you know spinny, despite the fact that you may be okay with it, doesnt invalidate everyone elses opinion on the matter. Maybe learn to see what the majority of the base's gripe is over instead of being Biased O 3 O Insert passive aggressive emoji here*
This is the same issue with other tokens/currencies .. MCPD.. SCR .... Gold recog etc.. The list goes on, and this just deducts away from people wanting to make alts and progress. Why they made the decision to make them bound only to character is beyond me...
Yes it is ultra easy, but how long are you willing to spend, mindlessly grinding all that ultra easy content? At the current rate you'd spend days on a single character grinding for it.
I've already suggested that in the post above. Well it wasn't really needed before but with the current pricing, I feel something like this need to be implemented.
Dont leave, just take a break. You'll always be welcome back in. Hey people come and go, play another game or something, leave for a few months if thats what you feel you need. Admittedly CO doesnt get as much development as most of the people here would like it to but im sure something else will catch your eye.
Seems whatever they broke when On Alert became active was either taken out and unspoken of, OR thrown into some sort of payment. Arms tech was hidden behind salavage which used to be obtainable via crafting, now you have to pay to get them. While science and mysticism stuff is now Q-Store. They used to be legacy box but…
A few new costumes that i've made.. That I've grown attached to. \o/ Here we go.. Meet "Rusty the Robot". Sir by day, brawler by night. And meet my little action figure toon. "My Wittle Dwagon". This guy is part of an action figure toon series. Currently have a lot which im changing the looks around here and there but i…
I have to agree, thanks for all the hard work devs, Now i dont drop in casually anymore.. i've actually been playing the game and it's been pretty damn enjoyable.
You know i'm still waiting on my costume set i designed.. Oh you know.. the one i designed last year? I know you said devs said it's on the radar but wow it's been months now since the last contestant had their set made, after that you had other misc costume sets made... I don't want to be rude but I am going to see it…
Well it's been fun Taco, you dont have to leave, just visit here and there but i guess it's ultimately up to you what you wish to do. I've only ever known good things about you Taco so see you, find a game that you enjoy.. Thats what game are for after all, having fun and making new friends. :) And im sure as hell glad…
Im surprised anyone even CARES anymore.. if you dont like it just leave. I've left the game ages but still checking the forums for my set.. Again the game is obviously going downhill.. if you want to leave just do it. :|
Wow.. so a power locked in a lockbox, i thought i'd never see this. And its a token too which means if you wanted to have that power on another toon you'd have to open another set of boxes just to get it. At least thats what i think would happen since its you know..a token. If anything this is a whole new low for Cryptic..…
In a way yes.. in another way no. I guess its just a nice visual reminder of who is who in the party, there should be a option to toggle that portrait on the side on and off.
Truth be told i bought skyrim years ago but only beat it recently, its a good feeling. So much stuff to do though, definitely one of my favorite games.
Honestly i havent gotten much of the mechanon stuff, maybe 1 thing and thats it.. Very little motivation to play this game these days for longer periods of time, it gets a bit repetitive.
Can we all just chill for a second here? Every thread, literally every thread on the forums recently has turned into some really salty arguments, i get sick and tired of it and frankly it makes me not want to post on the forums at all to those being overly critical and some just plain aggressive. No offence to those doing…
So they attempted to fix the costumes, made a patch and less than 24 after the patch you decide to leave CO? Give them time.. If you leave just leave, I've left a lot of times and always come back eventually., by now i dont even mention anything upon my departure.. i just do it. Play some other game in the mean time, it's…
Ick... everyone is so salty on the forums.. I'll just stay out of that clusterf$@$ and say that pushing this out so soon DESPITE the bugs that have been address to death is wow, seriously a bad move. We can do nothing but sit here and complain at the whats been presented i guess... Unless they magically decide to fix the…
Great change, May i suggest a change to Vehicle mod hour ? Change it to Mod hour so all mods when fusing have a significantly higher success chance during the hour. It would be more beneficial.
Alright im going to be blunt about this, i was really surprised when they decided that they're going to make the variable robot set, but this set right now in its current doesnt truely live up to what the concept art shows. I may seem like im complaining now but a lot of the parts seem like they're too clunky, big and…
haha reminds me of the first time i drew on my tablet.. it took a few months to fully get used to it. Fun times. If you're going to get a drawing program, try and get used to one at a time i guess so it's not too over whelming. I only use paint tool sai, photoshop.. one day i'll learn to use that. Sketchbook pro looks…
No idea what happened in the thread zenith linked.. but by the looks of it .. it would have been wiser to just move the thread to general discussion instead of closing it.
Been following this for a while, but wow this is actually really nice. The little details on some of the panels really add a good touch, keep it up Biff! ( ; u ; )b