not so sure unless cw start playing support since our aoe range isnt as big. now more cw start using oppressive instead of sing
I have visions of 2x GWF parties clearing Spider/Spellplague/Pirate King/Karrundax adds like a lawnmower going over grass...
Of course having a solid DC, and I kinda like the new paragon path for them, make sure the occasional Astral Shield goes down is helpful. The other two classes can be whatever they want... Of course Hunter Rangers will be immensely popular, it remains to be seen if they will be requested as 2x in a Party. Whereas I think post patch that CWs at 2x for a Party will be popular (as it is) and/or 2x GWF to mow down adds will not be unheard of.
I have visions of 2x GWF parties clearing Spider/Spellplague/Pirate King/Karrundax adds like a lawnmower going over grass...
Don't want to rain on your parade leroy, but I can already do that with my wizard >.<.
With the new patch, (bleed changes). And the minor boosts to aoe, I think a GWF could solo kill those adds instead. As some others have state however, the problem is our (GWF) range is ALOT smaller than a wizard's and without any range attacks to gather adds, it will be messer but i think still doable.
Even in a current state every T2 can be done without a wizard. especially karrundax/FH. Its just people (pugs) will not go without a wizard, Because GWF is so heavily gear dependant.
With the new patch, (bleed changes). And the minor boosts to aoe, I think a GWF could solo kill those adds instead. As some others have state however, the problem is our (GWF) range is ALOT smaller than a wizard's and without any range attacks to gather adds, it will be messer but i think still doable.
Well with IV our range issues are mitigated (a bit) with Threatening Rush... The closing distance helps quite a bit honestly!
Even in a current state every T2 can be done without a wizard. especially karrundax/FH. Its just people (pugs) will not go without a wizard, Because GWF is so heavily gear dependant.
I'd agree here, and state that GWFs certainly get significantly better the higher gear they get. Skill does matter too though!
Quick update:
Current Encounter Rotation is: Battle Fury, Not So Fast, and Frontline Surge.
It's working out really well, and I'm seeing a healthy bonus in overall damage with Battle Fury slotted. It helping the entire party is icing on the cake IMO!
To begin I'll start with my Feats, though I don't believe their is anything particularly different about them comparatively to other Destroyer GWFs out there.
So ya, fairly typical honestly, nothing earth shattering there.
My power rotation is a bit atypical, and PandaPaul has helped a great deal with theorycrafting (so thank you bud!), and the following rotation was inspired by him.
At Will:
Sure Strike
Weapon Masters Strike
Steel Blitz
Come and Get It
Not So Fast
Indomitable Battle Strike
The real gem here is the Encounter Power rotation... You start with CaGT, then follow with a WMS, then IBS, and finally NSF before going back to WMS until cool downs end. You can do NSF before IBS, but I find the first way better at least thus far.
The timing is important, and keeping things together can take time to learn, but I've had a ball with this guy thus far.
So feel free to ask any questions you have, and I'll be happy to answer them... Keep rocking!
Thanks so much for the guide. I am a new player leveling up a Half-orc GWF and was wondering if you could post a pic of how you put points into which Powers? Not sure if you can do a chart that showed each level what you put a point into as a progression to 60..but if you could that would be awesome.
Thanks so much for the guide. I am a new player leveling up a Half-orc GWF and was wondering if you could post a pic of how you put points into which Powers? Not sure if you can do a chart that showed each level what you put a point into as a progression to 60..but if you could that would be awesome.
i don't know anything about GWFs and i don't plan on playing one any time soon, but when i did read the title i had to leave a message here:
dakkon blackblade is my favorite magic creature card (style wise)
[for a long time, until the time of edition 4, it was part of my until then most powerful deck, blue-white-green-black creature control card advantage deck; had only this one creature as a finisher, because i was tired of answering a question i got every time after a few rounds if i was playing with a rather young player: "when do you cast a creature" "there is no creature in this deck" "but ... you don't have mountains neither - how are you gonna kill me?" ]
would not have imagined someone posting the flavor text in this forum ... so.... great choice, man
I still feel like instigator is not in a good place compared to Sentinel and Destroyer.
The capstone talent (even on preview) just seems lacking. You get hit so often that I don't see it being up very much. The only really useful feats to me seem like Viscous Advantage, Allied Opportunity and Group Assault. Which on preview a destroyer can now get Vicious Advantage, which is great.
Side-topic. Did anyone else notice how HUGE of a boost the changes to deep gash are on preview? Deep gash was around 7% of my overall damage on live and was at nearly 30% on preview, simply amazing...
