their advantage, and particularly the terrain.

    Particularly in the Hotenow ruins map, although I'm not the best of the players out there, I could more or less reliably survive and escape 3~4 enemies with my life intact -- provided that these players are not as experienced as I am. I take into consideration the high-low terrain differences to use to hide, hide behind the stairs, run around pillars using my small Halfling stature, use these terrain features to break line of sight from enemy attacks, calculate which enemies to attack first, calculate the chances of survival or how long I can survive when I break stealth judging by which way the enemies are facing and which ones will not notice me attacking their friend who is way behind them. Caught in a bad situation among multiple enemies, I instinctively throw my VP dagger at the enemy furthest behind, which I will teleport to, and by doing so I know I will disappear from the sight of the enemies that are closest to me and attacking me, which has a high chance of buying me extra time to escape... etc etc..

    All of this comes from experience, and I don't really "think" about it. It comes instinctively in a fluid-motion as I continuously move around and change positions and etc.. TRs are all about combat maneuvering. Doing this successfully allows me to survive a lot longer than you might think, even when I don't have stealth, and even when I'm not a MI TR. I do this without ITC.

    If I can do that, just think about the level of "perfection" when the best TR players do this. The most noticeable trait about best TR players are their distinct maneuvering methods. You can immediately spot a good TR player and a bad one by just watching him move and position himself.

    ... all of this has nothing to do with whether the TR is systematically "tanky" or not. Most veteran TR players know this by heart, since none of the other classes need as much maneuvering as a TR does.

    I agree there needs to be something done about ITC. But at least, if something is to be done, it should be done from right intentions, and right intentions start out with right information.

    I don't think you have the right information.

    I think the Devs should make you play an equally geared GF for a month in pvp so you can feel how OP equally geared TRs are.
    HAMSTER, level 60 GF, "Bloodthirsty" since Mod 2
    Anarchist, level 60 CW
    level 60 TR
    Pluck Yew, level 60 HR
    level 60 DC
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    dysillusiondysillusion Banned Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    They have far surpassed GWFs and GFs since the pvp patch came out.
    Its absurd that a class which was intended to be soft is actually the hardest to kill.

    The problems are the following:
    1) Lowest Risk dps in the game
    2) Highest survivability in the game
    3) Complete control of fights
    The combo of these issues make them extremely imbalanced in pvp

    The way that the class is designed right now gives them complete control over whether they win or lose which is a completely broken game mechanic.

    In more detail, some major issues reveal whats wrong with the class:
    *Stealth bonus speed of 30%, allows them to play cat and mouse on nodes. Really? stealth makes u go faster? that makes sense....not. Only in this game have I seen this. If you use the top 5 MMOs that have a rogue class for reference Rogues ALWAYS move slower in stealth, not faster. YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE SNEAKING, this means slower movement.
    -Since they are moving so quickly even when u find them on a node and try to attack they move away at a quicker rate than you can catch them. If you try to use an AOE or CC to get them out of stealth they will anticipate it once you get close to them and dodge roll. Dodge should remove stealth just like encounter powers.
    Honestly, the class would be much more balanced if they removed the stealth speed class feature. It at least gives a chance for other players to beat TR's on a node

    If it wasn't for the combat TR's that actually need ItC, I would suggest this ability be reworked as well.
    75% deflect severity is too high now. The move is synergistic with fey thistle boon and tenacity. Should be lowered to 50% to better reflect the state of the game.
    Also, full damage immunity is absurd and a beyond moronic game design. ITC from stealth should have only 75%-90% immunity. this will at least give players a chance to put dots on the TR since you already know the TR will go back to stealth after his ItC - DF combo ends.

    i've never heard a bigger pile of absolute bull****. i wish people like you would stop whinging about the class as a whole and getting the class as a whole nerfed, when your real gripe is with the lame perma-stealth spec. you will make them break normal rogues who aren't ******y and don't rely on being invisible 100% of the time. we've had nothing but nerfs since i started and frankly it's pathetic that whingers like you get us nerfed time and time again because you cry about TR's as a whole because you couldn't hit a perma-stealther.

    GWF's are still just as invincible as before, especially with high regeneration they can still be unkillable. really top geared perma-stealthers are the same, invincible, and both these specs are terribly lame. if they would just break perma-stealth permanently and actually nerf the IV sent gwf's you might start to see ways to balance pvp appearing, but then there's still massive flaws with cw's and hr's that make them overpowered too (think how latency affects a ranged class with multiple dodges that trigger 'immunity').

    rogues rely on dodge roll, and the funny thing is, because most classes get more dodges, our dodge roll is actually the weakest dodge, equal to the clerics' dodge which also sucks (though we tend to stack stam regen more)..... i came here because i shadow striked, i stealthed, and then i dodge-rolled very quickly away and then... the control wizard, from 40 yards away, while i SHOULD have been invisible.. he locked me with his crowd control and killed me before stealth ended with ice knife... from 40 yards.........

    every reference you make is regarding perma-stealthers, yet you point at all TR's and yell NERF. this is why they break the wrong things, they try to balance for perma-stealth, which obviously leaves non-permas in a way worse situation.

    and FYI most games now with stealth classes don't put a movement speed slow and in fact do offer spec-based increases while stealthed.

    i'm hella-pissed at this patch cause i love using burst and i don't like to hide constantly.. before the patch i had a choice of what pvp skills i used but now i'm FORCED to use shadow strike and impossible to catch, there really is no alternative anymore.

    allow me to further pick gaping holes in your arguments.

    1)lowest risk dps in the game - excuse me but how is being the weakest defensive class that also has to get into melee range the lowest risk? OHHHH YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT PERMA-STEALTH, PLEASE MAKE THAT CLEAR NEXT TIME :) (caps for emphasis)
    2)highest survivability in the game - so i have 2 dodges while wizards get 3, rangers get 6 (not to mention things like marauder's escape and fox shift which give them even more 'dodge's), gf's get BLOCK (LOL), gwf's can just sprint wherever they want. GWF sprint i personally find, combined with unstoppable, gives EASILY the best survivability in the game, especially when you compare it to the squishy normal rogues that can't maintain stealth 100% of the time. so i presume, once again, you were referring SOLELY to perma-stealth rogues. please make that clearer next time.
    3)complete control of fights - ok so this implies we have mega-crowd control abilities like... uhhhhhhh SMOKE BOMB WOOT YEA, well, this skill is cool if you're doing larger scale fights or for the central fight in a domination match but in 1v1 or other small skirmishes it's blocky and easy to avoid, not to mention a very long cooldown. next in terms of control power is probably dazing strike - melee range, a nice daze if you can hit it, very easy to dodge though unless performed from stealth, extremely obvious when seen. shadow strike has a small daze when used from stealth, this is our most useful atm, due to the current requirement to stay hidden or die. impact shot used to be a great mini-control with a nice hit of damage - the initial hit has been slightly nerfed and now if you use all the charges you will be looking at a 1k crit on a target with any tenacity (the really sad thing about the nerf is that it seems to be aimed at stopping perma-stealthers, who incidentally DON'T EVEN USE IMPACT SHOT) - not worth using anymore compared with the other powers. the fact is, rogues don't really have a lot of crowd control, and what you are really referring to is a perma-stealther's ability to always avoid you.

    i'm playing with 1,000 tenacity atm and i still get killed by gwf's inside their prone from full health... they hit harder than i do with a lashing crit versus targets with equal tenacity. i'm not saying rogues need a damage buff but gwf's shouldn't be able to pull that kind of damage whilst also absorbing so much.

    maybe they could adopt your idea and alter it by rolling deflection severity into something that is mutually exclusive from perma-stealth builds. much like ItC, non-perma's simply NEED that deflect severity, cause we can't be invisible 100% of the time and we still are massively squishy even with tenacity.

    what's sad though is, when i come up against a not-so-well-geared perma-stealther.. and kill them easily as a regular non-perma rogue, because once you find them they're still squishy.

