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  • It's easier if the 1 add person is a CW because it's easiest for them to pick mobs off the group, but the actual fastest way is to have all 5 on the boss and the CW(s) stay full aoe :P.
  • a few thoughts... 1. oppressive force adds 3 stacks to all targets in range 2. HV has a much better stat distribution than SW 3. SW has always had an uptime of 1 min with an ICD of 1 min, meaning 50% of the time it does nothing at all. Did you test if this is fixed or were all your tests < 1 min? I agree that in runs with…
  • Lol, I think it's funny that you've taken personal offense to something that wasn't even directed at you. Please point out exactly where I said Vorpal is the only enchant to use and DoTs, debuffs and control are useless? I don't believe any of those things, I just think that MoF is useless in every situation except Draco…
  • +18% crit sev is most assuredly NOT +18% crit damage. With that being said, you're forgoing flat +% damage buffs with both MoF and Rene in favor of +crit sev buffs which is obviously worse because the +damage affects all of your attacks and will do significantly more than just raising your crit damage, even if it was a…
  • Don't turn this into "having a stone means you're P2W and you don't know what it's like for the rest of us." Convert ~400k AD into Zen and buy a stone. If you don't have an augment companion, you don't have a finished build and can't possibly comment on BiS enchantments. That said, power stacking > crit stacking.
  • Are you thinking of having Critical Power feated? I don't think that happens otherwise, I just went to check on the training dummies and I got the same AP on crits and non-crits.
  • AP gen is per skill and not based on the damage you deal (confusing tooltip, I know). You'll get the same AP from a 10k shard as a 100k shard. Controlling Action stacks multiplicatively; you won't get anywhere near the 10% faster AP gen you think you're getting, even if it did have 100% up time. It's a waste of 5 points…
  • None. They should have focused on having more classes from the start instead of adding conditional skills to the current classes. 3 feat trees and picking/choosing what skills to buy was plenty.
  • There's a huge skill gap between good wizards (i.e. T2 capable when the rest of the group is decent) and great wizards (capable of carrying the whole team wherever they go). Great HRs can beat good wizards, but not great ones.
  • At this point, I'm less concerned with the stats and more perturbed that the community in general doesn't seem to even understand the problem. Overstacking crit on a TR is not the same because even though crit has DR, you're still getting something out of having more crit. Your crit chance still goes up. Overstacking armor…
  • Because T2 bosses in PvE cap at 24% mitigation, so more than 2500 ArP is useless in PvE. Combined with the mitigation reduction from strength, this is a waste of stats.
  • Now we're on the same page :). I'm thinking 2/2 Dread Legion and Grand Warden if I can't reconcile 4/4 Royal Guard.
  • I put 0 points into strength. My starting roll was 13 so I have 16 at 60. That's 6% ArP that doesn't do anything for me.
  • If you aren't interested in min/maxing that's totally fine, build your HR however you want. I don't go into your threads and tell you your problems are stupid. I'm asking for a change that does nothing but make strength better instead of wasting one of its bonuses.
  • Literally the first line in your response described how great more ArP is for PvP. And I'm very aware of how easy it is to stack the other offensive stats or take defensive ones as well. The point, which clearly escapes you, is that if you're trying to min/max a HR build, you are forced to: a) Have way too much ArP b) Take…
  • I didn't say it's broken and I'm fine with capping for PvE off armor and weapons too. My problem is that we're overcapped and can't do anything about it. The only weapons with a set bonus that don't have ArP on them are the crafted ones, so those are really the only viable T2.5 weapons for me. If strength didn't give…
  • I very clearly stated this was for PvE. When I upgrade to the crafted Dread Legion bow (haven't hit 20 weaponsmithing yet) then I'll be down to ~2400 ArP. I'm taking the Royal Guard set because I like the 4 piece bonus. We also get resistance ignored as a strength bonus, so if I'm wearing the armor/weapons I want, I will…
  • Oh, we're giving random anecdotal evidence now? In that case, my CW regularly breaks 70k Icy Rays and 130k with Ice Knife. I also have a decently well geared HR that does similar damage but instead of providing CC, it just causes things to run amok. So like I said, you are wrong for the similar reason of no hard evidence.
  • Because almost none of the skills have high base damage so it doesn't really matter if you're critting or not, they still won't hit hard. Once the few strong encounter skills are on CD, you're stuck spamming long induction ranged or weak melee at-wills. Best case scenario, you have low mobility but there isn't a lot of red…
  • Is this a joke? You must not run with good CWs and GWFs. HR single target damage is trash unless you're spamming Fox Shift with Forest Ghost or Rain of Arrows on something that's not moving.
  • HRs are pretty solidly in the 2nd highest damage slot, but a good wizard will not lose to a good ranger. HRs also have little/no CC so even if the damage was equal or slightly higher, wizards would still be a more useful class overall. Personally, I'm hoping for a revamp of HR damage to not rely so heavily on Split Shot,…
  • You can't do that anyway because you need 5 points in the first column to open the 2nd
  • Oh, derp. Good point. I'm still not sold on Nightmare Wizardry, since it's a buff that you can get with positioning or other class' skills (TR stealth, HR class feature, etc.) but admittedly I haven't parsed <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> so all I have is perception. It would be great for soloing/PvP but that's not…
  • No I wasn't parsing, just watching damage gaps on the meter. You're right that it's deceiving but RoE on tab gives you a 2nd 15% mitigation debuff that stacks as opposed to a few more k when Icy is on tab. Conceptually it seems like RoE should be a no brainer, as it's increasing everyone's damage as well.
  • I'm curious about your single target rotation having Icy Rays instead of RoE on tab. Last time I did that, it was a significant dps loss from the other way around.
  • You're right, I forgot to detail that I meant Shard crits specifically. I hold shard until I see EotS proc so it's always a guaranteed crit, and it makes a huge damage difference between lightning and fire when you can't have shard critting reliably.
  • The new flame daily also has a target cap of 8, which is why it's terrible. The big hit for me is the loss of burst damage from EotS. What I found while testing is that fire may indeed be relatively close to lightning in terms of sustained/overall damage but the lack of reliable burst dps significantly slowed trash…
  • The AP nerf does not affect the Renegade feats in any way except for making Critical Power worse, which is easily splashed by any build already.
  • Round numbers, EotS has a 30% uptime +/- 5%. Meaning that if you have a 30% crit chance, your effective crit chance is 51%. .3 + (.7*.3) = .51 Obviously, this is a massive generalization instead of a complex formula but if you want quick and dirty math, your crit chance should be around 30%. I like to sit at just over 33%…
  • This build is nice, but I think it works a lot better in your situation, Stox, than most's. EoA has many top tier players that know exactly what they're doing, i.e. mobs die FAST. This is a great build for frontloading a lot of damage and ignoring CDs, but its success is largely based on the rest of your group able to…