To put this in perspective the bleed ticks on live are 150 for me and 1,600+ on preview.
I was able to kill packs of mobs with Daring Shout just by proc-ing my lightning weapon enchant and deep gash.
I still feel like instigator is not in a good place compared to Sentinel and Destroyer.
The capstone talent (even on preview) just seems lacking. You get hit so often that I don't see it being up very much. The only really useful feats to me seem like Viscous Advantage, Allied Opportunity and Group Assault. Which on preview a destroyer can now get Vicious Advantage, which is great.
Side-topic. Did anyone else notice how HUGE of a boost the changes to deep gash are on preview? Deep gash was around 7% of my overall damage on live and was at nearly 30% on preview, simply amazing...
To put this in perspective the bleed ticks on live are 150 for me and 1,600+ on preview.
I was able to kill packs of mobs with Daring Shout just by proc-ing my lightning weapon enchant and deep gash.
yeah the instigator tree is still inferior to destroyer and sentinel, the capstone needs rework, its TOTALLY USELESS when soloing, and mediocre in a party. the feats in the tree are good but the capstone is meh
I still feel like instigator is not in a good place compared to Sentinel and Destroyer.
The capstone talent (even on preview) just seems lacking. You get hit so often that I don't see it being up very much. The only really useful feats to me seem like Viscous Advantage, Allied Opportunity and Group Assault. Which on preview a destroyer can now get Vicious Advantage, which is great.
Side-topic. Did anyone else notice how HUGE of a boost the changes to deep gash are on preview? Deep gash was around 7% of my overall damage on live and was at nearly 30% on preview, simply amazing...
To put this in perspective the bleed ticks on live are 150 for me and 1,600+ on preview.
I was able to kill packs of mobs with Daring Shout just by proc-ing my lightning weapon enchant and deep gash.
Well Dakkon has been testing out as IV and Swordmaster, still not sure... I really love the AoE DPS from the Iron Vanguard bonuses. However, Swordmaster is still stupid good over all.
Really a play style choice, but I still need to test more to see which one I prefer overall. Deep Gash's damage ticking is awesome now...
yeah the instigator tree is still inferior to destroyer and sentinel, the capstone needs rework, its TOTALLY USELESS when soloing, and mediocre in a party. the feats in the tree are good but the capstone is meh
I would rather have the Capstone be reworked again, though I doubt they will...
Hello a new neverwinter player,i'd like to get some informations about GFW Builds etc before starting it...and i'm actually kinda confused,or lets say in panic between ur nice post (and meeggtoast post here : ).... it's all about how stats effec % ,going on str /con (high arp,enchants on crit) or Str /Dex (for high crit and power /arp enchants)?
thanks .
Hello a new neverwinter player,i'd like to get some informations about GFW Builds etc before starting it...and i'm actually kinda confused,or lets say in panic between ur nice post (and meeggtoast post here : ).... it's all about how stats effec % ,going on str /con (high arp,enchants on crit) or Str /Dex (for high crit and power /arp enchants)?
thanks .
Hey there, what exactly is your question? If you can clarify it I'll be happy to answer it to the best of my ability...
i mean as destroyer (oriented Pve to farm gear ) get max dmg possible,is better to boost up my "Con" stats to get high ARP...or i up my "Dex" stats to get high crit since ARP is easier to get in High quality gear than crit as it looks like (ppl say that ,not me xD)
i think i forgot to ask u ingame, why con over dex ? since crit doesnt have cap on its usefulness
Con over Dex was to save me Enchantment/Item space w/o having to upgrade ArmPen to the 23/24% threshold. Basically lets me get extra stats in utility (Lifesteal/Deflect/etc), and just a personal preference.
i mean as destroyer (oriented Pve to farm gear ) get max dmg possible,is better to boost up my "Con" stats to get high ARP...or i up my "Dex" stats to get high crit since ARP is easier to get in High quality gear than crit as it looks like (ppl say that ,not me xD)
Fairly along the lines of my opinion, I just liked the extra 'wiggle room' it gave me in upgrading other stats, etc.
have u gotten the new set ? i really like life steal on it though 4 part seems lacking in terms of pve dmg, but would work nicely with 2/2 titans
I haven't, though the lifesteal is nice, the 4 set bonus is just asstastic honestly... I'd rather have full set AoW/Titan/Vigilant/Elf Set then that 4 piece bonus. Wish it was even a tad enticing!
