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Neverwinter Beta details and Founder's Pack announcement!



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    shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    *insert pic of Forever Alone with a t-shirt that reads: "NDA"*
    Because I lack the proper words.
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    thragg11thragg11 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Welp... now its just a waiting game...
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    pellinore90pellinore90 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    shiaika wrote: »
    *insert pic of Forever Alone with a t-shirt that reads: "NDA"*
    Because I lack the proper words.

    There is no mention of NDA. Im just simply asking a question, no reason to start making replies like that.
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    nettekkernettekker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    The only e-mail I have seen lately is about battling the developers in PvP, and I assume that was because I was in the Alpha test.
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    There is no mention of NDA. Im just simply asking a question, no reason to start making replies like that.

    You cannot speak about Alpha testing in public boards, anything including you're in Alpha or asking for details. Posts were removed and edited due to this and I'm stating this publicly here so here is no confusion.

    If you have any questions ask your Community Manager or EUROPEAN Community Manager how to do things under NDA or post on the Alpha Forums or make a support ticket if you're having problems if in Alpha.

    Only when the NDA is announced dropped by your Community Manager can you then speak about your experiences and inclusion.
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    tl73tl73 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I heard that Alpha tests would be running parralel to beta....this right? or is my alpha run over for good?
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    ravenrabbitravenrabbit Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    tl73 wrote: »
    I heard that Alpha tests would be running parralel to beta....this right? or is my alpha run over for good?

    Traditionally, alpha ends when beta begins. They do not run concurrently.
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    tl73tl73 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Traditionally, alpha ends when beta begins. They do not run concurrently.

    Yea thats what normally occurs, I must have read that post wrong, Thanks....I really enjoyed it while it lasted.
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    mordaenmordaen Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm definitely looking forward to the game!
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    tl73 wrote: »
    I heard that Alpha tests would be running parralel to beta....this right? or is my alpha run over for good?
    Traditionally, alpha ends when beta begins. They do not run concurrently.

    Lest's just say while NDA means I can't mention specifics, Cryptic does things differently with this game.
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    foolishlobsterfoolishlobster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    There's almost always a closed alpha running alongside short beta weekends.
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    wesgarwesgar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Are the downloads working right now if I buy the hero of the north pack?

    Start creating your own quests in The Foundry immediately. really? is this really happening? if not, does anyone know why they would advertise it like this? (the word 'immediately' is killin me.)

    zWolf / Wesgar

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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Lest's just say while NDA means I can't mention specifics, Cryptic does things differently with this game.

    Oh! What an interesting piece of information - it is a different game after all!
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    aerodt1aerodt1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    well it sucks how they changed it at th last minute im requesting a refund as we speak.
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    wesgar wrote: »
    Are the downloads working right now if I buy the hero of the north pack?

    Start creating your own quests in The Foundry immediately. really? is this really happening? if not, does anyone know why they would advertise it like this? (the word 'immediately' is killin me.)
    aerodt1 wrote: »
    well it sucks how they changed it at th last minute im requesting a refund as we speak.

    Well, would you rather have accessed it, did something routine, and crashed it being unable to reload the client and play the game at all?

    because I noted that market was very small compared to the rest.
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    sheepdog3sheepdog3 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Unfortunately no Beta invite for me as of yet. :(

    I want to buy the Guardian's pack, but I just cant do it (been burned by too many other games) until I actually see the game and can test it myself.
    "We know that the sheep live in denial; that is what makes them sheep. They do not want to believe that there is evil in the world...The sheep generally do not like the sheepdog...He has fangs and the capacity for violence. The difference, though, is that the sheepdog must not, cannot and will not ever harm the sheep...Still, the sheepdog disturbs the sheep...Until the wolf shows up. Then the entire flock tries desperately to hide behind one lonely sheepdog.
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    ironmothironmoth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I did not get a invite but would like a beta key.
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    jonny76jonny76 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Why does Europe have to pay more for the founder packs, $199.99 is
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    jonny76jonny76 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    jonny76 wrote: »
    Why does Europe have to pay more for the founder packs, $199.99 is

    Ask your government about pricing not PWE
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    jonny76jonny76 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    cant post, bugged
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    All posts asking abut pricing here in foreign currency will be removed. If you need help understanding your country's exchange/excise rates contact them, not PWE. There will be no other responses.
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    razgondk1razgondk1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    All posts asking abut pricing here in foreign currency will be removed. If you need help understanding your country's exchange/excise rates contact them, not PWE. There will be no other responses.

    Well, you lost the sale then, since you are doing it wrong, and refuse to talk about it as well. Guess you make enough money then.
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    cohwascancelledcohwascancelled Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    jonny76 wrote: »
    QFT, how about a DEV reply as to why the game isn't downloadable, isn't accessible, isn't ...well, ANYTHING currently. IF this were a BETA that I was invited to, at no cost, I wouldn't be complaining.

    As I paid to play, at this point, the company is really only ticking off their potential playerbase.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go rant on other gaming forums, FB accounts, and Twitter as to how crappy this situation is. Oh, and contact my CC company for a refund, as I've paid for a good or service that was not provided.

    /signed, irate nerd.
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    startuxstartux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 49
    edited February 2013
    razgondk1 wrote: »
    Well, you lost the sale then, since you are doing it wrong, and refuse to talk about it as well. Guess you make enough money then.

    They cannot do anything about exchange rates! Price was set in USD, deal with it.
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    startuxstartux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 49
    edited February 2013
    QFT, how about a DEV reply as to why the game isn't downloadable, isn't accessible, isn't ...well, ANYTHING currently. IF this were a BETA that I was invited to, at no cost, I wouldn't be complaining.

    As I paid to play, at this point, the company is really only ticking off their potential playerbase.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go rant on other gaming forums, FB accounts, and Twitter as to how crappy this situation is. Oh, and contact my CC company for a refund, as I've paid for a good or service that was not provided.

    /signed, irate nerd.

    Did you get the $60 pack, or the $199? Why pay for just beta? Look at the value of the other items in the package to really decide imho.
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    ischklmeailischklmeail Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I must say
    "really Not Happy"
    I paid to play on my weekend and im not playing

    Get it Right if your selling early access
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    rubyhorse2rubyhorse2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    i think PWE need to do a big turnaround on this beta access malarkey. They are alienating many potential players with the 'confusion' surrounding access to beta.

    If the servers are handling it i say roll it out to everyone this weekend.
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    startuxstartux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 49
    edited February 2013
    rubyhorse2 wrote: »
    i think PWE need to do a big turnaround on this beta access malarkey. They are alienating many potential players with the 'confusion' surrounding access to beta.

    If the servers are handling it i say roll it out to everyone this weekend.

    They would annoy those who paid the $60+ for it and would not be a good idea, however they should add the ones who purchased the starter packs in later betas though at least, even though it was pretty obvious (at least to me) that it didn't include beta access.
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