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thhunterofskulls Arc User



  • Yeah good luck with that one, been trying for a year and haven't gotten one to drop.
  • Probably my favorite is with my melee toon Nemesis. Rage Bomb: Vicious Descent followed up by Unleashed Rage at maximum power (8 stacks of Engrage). Having her crash-land in the middle of a huge group of Arena Guards during Nemcon, set off Unleashed Rage and then watch most if not all of them instantly get flattened by it…
  • Oh thank the gods, if you hadn't written it I would have.
  • Currently have Western Rifle Interested in: Heavy Spiked Axe
  • Fantastic. Now I can look forward to crowds of these things running into me while shrieking. At least they're not cliff racers.
  • Subsection 2 - Known associates Nemesis' primary allies are the members of the super group Dead Reckoning. Hunter of Skulls: Modern embodiment of an ancient Scandanavian warrior demon accidentally released from the Qliphotic realm by Argent, skilled in melee combat and in the use of firearms. Mertvaya Ruka: Cybernetically…
  • Section 2: Known powers and abilities, known associates, notable enemies and additional information Subsection 1 - physical and combat capabilities Nemesis possesses supernaturally augmented strength and physical toughness. Although the upper limits of her strength are not currently known, she has been observed lifting…
  • /signed signed signed
  • 1. Foundry 2. More weapon models including invisible ones for use with glove-slot costume items that look like weapons (Mechassassin gloves, etc.) 3. Three words: Lee. Tosi. Alert.
  • Section 1b: Modern incarnation, continued Only a few of the New Shadows survived that first encounter with Nemesis. The Shamballan adept was not one of them; after a brief but brutal fight that spilled out into the street, Nemesis knocked him on his back, tore a nearby telephone pole out of the ground and staked him with…
  • ((I like pretty much all of it, including the part involving VIPER and the grudging respect for Destroyer. I need to work on Nemesis next. Maybe today, not sure yet))
  • Don't stand in fire patches. Don't stand in fire patches. Don't stand in fire patches. Stand in fire patches. Stand in fire patches. ALWAYS STAND IN FIRE PATCHES. (10G prize to whoever gets this gag. No I'm serious.)
  • I'd be more than happy to help out with my Might/Regen tank. She's more than a match for Warlord and those fire patches were the only thing that kept her from defeating him solo. Until some nice person here explained how to get him to put them where I want him to put them.
  • ((I really like Senka's story. May actually enlist your help getting my toons set up on Primus if that's at all interesting to you. All done for now, gonna go run Anarchodroid and see if I can get him to lvl 30 today))
  • Subsection 4 - Additional information Weapons commonly used by Hunter of Skulls - Melee: Battle axe "Endsong", the weapon of the previous Hunter of Skulls, accidentally retrieved from Qliphoth by Argent. Warhammer Broadsword Handguns: "Headhunter" .500 S&W autopistol - custom designed by Hunter of Skulls himself. Fires the…
  • ((+100 points for Girl Genius reference. Funny enough, there's speculation that Olaf Tryggvason was actually the inspiration for Othar and his fanatical crusade against sparks. Okay enough lollygagging, here's more stuff)) Subsection 2 - Known associates Hunter of Skulls' primary allies are the members of the super group…
  • ((Very glad you liked it. I can't even honestly say I originally planned on intertwining it with Norwegian history, it just started running in that direction and I was helplessly dragged along with it. Partner may have infected me with her "characters that write their own story" bug. I'll write some more in a bit after…
  • Fire All Weapons is also hilariously destructive with enough Ego and Dex :D
  • Section 3: Modern incarnation - known powers and abilities, known associates, notable enemies and additional information Subsection 1 - physical and combat capabilities The Hunter of Skulls composite entity (hereafter referred to as Hunter of Skulls) seems to be adapting to the 21st Century with little difficulty thanks to…
  • Section 2b: Aftermath of Argent Vibora Bay incident From the information pieced together through candid interviews with the Hunter of Skulls himself, it would seem that the human Sorin's blood coming in contact with the axe released the imprisoned Hunter of Skulls entity. The being then immediately bound itself to Sorin,…
  • Section 2a: Release from the Qliphothic realm In October of 2001, an Argent facility in Vibora Bay was infiltrated by a local vigilante named Sorin and several of his associates in an attempt to disrupt their local operations. Vibora Bay officials had proven powerless to stop Argent's pollution of the local waterways, so…
  • Section 1b: Defeat and imprisonment in the Qliphothic realm The Hunter of Skulls' time as a heroic defender of Olaf Tryggvason's heathen subjects drew to a close only a few short years after it began. Tryggvason's soldiers took hostages from among those villages sympathetic to the resistance to draw the Hunter of Skulls…
  • Late afternoon in Vibora Bay found the members of Dead Reckoning gathered around the conference table in their shared headquarters beneath the Hunter of Skulls' townhouse, going over the events of the past few weeks and discussing possible future troubles. "Okay, so this is what we've got so far. We've got a boatload of…
  • Want. Want want want want want. That loading screen all ready looks like he wants to seriously rethink how he makes life decisions. The boxes would just make it even more hilarious.
  • You're still sore about the tea thing, eh? :tongue:
  • This. There is no need for this to be adversarial. Do I like pvp? No. Do I ever pvp? Maybe three or four times for giggles. Does that mean I think it's okay for pvp to be completely cut out of the game? Absolutely not. But I also don't need some kid waving his e-peen at me because he's been playing mmorpgs for a whopping…
  • I seriously can't use Fire All Weapons during Bloodmoon without laughing maniacally. I have given way too much consideration to rigging up a keybind so Mertvaya Ruka says "Firing all the things!" while using it.
  • Hunter of Skulls wandered downstairs from his Vibora Bay townhouse to the garage, bleary-eyed and clutching a giant stainless steel mug full of steaming coffee. He keyed in a short code sequence on the pad next to a wall rack of tools, which then quietly slid to the side to reveal a long stairwell that descended down out…
  • ((this may or may not be the last bit for me today too)) Hunter of Skulls, having waited until he was certain Roberts would receive medical attention, shifted back to his human guise and got ready to head home. Sadly, he was still missing several shirt buttons, wearing viscera-streaked boots, sported several scorched holes…
  • The Hunter of Skulls looked up from where he was lying in the wreckage of a parked car and watched Senka fly off. Apparently the helicopter crew was ticking EVERYONE off today. He shifted to try and get up and that's when he noticed he wasn't alone. There was a body sprawled across him. Hunter of Skulls grabbed the collar…
  • /signed, relevant to my interests
  • The Hunter of Skulls was rapidly becoming annoyed. A few short hours ago he'd finished meeting with the rest of Dead Reckoning, going over all their observations during the fight at Champions HQ. Several tons of Zertstoiten's salvaged tech had been catalogued and stored. Ammunition stocks for the proto-port delivery system…
  • (damn you Kaufmann, I was just about to make a Bob the Zombie toon)
  • You are definitely one of the few. And I do admit to completely geeking out over the inclusion of the KS23 shotgun even if it's improperly chambered for 12 gauge.
  • Congratulations, you've discovered the only superpower the gods have seen fit to grant me: guessing other people's youtube favorites.
  • I am unsurprised by that since an unfortunately large part of my job is talking to them and other BattleFace WarFight of HonorField: Brown Ops players to help them solve their issues. With accounts and connectivity. I have neither the background nor the inclination to help them with their other issues.
  • I have to say that so far my favorites out of the suggestions are the Annihilator and the Wannabe. I would love for one of my characters to have a hilariously self-sabotaging Megamind-style nemesis, especially if the endgame for them was a heel-face turn when they realize how bad they are at being bad. :D
  • While Nemesis was in the middle of her showdown with Johnny Hercules, Mertvaya Ruka was across the city near Champions HQ dealing with a showdown of his own. Specifically, he was in the middle of trying to explain the principles of protelarian revolution to the mass of zombies surrounding Vigil. It wasn't going well.…
  • I don't think Nepht is mad. I think you amuse her in the same way she would be amused by a youtube video of a squirrel trying to climb a tree while catastrophically drunk from eating fermented fruit.
  • I'd say my favorite is Mertvaya Ruka but I don't think I can vote for myself. So someone else do it.
  • The Maniacs were having a bad night. The Bloodmoon rose over Millenium City, dragging up a tide of undead horrors. The Maniacs fought desperately to hold their territory but fists, chains and bullets were not enough to blunt the waves of reanimated dead. Maniacs fell and then rose again to mindlessly attack their former…
  • Good to see I'm not the only old-timer around here.
  • The Hunter of Skulls was exhausted. With the fight mainly over, he'd reverted back to his human form and was now a mostly ordinary-looking man wearing a spike-covered black leather jacket, a kilt and steel-toed motorcycle boots. Not only was this appearance a lot less taxing on his system, it attracted a lot less attention…
  • (do not apologize, your posts are hilarious)