    above all, what's really depressing is, they made burst-style rogues obsolete in pvp, and they didn't give us a free respec to swap over to a stealth-based spec if we want to. this kinda stuff makes me not want to spend any money on this game anymore, and frankly the threat of more inappropriate nerfs will only hasten my exit from this terribly imbalanced game. rogues are already kinda broken in pve now you want us broken in pvp? truth is you want us to quit?

    frankly rogues are still good in both but compared to other overpowered classes, there's no argument, which is evident from the group setups you generally see going for MC/CN/VT (LF3M 2 CW and 1 GWF!!!).

    to me it really seems like they just want me to shell out a few hundred zen for a respec so i can join the lame perma-stealther masses (oh look they put the token on sale, what a STRANGE COINCIDENCE!).

    rogues in general, are pretty much always a high damage, low defenses class, and sure, we should have the choice to spec defensively, which should cut chunks out of our damage, but we should never be able to conduct an entire fight/battle from stealth, that's ridiculous. high damage, low defense, that's what balances rogues, and aside from the full rank 10 enchant, int-specced perma-stealthers, it's a very balanced class. i can kill nearly anyone in pure 1v1, except some really overpowered gwf's and occasionally a hr that really has crazy-good timing on their million dodges. at the same time, i can be killed by any class with half-decent equipment in only a few hits. if i get crowd controlled and i don't have ItC ready, i'm pretty much dead.

    i have also been killed during stealth-activated ItC (supposedly 100% dodge), and also during a dodge roll (supposedly 'immune'). i accredit these deaths to latency though it's difficult to really tell if there's something deeper responsible.

    oh oh oh i have one last point for the original poster: do you actually understand what 'tanky' means? tanky doesn't mean hides and avoids damage... tanky means takes the hits face on and receives little to no damage due to high defenses. yea sure, some of the full rank 10 enchant, deflect-specced guys are quite tanky, but perma-stealth generally has nothing to do with being tanky.
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    corpsemaker86corpsemaker86 Member Posts: 148 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    ^^ I don't know what to say about this emotional rant but I stopped reading after a few paragraphs, its far too long and reads as a wall of text.
    But after you finish crying and want to get into a real discussion, reread my post and understand
    1) I am clearly referring to perma style gameplay. I even defended combat TRs in my post and said clearly that if it wasn't for them I would request a change to ItC. So I don't even know how to respond to "I wish people like you would stop whining about the class as a whole and getting the class as a whole nerfed, when your real gripe is with the lame perma-stealth spec"

    but your far too emotional and do your class no favors. If you would like to go ahead and form a real argument then maybe you can provide vital feedback to the devs instead of "omg cry cry cry Im gona get nerfed again cry, why u do dis OP"

    2) I said clearly that I play a TR as a main. When I go 32 and 0 against good guilds and veteran players in pvp I know that there is a problem. Changes are coming to the TR class so if you want to finally acknowledge that there is a problem we can brainstorm some solutions to make pvp more fun for EVERYONE, and that includes TRs

    3) I played a combat style with over 40% deflect and 29% DR before I finally switched to perma and im well aware of their defenses. With ItC and 75% deflect severity I was VERY hard to kill even out of stealth. When I switched to perma it was just plain stupid and now my survivability is even higher than my Sent who's decked out in rank 10s ever since the pvp patch.

    You still get to enter the battle with stealth even without SS so the damage is low risk. Remember what they said when they nerfed impact shot? they said it was too low risk. CoS isn't exclusive to permas, I can spam that 8 times in stealth with a full blown executioner high burst build. Again, low risk. When your able to do damage with little risk of taking damage this is low risk
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    dysillusiondysillusion Banned Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    In more detail, some major issues reveal whats wrong with the class:
    *Stealth bonus speed of 30%, allows them to play cat and mouse on nodes. Really? stealth makes u go faster? that makes sense....not. Only in this game have I seen this. If you use the top 5 MMOs that have a rogue class for reference Rogues ALWAYS move slower in stealth, not faster. YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE SNEAKING, this means slower movement.
    -Since they are moving so quickly even when u find them on a node and try to attack they move away at a quicker rate than you can catch them. If you try to use an AOE or CC to get them out of stealth they will anticipate it once you get close to them and dodge roll. Dodge should remove stealth just like encounter powers.
    Honestly, the class would be much more balanced if they removed the stealth speed class feature. It at least gives a chance for other players to beat TR's on a node

