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I Give What Is Due - Nemesis backstory and info

thhunterofskullsthhunterofskulls Posts: 80 Arc User
edited October 2012 in Fan Base Alpha
((finally getting around to writing up Nemesis, slow day today))

--Archive subject: Nemesis--
Section 1a: Historical reference and modern incarnation

Nemesis is the Greek goddess of divine retribution against the arrogant, bringing terrible misfortune and calamity against those whose good fortune springs from their own misdeeds. The following information relates to the modern champion of Nemesis, Melanie Rayner.

October 30, 2011 - Vibora Bay
Melanie Rayner was enjoying a night out with friends at Vibora Bay's Minefield dance club when a group of New Shadows vampires entered with the intent to feed on everyone present. Led by a Shamballan adept, the vampires' plan was to use the appearance of the lich Takofanes in Millenium City as a cover for their own activities; over a dozen clubgoers were exsanguinated in the first hour and the New Shadows were flush with both blood and their own triumph. It is perhaps their exultation as well as the terror of their hostages that attracted the goddess Nemesis' attention.

Melanie Rayner was an unlikely hero in this instance; her small stature along with almost no combat training outside of a community college basic self-defense course meant she was hardly a match for even a freshly-turned vampire. Despite this, she still made a good go at bludgeoning one of them senseless with a barstool. Unfortunately this action singled her out for retribution as being attacked by a mere human was a terrible insult the Shamballan would not let go unanswered. Siezing Melanie by her hair, he dragged her into a back room. Moments later he exited the room with enough velocity to shatter the door to splinters and embed himself up to his waist in the far wall. What followed him out of the room is something still only spoken of in fearful whispers among the New Shadows.

A powerfully-muscled woman shouldered her way through the wrecked doorframe and then stood up to her full height, nearly 9 feet tall. Her skin was marble-white, her red-streaked black hair framed eyes that blazed with the sickly green of balefire. In one hand she held a gigantic double-bladed battle axe. Despite her size the woman moved with blinding speed; sprinting across the room to wrench the Shamballan adept from the wall she then hurled him one-handed into a group of dumbstruck New Shadows. Before any of them could recover she was there, the great axe swinging in a broad and deadly arc.
Post edited by thhunterofskulls on


  • thhunterofskullsthhunterofskulls Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Section 1b: Modern incarnation, continued

    Only a few of the New Shadows survived that first encounter with Nemesis. The Shamballan adept was not one of them; after a brief but brutal fight that spilled out into the street, Nemesis knocked him on his back, tore a nearby telephone pole out of the ground and staked him with it. After seeing that, the surviving vampires lost their remaining enthusiasm for fighting and decided that leaving was a much better idea. Rumors suggest that a few New Shadows have developed a crippling phobia of short Goth women since this incident. Whether this is true or not, the New Shadows are very wary of Nemesis and tend to stay out of sight if they suspect she is in the city.

    Nemesis herself has not spoken publically of the day she became the goddess' new earthly scion. If she has spoken to her teammates in Dead Reckoning of it, they're not talking either. Questions about it are politely but firmly rebuffed. All that is certain is that Melanie Rayner is empowered by a dread supernatural force that has meted out harsh justice and retribution for over a thousand years or more.
  • vendincevendince Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Ooh, I LIKE this one.
  • thhunterofskullsthhunterofskulls Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Section 2: Known powers and abilities, known associates, notable enemies and additional information

    Subsection 1 - physical and combat capabilities

    Nemesis possesses supernaturally augmented strength and physical toughness. Although the upper limits of her strength are not currently known, she has been observed lifting 18-wheeler trucks as well as main battle tanks with little difficulty and is capable of throwing them great distances and even using them as bludgeoning weapons. While in combat, Nemesis will also increase in physical size and strength as the fight drags on, fueled by her rage she can reach a height of over 13 feet and weight of over a ton leaving her towering over most enemies and incapable of being moved or knocked down by them. Nemesis prefers the use of heavy melee weapons in combat, with her most favored weapon being a massive broadsword taken from one of Shadow Destroyer's alien gladiators. She has also been known to use magic in combat, blasting and burning her foes with poisonous balefire. However Nemesis' most devastating power is the ability to focus the entire force of her rage and then release it in a destructive explosive wave that has been known to annihilate lesser enemies instantaneously and leave any surviving foes quaking in terror.

    Nemesis' resistance to physical injury is also extremely high. With most conventional melee weapons and firearms being completely useless against her, heavy energy projection attacks, explosives or powerful magics are needed to even begin to cause her anything approaching harm and more often than not just make her angrier. Nemesis also seems to regenerate physical damage at a greatly accelerated rate, recovering from even lethal injuries in minutes or sometimes seconds.

    With her abilities, Nemesis has been able to fight against incredible odds, even defeating Mega Destroids on her own while trapped in Multifaria. She was defeated in a battle with the power-armored criminal Warlord; after fighting him to a standstill for over a half an hour, withstanding multiple close-range cannon blasts and breaching his armor, Nemesis fell to a desperate gambit. Warlord used enough napalm to consume all of the oxygen in the room, almost killing himself, rendering Nemesis temporarily unconscious and allowing him enough time to escape. Nemesis is still nursing a grudge against Warlord over it.
  • thhunterofskullsthhunterofskulls Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Subsection 2 - Known associates

    Nemesis' primary allies are the members of the super group Dead Reckoning.

    Hunter of Skulls: Modern embodiment of an ancient Scandanavian warrior demon accidentally released from the Qliphotic realm by Argent, skilled in melee combat and in the use of firearms.

    Mertvaya Ruka: Cybernetically enhanced undead, produced by a Cold War-era Soviet supersoldier project. Utilizes power armor of relatively uncomplicated technology level that is almost crude by today's standards but is also somewhat more robust and easy to maintain.

    Nachthexe: Cybernetically and magically enhanced undead, produced by an offshoot of the same project that designed Mertvaya Ruka. Her power armor is more sophisticated than Mertvaya Ruka's, incorporating advanced energy shields and supplemented by her own sorcery for both defense and offense.

    Anarchodroid: Artificial intelligence, liberated from Argent and given a body constructed from stolen Argent, Destroid and Roin'esh technology. Utilizes heat/fire projection and control of earth/rock in combat.

    Strelok Dukh: Supernatural construct, created by Hunter of Skulls and Nachthexe. A spirit of unknown origin inhabiting a golem-like body composed of base metal particulate and high-strength polymer. Has the ability to form weapons (usually firearms) and protective armor plate from the stuff of its own body.

    Subsection 3 - Notable enemies

    Father Blight: Fanatical fundamentalist preacher dedicated to the destruction of magically-powered superhumans, especially women. Hypocritically made bargains with dark magical entities to accomplish his goal, utilizing infernal abilities and commanding armies of lesser demons. Missing and presumed deceased after the Serenity moonbase incident.

    The angel Camiel: Released into our world after the presumed death of Father Blight, driven insane by both his imprisonment and a world he sees as irredeemably corrupted and wicked. Was held captive in an artifact possessed by Father Blight, with the artifact designed to release Camiel in the event of Father Blight's death as a fail-deadly device. If not stopped, Camiel may well attempt to exterminate all sentient life on Earth in an attempt to cleanse it. Last sighted on Monster Island.

    Number Six a.k.a. "Lee Tosi": One of the more brilliant (and obsessive) duplicates of the geneticist Teleios. Currently pursing a vendetta against Nemesis due to her devastating assault on Teleios's tower in Canada several months ago. Most recently attempted to have her assassinated and vivisected during the battle against Dr. Destroyer's forces at Champions HQ.

    Current and past enemies of Dead Reckoning teammates: Including but not limited to The Pig, The Military Industrial Complex, Autopsy and the unnamed Roin'esh agent currently trying to reclaim the technology incorporated into Anarchodroid.
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