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  • Posting to confirm the Foundry drops are ridiculously bad still. This needs to be fixed.
  • Weak. /10 characters
  • Well, you can do a branching dialogue, then tie your different pieces to each branch. What you can't do at all is make the quest objective say "Do X OR Y". So you make a guy who has a bit of dialogue "Hey, go do this thing over here, or this other thing." with two responses. "Do the thing over here" and "do the other…
  • When you set an NPC up as doing a One-Time Patrol or Looping Patrol, there's a textbox which is something like "Walk speed in feet per sec.". If you set it higher, they *should* run. I haven't verified this entirely though.
  • ESRB does not rate online play, so that's not an issue.
  • Go into the playtest for the map (where you're walking around as the test character) and click the 3D Edit Mode button (bottom right dialog box). Now you can select something (might have to press ALT first) and then press Q (or E, I forget) to put it into rotate mode instead of translate (move) mode.
  • Yeah it's extremely annoying. There are a lot of quests where I wanted to give a good review and positive feedback (or even critical feedback) and NOPE! Dialogue is gone because a gust of wind tapped something on my keyboard.
  • I agree with this. I'd also like to be able to review quests after the fact, because on a BUNCH of quests I've wanted to review, something has closed the dialog box for the review completely out of my control (moving with WASD at all will close it, for instance, as will someone zoning everyone out).
  • Sure, I agree with that. The point is that I want the Foundry to be fun now and in the future (for alts, because at 60 I'm going to check out the max level stuff, then immediately make a new character and do more Foundry missions). Right now it isn't fun knowing that I'm getting stuck with utter <font…
  • Yep I am in the same boat exactly. I am making my first quest and there's an area with about 3 hard Mindflayer encounters with another elite guy on top of that as the midpoint of the quest (with something harder for the end). Right now on my TR and with the guardian friend I run with (and our companions) we would…
  • Even story players want to be rewarded. This is an RPG after all, and rewards are closely tied to progression. If I or other story players want pure story, we'd be reading a book (and I certainly do), written by, y'know, professional writers. RPGs are about more than story, they're also about advancing your character and…
  • How do you explain me and people like me that don't have a single level 60 (my highest and only character is level 20) and thus never played these exploit maps at all being pissed off about the fact that all the REAL missions now give abysmally broken pathetic loot and xp? Let's stop pretending that the only people that…
  • It seems to me they're doing everything they can to kill the Foundry.
  • Pretty sure he meant "Only my quest was banned, I wasn't.", not "no other quests have been banned."
  • WRONG. MMOs all have the same problem: there isn't enough content. The Foundry is endless content, which means people will keep playing the game (and thus, SPENDING MONEY) long after they've finished the limited amount of Cryptic built content. If you think that user generated content is worthless you are sadly…
  • Sorry, but that is flat out wrong. The "ogre in a box" is fixed trivially easily by making mobs that can't hit the player invincible (MOST other MMOs do it this way and it's a simple enough thing to do in terms of code-requirements). As for the cliff-exploit maps, that one is *EVEN EASIER* to fix without putting all sorts…
  • Just wanted to say I played your original quest and it was awesome. Sucks that they've banned it, especially for no reason (or no reason they've given, at least). Somehow not surprising given their current behavior though, it seems like they want the Foundry to be terrible and soon abandoned entirely. At the rate they're…
  • MMO companies are fairly notorious for pulling this exact maneuver - saying one thing before release, then AFTER they break the game with knee-jerk nerfs and changes, they are completely silent about the issues and nothing ever changes. So until we have official word that this isn't going to be the state of the Foundry…
  • For sure he doesn't know, he's just a moderator. He almost certainly doesn't have access to the developers' plans regarding fixing this ridiculous game-breaking nerf. Until we get actual official confirmation that they are going to do something (hasn't happened yet, and moderators posting what they think MIGHT happen is…
  • So have I, extensively, and you're wrong. ALL quests do this now, regardless of length. The ones I tested were 40 minutes to greater than an hour, so again, what you're saying isn't even remotely true.
  • Please don't spread misinformation like this, as this is blatantly untrue. All Foundry missions give FAR FAR less loot and xp than regular Cryptic areas. Go kill any mob in the Foundry, receive nothing or maybe one copper or a junk item, then go into the Tower District, kill (probably FAR lower level) orcs. They drop…
  • That's not "news". He's a moderator, not a dev, so he's not going to know their plans about fixing the Foundry, and we've had no official word there will even be a real fix instead of this abysmal game-breaking nerf.
  • Quoted for truth. Rewards are an INTRINSIC PART OF RPGS. People here saying "HURR DURR JUST GET RID OF REWARDS" are really saying "HURR DURR I WANT THE GAME TO DIE". This is a ridiculously bad move all around and is going to kill any replay value the game had.
  • Yay for people wanting this game to die already. That's what you're advocating when you say you agree with nerfing the Foundry into the ground. Without content this game won't maintain a significant population for more than a year. Good job.
  • They ALSO NERFED EVERYTHING ELSE, or hadn't you noticed? Also, they didn't nerf it for farming maps. Learn to read. They nerfed it because of the exploit maps.
  • I know what he's saying. Doesn't make it any less wrong. Of course, apparently you people can't read. Anyway, glad to know people like you, WoW grinding kiddies, will ruin this game by claiming that this nerf is fine and dandy. Go back to WoW if all you want to do is mindlessly grind to max level then "raid" all day.
  • This exactly. I mean, making it so they're invincible if they can't land any attacks is not hard. Seriously. If they don't have line of sight/can't execute an attack and the player is within some reasonable distance, boom, reset/invincible. GW2 does this. It's a matter of not much more than an if statement and a raycast,…
  • Yeah I was *this* close to buying the $60 one. Dodged a bullet, if this type of gamebreaking nerf is what we can expect mere days after release. They need to fix the REAL issues which allow these exploits, instead of breaking the game for every other player.
  • Only to see how bad the nerf was. After that, my desire to play took a nosedive. I am spending most of my time on the forums now, complaining about this ridiculously bone headed move that threatens the longevity of the game. No. They should have fixed the ACTUAL PROBLEMS, i.e., not giving XP from mobs that die to fall…