I haven't, though the lifesteal is nice, the 4 set bonus is just asstastic honestly... I'd rather have full set AoW/Titan/Vigilant/Elf Set then that 4 piece bonus. Wish it was even a tad enticing!
that bonus would be nice on some pvp set if it procs often, maybe 20% lifesteal pvp character
AoW was about same in dps as Fabled ? cant decide if i want to bother with Fabled set.
Also Battle Awareness, Vicious Advantage or Executioners Style, for me they seem to be the leftover 5 pts
focused destroyer is worth having imho
also starting to like sure on lmb and wicked on rmb
that bonus would be nice on some pvp set if it procs often, maybe 20% lifesteal pvp character
AoW was about same in dps as Fabled ? cant decide if i want to bother with Fabled set.
Also Battle Awareness, Vicious Advantage or Executioners Style, for me they seem to be the leftover 5 pts
Personally as a destroyer, i'll go with Vicious.
Because if you get:
more AP -> dailies not so usefull
indomitable does more dmg -> 8-9% more dmg @ best {guessing the formula is 10% * target's missing hp %} since it's a finisher and it's never used on a target with 1% hp
Battle awareness:
25% more power -> slam isn't up enough to take advantage off
5% crit and 5% dmg -> some CWs grant you combat advantage to every target, and on the boss you should always position yourself to have it
I'll be posting an updated Swordmaster Progression with the new Module 2 fixes early/mid week to show what I've come up with... Not that I think it's anything awe inspiring, just what I am currently working with.
Alright, my current Destroyer Build is as follows w/Swordmaster Paragon Path on the test shard for Mod 2:
Instigator Tree:
Student of the Sword - 5pts
Destroyer Tree:
Great Weapon Focus - 5pts
Deep Gash - 5pts
Staying Power - 5pts
Relentless Battle Fury - 5pts
Focused Destroyer - 5pts
Destroyer's Purpose - 1pt
Sentinel Tree:
My Power selection/rotation is as follows:
At Will:
Sure Strike
Weapon Masters Strike
Weapon Master
Battle Fury
Indomitable Battle Strike
I've been enjoying Battle Fury (and it's party buff potential!) immensely in Module 2. Roar is back in the rotation for the Interrupt ability, and Determination gain. Indomitable Battle Strike is self explanatory really.
I believe, unless any crazy changes happen before Mod 2 goes live, that this will be the general concept for my Destroyer GWF.
my thought about destro in next patch is going for ultimate HAMSTER instead of pure dps - requiring near 0 attention for dc, dealing good dmg while being tanky, and sustaining through lifesteal. new expansion adds a lot of new stats, and i thought it would be nice hitting softcaps on as many as we can use, then focusing power, slotting stats buffed by feats on character and rest on pet
Str>Dex>Cons(or Con>Dex depending on preferences and reaching 25k+ hp) because geting ArP is easier than getting crit c(diminishing returns)
IV paragaon
HP: 25~30k - so u can take big hits with reserve
DR: 40% - to max DR while Unstoppable
Deflect - as much as we can get without sacrificing other stats
Life Steal: depending on diminishing returns but should be above 10%
after hitting these numbers max offensive, only unneeded stat - regeneration, cause in pve life steal will be better with the dmg we deal.
Offensive slots - whatever you need to cap stats
Defensive slots - life steal and def to cap, then hp
Weapons - Mod2
Armor - 2/2 Mod2/Titan or Sharandar 4/4(for rich ppl who have high lvl enchants and can get hp from def sockets while having 10%+ Life Steal)
Weapon ench Lifedrinker, or Vorpal for Rank9+ ppl, might use some other but imho vorpal is best for BiS geared ppl since it works with all stats not only weapon dmg
rest is preferences
Sure Strike
Wicked Strike - reduces mob dmg to you, so your life steal supports your better + does good aoe dmg
Encounter not sure here, havent done too many tests in Mod2, will post the ones i think are good and fit the build
Come And Get It - probably the most HAMSTER skill GWF has, might be that good by numbers, but def HAMSTER
Not So Fast - i think it worked with trample the fallen
Frontline Surge - has knockdown, dmg is ok-ish but crappy target cap
IBS - Great dmg, good cap but the aoe sucks, they should increase it to 1.5m radius at least
atm im using resto strike, but i doubt it will be needed with lifedrinker+10% life steal, maybe for harder encounters when not running tank in party
Slam - 25% power and, i think, procs trample the fallen + additional threat to ease life of others, but eats up 5 feat points for 25% power bonus
Class Features
Trample the Fallen - main feature, but, probably, doesnt work on bosses
this is where i help from more experienced ppl
Destroyer - nice dmg boos works vs single target with feat, but eats up feat points, and if taken along with Battle Awareness feat makes u unable to take Vicious Advantage or Battle Trample feat
Bravery - provides defense, but no offensive bonus
Weapon Master - 4.5% crit
ideally it would be feated Destroyer+Weapon Master for single target and Destroyer + Trample for trash, but wed need to sacrifice other feat to feat destroyer, else it doesnt help on bosses
Feats - standard destroyer, the 10 leftover pts go to either Student+Vicious Advantage, Scale Agility + Battle Trample, or Slam/Destroyer feat(the one u didnt take + Student of the Sword
so cw + gwf clear small trash and then gwf on big ones while tr is in their default state - dead :P
Of course having a solid DC, and I kinda like the new paragon path for them, make sure the occasional Astral Shield goes down is helpful. The other two classes can be whatever they want... Of course Hunter Rangers will be immensely popular, it remains to be seen if they will be requested as 2x in a Party. Whereas I think post patch that CWs at 2x for a Party will be popular (as it is) and/or 2x GWF to mow down adds will not be unheard of.
CW + GWF is also completely, and very viable post patch. The TR? Well... That's a debate for a different forum! lol
1 instigator for buffs running with battle fury, and 1 destroyer oh yesss
Don't want to rain on your parade leroy, but I can already do that with my wizard >.<.
With the new patch, (bleed changes). And the minor boosts to aoe, I think a GWF could solo kill those adds instead. As some others have state however, the problem is our (GWF) range is ALOT smaller than a wizard's and without any range attacks to gather adds, it will be messer but i think still doable.
Even in a current state every T2 can be done without a wizard. especially karrundax/FH. Its just people (pugs) will not go without a wizard, Because GWF is so heavily gear dependant.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
I'm aware CWs can do it, it's just that after the Module 2 (if it stays as is) we will be competitive with you again.
Well with IV our range issues are mitigated (a bit) with Threatening Rush... The closing distance helps quite a bit honestly!
I'd agree here, and state that GWFs certainly get significantly better the higher gear they get. Skill does matter too though!
Quick update:
Current Encounter Rotation is: Battle Fury, Not So Fast, and Frontline Surge.
It's working out really well, and I'm seeing a healthy bonus in overall damage with Battle Fury slotted. It helping the entire party is icing on the cake IMO!
Thanks so much for the guide. I am a new player leveling up a Half-orc GWF and was wondering if you could post a pic of how you put points into which Powers? Not sure if you can do a chart that showed each level what you put a point into as a progression to 60..but if you could that would be awesome.
Many thanks
You're welcome mi amigo!
dakkon blackblade is my favorite magic creature card (style wise)
[for a long time, until the time of edition 4, it was part of my until then most powerful deck, blue-white-green-black creature control card advantage deck; had only this one creature as a finisher, because i was tired of answering a question i got every time after a few rounds if i was playing with a rather young player: "when do you cast a creature" "there is no creature in this deck" "but ... you don't have mountains neither - how are you gonna kill me?"
would not have imagined someone posting the flavor text in this forum
The capstone talent (even on preview) just seems lacking. You get hit so often that I don't see it being up very much. The only really useful feats to me seem like Viscous Advantage, Allied Opportunity and Group Assault. Which on preview a destroyer can now get Vicious Advantage, which is great.
Side-topic. Did anyone else notice how HUGE of a boost the changes to deep gash are on preview? Deep gash was around 7% of my overall damage on live and was at nearly 30% on preview, simply amazing...
To put this in perspective the bleed ticks on live are 150 for me and 1,600+ on preview.
I was able to kill packs of mobs with Daring Shout just by proc-ing my lightning weapon enchant and deep gash.
yeah the instigator tree is still inferior to destroyer and sentinel, the capstone needs rework, its TOTALLY USELESS when soloing, and mediocre in a party. the feats in the tree are good but the capstone is meh
Well Dakkon has been testing out as IV and Swordmaster, still not sure... I really love the AoE DPS from the Iron Vanguard bonuses. However, Swordmaster is still stupid good over all.
Really a play style choice, but I still need to test more to see which one I prefer overall. Deep Gash's damage ticking is awesome now...
I would rather have the Capstone be reworked again, though I doubt they will...
thanks .
Fairly along the lines of my opinion, I just liked the extra 'wiggle room' it gave me in upgrading other stats, etc.
and in case u didnt see this
And yes, yes I have...
have u gotten the new set ? i really like life steal on it
ps. didnt notice that companion topic
I haven't, though the lifesteal is nice, the 4 set bonus is just asstastic honestly... I'd rather have full set AoW/Titan/Vigilant/Elf Set then that 4 piece bonus. Wish it was even a tad enticing!
that bonus would be nice on some pvp set if it procs often, maybe 20% lifesteal pvp character
AoW was about same in dps as Fabled ? cant decide if i want to bother with Fabled set.
Also Battle Awareness, Vicious Advantage or Executioners Style, for me they seem to be the leftover 5 pts
focused destroyer is worth having imho
also starting to like sure on lmb and wicked on rmb
Personally as a destroyer, i'll go with Vicious.
Because if you get:
indomitable does more dmg -> 8-9% more dmg @ best {guessing the formula is 10% * target's missing hp %} since it's a finisher and it's never used on a target with 1% hp
Battle awareness:
and shouldnt slams slow proc trample the fallen giving you +25% power and +15% dmg?
Maybe, it seems logical it would. But I won't be switching to iron vanguard for pve.
Instigator Tree:
Student of the Sword - 5pts
Destroyer Tree:
Great Weapon Focus - 5pts
Deep Gash - 5pts
Staying Power - 5pts
Relentless Battle Fury - 5pts
Focused Destroyer - 5pts
Destroyer's Purpose - 1pt
Sentinel Tree:
My Power selection/rotation is as follows:
At Will:
Sure Strike
Weapon Masters Strike
Weapon Master
Battle Fury
Indomitable Battle Strike
I've been enjoying Battle Fury (and it's party buff potential!) immensely in Module 2. Roar is back in the rotation for the Interrupt ability, and Determination gain. Indomitable Battle Strike is self explanatory really.
I believe, unless any crazy changes happen before Mod 2 goes live, that this will be the general concept for my Destroyer GWF.
Str>Dex>Cons(or Con>Dex depending on preferences and reaching 25k+ hp) because geting ArP is easier than getting crit c(diminishing returns)
IV paragaon
HP: 25~30k - so u can take big hits with reserve
DR: 40% - to max DR while Unstoppable
Deflect - as much as we can get without sacrificing other stats
Life Steal: depending on diminishing returns but should be above 10%
after hitting these numbers max offensive, only unneeded stat - regeneration, cause in pve life steal will be better with the dmg we deal.
Offensive slots - whatever you need to cap stats
Defensive slots - life steal and def to cap, then hp
Weapons - Mod2
Armor - 2/2 Mod2/Titan or Sharandar 4/4(for rich ppl who have high lvl enchants and can get hp from def sockets while having 10%+ Life Steal)
Weapon ench Lifedrinker, or Vorpal for Rank9+ ppl, might use some other but imho vorpal is best for BiS geared ppl since it works with all stats not only weapon dmg
rest is preferences
Sure Strike
Wicked Strike - reduces mob dmg to you, so your life steal supports your better + does good aoe dmg
Encounter not sure here, havent done too many tests in Mod2, will post the ones i think are good and fit the build
Come And Get It - probably the most HAMSTER skill GWF has, might be that good by numbers, but def HAMSTER
Not So Fast - i think it worked with trample the fallen
Frontline Surge - has knockdown, dmg is ok-ish but crappy target cap
IBS - Great dmg, good cap but the aoe sucks, they should increase it to 1.5m radius at least
atm im using resto strike, but i doubt it will be needed with lifedrinker+10% life steal, maybe for harder encounters when not running tank in party
Slam - 25% power and, i think, procs trample the fallen + additional threat to ease life of others, but eats up 5 feat points for 25% power bonus
Class Features
Trample the Fallen - main feature, but, probably, doesnt work on bosses
this is where i help from more experienced ppl
Destroyer - nice dmg boos works vs single target with feat, but eats up feat points, and if taken along with Battle Awareness feat makes u unable to take Vicious Advantage or Battle Trample feat
Bravery - provides defense, but no offensive bonus
Weapon Master - 4.5% crit
ideally it would be feated Destroyer+Weapon Master for single target and Destroyer + Trample for trash, but wed need to sacrifice other feat to feat destroyer, else it doesnt help on bosses
Feats - standard destroyer, the 10 leftover pts go to either Student+Vicious Advantage, Scale Agility + Battle Trample, or Slam/Destroyer feat(the one u didnt take + Student of the Sword
and weapon master vs destroyer + trample, crit seems to be really tasty now