    If it wasn't for the combat TR's that actually need ItC, I would suggest this ability be reworked as well.
    75% deflect severity is too high now. The move is synergistic with fey thistle boon and tenacity. Should be lowered to 50% to better reflect the state of the game.
    Also, full damage immunity is absurd and a beyond moronic game design. ITC from stealth should have only 75%-90% immunity. this will at least give players a chance to put dots on the TR since you already know the TR will go back to stealth after his ItC - DF combo ends.

    allow me to give further details as to why your post is so packed with inaccuracy. you refer to extra run-speed while stealthed, and suggest it be removed, but did you even stop for a moment to think how that might affect a non-perma rogue? non-perma's get like 8 seconds maybe then if they can hit with a shadow strike (which we're forced to use now even if we prefer not) they get another 8. there are many situations in which 8 seconds is simply not enough time to remain undetected whilst approaching your enemy, and sneak attack allows a non-perma to get into range. of course combined with perma-stealth this is way overpowered, but it's not sneak attack that's the problem i mean seriously?????? it's so obviously PERMA-STEALTH that's the real problem, so why do you ask them to nerf something that affects ALL TR'S? :D

    dodge removing stealth so... when i'm against a GF or a GWF and i shadow strike and then dodge roll, which i have to do cause if i don't they can still see me in stealth and then crowd control me to death but if dodge removes stealth then it would just break my stealth instantly and i'd have no chance to escape.

    you talk about nerfing deflection severity, and then you don't even read where i point out it would be horrific for normal TR's to have a nerf to this stat, considering it's our only substantial form of defense and only triggers about 1/4 of the time unless you deliberately stack deflect. a few seconds of 100% deflect chance - overpowered for a perma-stealther, completely needed for a normal rogue, but you never made that distinction when you suggested the blanket class nerf for deflect severity. the same goes for 100% immunity with stealthed ItC - when you're invisible 100% of the time and then you drop out of invisibility for 4 seconds of invincibility well that's obviously overpowered but normal rogues aren't like that at all, it's more like being visible for 40% of the fight and then invincible for 10%. finally at this point you admitted, you conceded, as the ONLY point where you differentiate between perma and normal TR's, that it would, in fact, be totally game-breaking for normal TR's to suffer this change.

    prior to this patch, i would generally fight in stealth for about 30% of the fight in pvp. i could manage just fine without shadow strike and i could kill all but the most OP GWF's, whilst i could also die in a matter of 1-2 seconds from full hp. i generally could keep people at bay even with only 30% stealth uptime simply because i could burst hard, and then escape, but this playstyle takes really quick thinking and reactions to avoid the ensuing death after picking off an enemy. now tenacity is a nerf to burst damage and encourages a more sustained style of fighting, compounded by nerfs to essential abilities like impact shot, and you can see why all rogues now are using shadow strike and ItC in all pvp scenarios.

    the problem, quite clearly, is perma-stealth, and nothing to do with all of these core stats and abilities that you suggest should receive a nerf.
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    izidiusizidius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 40
    edited March 2014
    allow me to give further details as to why your post is so packed with inaccuracy. you refer to extra run-speed while stealthed, and suggest it be removed, but did you even stop for a moment to think how that might affect a non-perma rogue? non-perma's get like 8 seconds maybe then if they can hit with a shadow strike (which we're forced to use now even if we prefer not) they get another 8. there are many situations in which 8 seconds is simply not enough time to remain undetected whilst approaching your enemy, and sneak attack allows a non-perma to get into range. of course combined with perma-stealth this is way overpowered, but it's not sneak attack that's the problem i mean seriously?????? it's so obviously PERMA-STEALTH that's the real problem, so why do you ask them to nerf something that affects ALL TR'S? :D

    dodge removing stealth so... when i'm against a GF or a GWF and i shadow strike and then dodge roll, which i have to do cause if i don't they can still see me in stealth and then crowd control me to death but if dodge removes stealth then it would just break my stealth instantly and i'd have no chance to escape.

