Well hello there, most of you forum regulars probably don't know me but, I am
@Kurobasa in game and if you hang around the theater a lot, you might of seen me. Anyhow I spend a lot of time making looks and I felt like sharing them for once. So without further ado, here we go.
Roster: This is including my actual toons and all my costume files
Storm Roc: A man with the spark for heroism!
Austin Ironblud: Werewolf by Zen
Silver Mongoose: Hunter of Cobras and Vipers
Titan Gaias: Elemental within the Shell
Temporal Titan: Great Scott!
Dead Fang: A friendly, human version of HAL 9000 I swear... Oh hey Space Baby!
Cosmitrix: #Get up, go to school, save the world.
The Weasel: Because Giving House Cat a Bat themed thief was too cliche.
Nazca The Searing: Seems Tron had a Steam Bundle.
Atlas Beetle: He'll be really big in Japan's Special Kabutomushi Circuit!
Gallahad: Might be mis-spelled then rolled with, but he's just as just as his namesake!
Abyss Echo-12: Aquatic G.I. Joe? Blub Joe!
Black Angus: This one isn't just full of bull, but he does have some beef with ya!
Leafy Sea Dragon: How many of you have seen a Seahorse themed hero?
Cyrosaurus: The ice age won't kill this dino!
Yellowjacket: No relation to a certain size changer with personality disorders.
Pangolin: Armadillo's biggest fan!... And worst nemesis on the "Who is this guy?" scale.
House Cat: All Cat. All Man. All Camp! Nanananananananana-Mouse! *pounces*
Houdini: Want to see him pull a murder victim from his hat?
Decibel: He hears you clicking on your mouse to click out that tab of naughty fun...
Bonus: The Survivor: You got Human in my Alien! No you got Alien in my Human! Remember, don't do genetic experiments.
Will be updated with new characters and designs... Whenever. I'll try to make this a daily thing where I post 5-10 entries a day.
Pandemic: A robot that is Down with the Sickness! (It's a song title ._.) Also, this is the 7th and final roster member.
Abraham Hound: Samus Aran's homage.
Austin Ironblud: Werewolf state 01
Sub-55: A aquatic robot that'll probably never see Lemuria.
Black Rhino: Look at the size of his horn...
Crimson Mach V: Go speed racer g- Hey you're not him!
Lawbringer: He is the law! Laaaaaaaaaaw!
Warbotron: It's Warbotron!... Sounds like a transformer.
Searchlight: He'll spot out crime!
Poseideus: Chicken of the Sea!... I mean King of the Sea!
Qing Long: Generally the last guy in the Elite Four you face!
S.H.I.F.T.: Shift into Turbo!.... No? Okay...
Thunder Drake: Because Fire Drakes are overrated!
Bonegeddon: Whose your Bone Daddy!
Promience Novus: A IDW Nova Prime homage.
Will update when I look through my files some more.
Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
That one
The next one
The one before that
The one near the bottom
That one right there
And him
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods