Many players feel like attacking villains gives little reward if the only thing to spend guardian tokens on is more villain unlocks and onslaught tokens. What else would you like to see or be able to do with your Guardian Tokens?
What would you MOST like to buy at the Onslaught Agent with Guardian Tokens? 28 votes
Costume pieces from villains (Medusa's tights, Therakiel's Sword(!?!), Gravitar's cape, etc. )
Legacy items no longer available in game through other means.
New Villains please ASAP!
1 vote
Onslaught items that cost Villain tokens (by paying partially with Guardian tokens.)

2 votes
Gear or powers entirely different from existing gear and powers in the store.
1 vote
Other item types not yet in the store (Mods, vehicles, Auras, Devices, AT unlocks, etc.)
Use Guardian tokens to buy villain tokens (Such as a 2:1 conversion rate)
Limited Edition Foxbat Underwear and Footed Pajamas.
Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
Old rewards that were available from pve content should be restored to pve content, not put behind a pvp wall.
Or I guess you just really want those footed pajamas
I do understand people who would argue that legacy rewards should be "put back" because they argue it would encourage others to do pve content - but I think that those legacy items could also be distributed in another way and would be fine with that. No reason Therakiel should drop both his Sword and his Blade in his encounter, and you can't "put back" things from the crafting system.
He who posts 2 years before he joins
Shhh, you don't mention such things here because the alternative leveling crowd will come in and try to convince you that alternative leveling is the same as regular leveling.
But I agree though I just wish for it.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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I would not mind STO like specialization options "leveling" instead of flat +x lvls. Also gives the occasional "ding" feeling but with a much smaller power growth than a full level. And a new city; I can guarantee that everybody will swarm the OS Agent
He who posts 2 years before he joins
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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And crafting gear that's worth bringing back (crafted power replacers and enhancers, droppable ones if they aren't restored as drops) should be put in the q-store, so q will have some reason to not be perma-locked at 500:1 zen. Seriously, the q store needs love. Especially now that no one will ever care to acquire vig gear again.
(I would be fine with the old pvp power replacers as pvp rewards... but they should be restored to the Acclaim shop).
I wish to be more evil.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Guardian tokens are usless!
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Stuffy on the old CO forums. PWE ate my username.
I think maybe they were worried nobody would want to play as villains, but they actually kinda over compensated imo. You have to be a villain for the good rewards, and so we have 3 gronds romping around without enough heroes to fight them.