    you talk about nerfing deflection severity, and then you don't even read where i point out it would be horrific for normal TR's to have a nerf to this stat, considering it's our only substantial form of defense and only triggers about 1/4 of the time unless you deliberately stack deflect. a few seconds of 100% deflect chance - overpowered for a perma-stealther, completely needed for a normal rogue, but you never made that distinction when you suggested the blanket class nerf for deflect severity. the same goes for 100% immunity with stealthed ItC - when you're invisible 100% of the time and then you drop out of invisibility for 4 seconds of invincibility well that's obviously overpowered but normal rogues aren't like that at all, it's more like being visible for 40% of the fight and then invincible for 10%. finally at this point you admitted, you conceded, as the ONLY point where you differentiate between perma and normal TR's, that it would, in fact, be totally game-breaking for normal TR's to suffer this change.

    the problem, quite clearly, is perma-stealth, and nothing to do with all of these core stats and abilities that you suggest should receive a nerf.

    Exactly this, I think he needs a lesson on Rogues because obviously he is quite clueless.
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    willsommerswillsommers Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 103
    edited March 2014
    Trickster Rogue is now the most Tanky Class in the game

    In other news, nobody cares and TRs should not be balanced based on a gimped PVP spec that soon will be obsolete anyways. Soon they WILL be losing stealth as well. I can't wait to hear the sweet QQ of all the perma babies without their crutch builds.
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    demonkyuubidemonkyuubi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    They have far surpassed GWFs and GFs since the pvp patch came out.
    Its absurd that a class which was intended to be soft is actually the hardest to kill.

    The problems are the following:
    1) Lowest Risk dps in the game
    2) Highest survivability in the game
    3) Complete control of fights
    The combo of these issues make them extremely imbalanced in pvp

    The way that the class is designed right now gives them complete control over whether they win or lose which is a completely broken game mechanic.

    In more detail, some major issues reveal whats wrong with the class:
    *Stealth bonus speed of 30%, allows them to play cat and mouse on nodes. Really? stealth makes u go faster? that makes sense....not. Only in this game have I seen this. If you use the top 5 MMOs that have a rogue class for reference Rogues ALWAYS move slower in stealth, not faster. YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE SNEAKING, this means slower movement.
    -Since they are moving so quickly even when u find them on a node and try to attack they move away at a quicker rate than you can catch them. If you try to use an AOE or CC to get them out of stealth they will anticipate it once you get close to them and dodge roll. Dodge should remove stealth just like encounter powers.
    Honestly, the class would be much more balanced if they removed the stealth speed class feature. It at least gives a chance for other players to beat TR's on a node

    If it wasn't for the combat TR's that actually need ItC, I would suggest this ability be reworked as well.
    75% deflect severity is too high now. The move is synergistic with fey thistle boon and tenacity. Should be lowered to 50% to better reflect the state of the game.
    Also, full damage immunity is absurd and a beyond moronic game design. ITC from stealth should have only 75%-90% immunity. this will at least give players a chance to put dots on the TR since you already know the TR will go back to stealth after his ItC - DF combo ends.

    irony is that apparently our class feature to move faster in stealth actually gave us more damage pre-nerf according to someone else.

    dodge should not remove stealth as for us non-permas, it is a viable way to get closer to use a skill like deft strike or whatever b4 stealth runs out. also, we have to avoid the random aoes and ranged prones as we get closer or waste an entire stealth bar.

    rogues are meant to be slippery and as such we deserve the highest deflect severity which is only matched be hunters if they spec into it, but they only get it for 6 seconds after switching weapons i think. making us on-par with clerics in terms of getting out of avoiding damage is just silly. the only thing i agree with is the stealth bonus for ITC being changed as I rather use a different stealth bonus.

    i agree that permas should be dealt with in terms pvp, but just that and not actually nerfing our skills/stats.
    It is the SE that makes TR broken atm.

    It is a auto win in 1 v 1s.

    funny thing is that ice knife hits harder and for classes that don't have an immunity......it's a guaranteed death.

    i was on my cleric when i got into a match with 2 wizards. every single time i ran into them, they froze me to prevent me from dodging, *cha-ching*, and then i die. i practically got hit by at least 70% of all the ice knifes they threw out just to run back out of spawn to get caught in that again.

    ice knife even hits harder than shocking execution without the need of weakening someone to 40% hp. pre-patch i saw 33k criticals, post-patch i still see the occasional 20-25k hits and some for 15k. i rather deal with shocking executions that might not even surpass 12-16k hits ever rather than those ice knives.
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    tricksterknighttricksterknight Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2014
    In other news, nobody cares and TRs should not be balanced based on a gimped PVP spec that soon will be obsolete anyways. Soon they WILL be losing stealth as well. I can't wait to hear the sweet QQ of all the perma babies without their crutch builds.

    As a stealthy rogue, (not Im not a perma stealth i do out of stealth combat) I can tell you now with the right build ,, take hyenas build for example ,, I can play that build and probably Better than my stealth rogue, and my defence is stealth sure but since the patch like I said, its made my stealth rogue alot more tanky to the point where i can actually hold my own in 2v1 GWFs seriously, earlier today i face tanked 2 GWfs on the same node back to back both on me,, won the fight, I didnt even stealth till was near end of second one. then i had to a moment bounce around let the regen ticks charge up i came back out of stealth and went back to fighting ,, note i didnt even fight in stealth.

    so not all Stealth rogues use it as a crutch
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    maxiumdanmaxiumdan Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Agree with this. If you are going to stealth how in the heck can you just be invincible almost..forver
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    barq3tbarq3t Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 165 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    It is the SE that makes TR broken atm.

    It is a auto win in 1 v 1s.

    First SE was already reworked in the past. Second this happen to be only skill able to kill tanky gwf nowadays, altough I fought a gwf today and hit him with SE while he was on 30% of his life and he didn't die, so I guess you need to stack more tenacity and youre tr-proof. Also I'd like to notice it's a daily and tr build action points really slow so it's not like we're using it every 15 sec...
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    adernathadernath Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I have to disagree with the OP. TRs are by no means tankier than GWF/GFs. They tend to be rather squishy as soon as their stealth is broken.

    What I find a bit problematic is that CWs can not afford to run around for a longer time seeking for the knife spamming rogue as other classes. They are so squishy that it is usually important to avoid getting any damage in the first place. If one can find a nice solution here without nerfing anything that would be cool. On the other hand Icy Rays must be dodgeable imo.
    Suggestions to improve NW:
    - Dualspec
    - Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
    - Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
    - Armory
    - make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
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    gimpocalypsegimpocalypse Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm NOT a perma-stealth [with gear most people would probably vendor] so I DO NOT PvP at all... PLEASE leave my Rogue alone!!!

    Changes you suggest would probably render my character(s) unplayable for me, but then again people like me don't count... I just play for fun...
    I don't give a **** about Gear, GS, Kill Counts, most damage done or even other elitist BS... I just like to survive

    ...yeah there's someone wrong me I guess???
    Been looking forward to upgrading my Perfect Sarcasm font, but due to recent changes it seems I will need to grind the Nine Hells for my Pure Sarcasm font... ironic isn't it?
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    darthtater68darthtater68 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Let's just face it all it will keep coming down to is dang this guy made a better build them mine let's nerf it. So I guess the best fix is to make all classes the same and then when ya get beat because the other person is just better at playing what are you going to want to nerf next???
    This isn't Everquest , World of Warcraft or others that don't let you make your character your own. In those games all classes are the same, once they all get the same gear then whats left to do?????
    I play as well to have fun and to enjoy the game after all it is just that a game......
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    fernandosbfernandosb Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    It is the SE that makes TR broken atm.

    It is a auto win in 1 v 1s.


    its the only ability that does high dmg at the moment, and we use it only when ppl have really low health..

    enough with the nonsense
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    xcessiveforce40xcessiveforce40 Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I disagree, Ive used SE probably 7 times today. 3 were deaths, 4 were a hit and the GWF just got back up. This was with less than 40 percent health. Its not an automagic win. Its a "possible" kill.
    Founder: Xcessiveforce GF, Xcessiveheals DC, XcessiveRange HR, XcessiveArcana CW, XcessiveStab TR
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    dysillusiondysillusion Banned Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    no joke though the ONLY way the really high-geared GWF's die is with SE. i've watched 4 players pummel a GWF for over a minute and the GWF killed all of them :D this was 2 days ago. i have also had very low health GWF's survive SE, and GF's blocking SE when i hit them in the back with it now due to the patch >.>

    yea sometimes my SE crits huge and probably makes people who don't realise that it does more damage the lower their health think that it's overpowered. if they have no tenacity and generally quite weak gear, then it can kill them from 50% health, otherwise, it's just a strong single hit that will finish off a low-health player.
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    fernandosbfernandosb Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    dude SE used to hit way harder back in the day its something that has already been nerfed.

    I agree the rogue class is imbalanced and we all know other classes are as well, but like someone posted above, before making statements we need the right information and right intentions. the tr class is bullied a lot.
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    reddevilbsreddevilbs Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    And you can check my posting history. Its well known that I play and have strongly defended TR's in the past. I have a TR with over 18k Gear Score and I'm well aware of their power relative to other classes.
    Ya as you said you have history, but i suppose you dont play TR anymore?! So you start whining like all others.
    If you say TR all starting to talk about PvP. Let start talking about PvE and dealing with top T2 dungeons and why TR are NOT wanted to any party:
    I have 18k TR also with dps executioner build /Female Drow - I like white hair and pointy ears ^^-stats unbuffed at pve: 7k+ power, 3.9+k crit, 2.8+k AP, 2.6+k rec, 2.4+k def 1,5+k LS .. est/ and let see what i have for surviving ... ItC ofc and that's it. Lasting ~4sec and recharging 14.6. Its not count as encounter, so bonus to recharging speed do nothing. Stealth ... ya right ... Stealth do not give u advantage against AoE and stealth resist mobs at dungeons ... and most of the hardest mobs are AoE or/and resisted to stealth. Even some of the end bosses penetrate trough ItC/stealth mechanic - example - all dragons and Valindra. Hm quite enough i think. Even I notice that at PvP ItC is nerfed.
    So your suggestion to nerf deflect severity = all mobs above average at dungeons will one shot TR = absolutely and I mean absolutely no one will want TR as a party member for any T2 dungeon = also one shooted at PVP.
    About nefring survivability you re TOTALY wrong!!! Shame you have such TR!!!

    But about perma stealth I agree! Stealth should give you advantage for a short period, like get close to the target or move away from the battle. Combining perma stealth with dodge and ItC is broken mechanic and should be fixed!!!
    This is also another reason no one to want TR as party member at dungeons - damage taken is splits at 4 and perma stealth = low dps. For example, at Valindra Tower i make 5-8% less damage than a very good CW and Im first or second in the chart of damage taken. This means that CW have more time to deal their hocus pocus as they must stand still. Another thing, at PvP I fought agains 2-3 perma stealth TR that can kill me 1v1. The others I chase like filthy dogs or I kill them.

    PS That's my first at last post. I like to fight in game not to be forum hero!
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    fernandosbfernandosb Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You guys need to understand one thing:

    Perma Stealth is a build that uses SS and BaS with the objective to keep you invisible most of the time, of course you could squeeze itc and third encounter but what i see here, is people calling ss + itc = perma which is not the case. If you decide to run Perma Stealth build these days I am sorry to say that you will be eaten alive, self experience...

    I would like to call Snow on it and tell him he should rename his build to something else because its not perma stealth, in fact Sorrow came up with this build a while ago and he did it so we could go against perma stealth builds.


    His page was last updated in september 2013, he used to post in the forums a lot and when everyone was crying about perma stealths he was running this build rocking the charts, everyone was so into the full Perma that it took time for it to become popular and perfected.

    That is one of the reasons we need the right information first.

    I do agree though that ItC needs rework, not a NERF, just tuning...
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