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ztempest Arc User



  • yep. That makes sense...and that may be the way I lean also. I noted last night that in the blog, I did not see any details regarding the actual space set that goes along with this vessel -- like what kind of shield it is (resilient? covariant? regen?), etc. If Cryptic had made that extra TAC weapon a dual beam bank...then…
  • Hehe. I just posted a long-winded message that pretty much asks the same thing... I saw one proposed build that suggested a torp boat load out...but I don't know if that is really viable... Given that the "Tactical Mode" has a cannon, and that can't be changed, and given that the Romulan version has battle cloak..it stands…
  • Update: I logged in another Klingon character that has not done the episode yet...and it showed up in the journal like it was supposed to. I went back to the Klingon in the new battlecruiser...and it is still greyed out and the sphere is inaccessible. Could it be the Mogh battlecruiser?
  • If it is the Voth...then will they get along with the Gorn? And if they do...is there a potential for a Klingon story arc to put down a Gorn uprising? Hmm....
  • First...sorry to say, but I do not think this is temporary. Second...no offense...but this is a bit of a dead horse...there are lots of threads on this topic, even before LOR came out. I wish the Romulans were a separate faction...but I think that this is now the norm for future new "factions" n STO.
  • No. I won't drop it.
  • Cryptic. Please. Consider doing something about this. And to all of you out there that: 1. Say that it is not a problem or, 2. Say it is my own fault because I don't always team with my fleet or, 3. Say that it is not against the TOS or 4. Say that it is just another way to "play" the game... Look. I just came out of an…
  • Don't know if anyone has posted in this thread yet or not...but it does look like the Romulans have two Science ships headed their way... One is a lockbox vessel -- the Temporal Sci Ship. The other is just labeled "Romulan Science Ship". Priority 1 scooped both as part of their podcast during a visit to Cryptic recently.…
  • Actually, there is a video and picture out of it already. Priority 1 podcast got the scoop on it in a visit to Cryptic...they don't talk much about it other than to say that it will have the same stats as the Wells and Korgath. There are a few short clips of it in the video. The link is here:…
  • Wow! Lots of assumptions there about me...on so few words! I am not anti-social...I just happen to like joining PUGs -- it sometimes gives me the opportunity to meet new people and make good friends. It also is a pre-requisite for fleet recruiting. You make it sound like PUGs are for anti-social gameplay - I beg to differ.…
  • Over time I have witnessed/observed the number of AFK leeching players increasing -- for me, I have observed at least 40% of the time when I do a PUG Azure Nebula Rescue, there will be one leecher on the team. This means a 20% drop in team firepower, and a 20% less efficient ship release rate - that one more player can…
  • Sure -- I understand...but along those same lines, please get your complaint straight, and stop comparing the Scimitar to the faction flagships of both the KDF and the Federation. The Scimitar is NOT the Romulan flag vessel...so why compare it to the vessels that are? If you think the Flagships of the KDF and the…
  • I also think the drone ships sound intriguing. Don't know how effective they will be...but it sounds like fun -- and that is the point of playing a game -- to have fun! I am looking forward to them.
  • Don't forget...the Feds get the Scimitar also... Fed-aligned Romulans have just as much access as KDF-aligned Romulans... So...from a faction perspective, both sides are getting the exact same vessel....the only difference is that only a specific race/allied faction can actually fly it...
  • Okay, I am going to stir the pot a bit.... The FEDS DO get something to counter the Scimitar...they get....the Scimitar! You forget that there are Rom Feds also...the same is true for the KDF.... So...if you are FED and want to pilot a Scimitar, then by all means, level up a Rom and go Fed. End of discussion...nothing to…
  • To fix this problem, remove the incentive. If afkers got not marks...they would not behave this way. No kick...no vote...just code that determines someone is afk and then awards zero marks.
  • I have the same problem...but there is an odd fix that worked for me. As soon as I open up a trouble ticket on it...those emails disappear. There is no rhyme or reason why...but they do. Steps I take: 1. reclaim anything that did not sell, then go down the list and delete each email...some will delete, some won't. 2. Close…
  • You forgot one! -- Reading posts on the Starfleet side that demand a Typhoon or Jupiter carrier with the same stats and special abilities of the Scimitar! Incidentally...that is already happening, and the ship isn't even out yet!
  • I think that this is largely a non-issue -- or rather, an issue that solves itself for the most part. Not to be offensive...just offering an opinion. I believe that most Rom characters will be seen in Rom ships. I believe this for several reasons: 1. It is a racial characteristic that separates them from the crowd -- only…
  • After thinking about it...I am beginning to think that what is happening here is the same old chorus that pops up whenever a pretty cool console comes along and the other side does not have it. That what history would suggest. Just look at the outcry over plasmatic leech, or a few of the other KDF consoles...it started…
  • I have not read the entire thread...but I am sort of puzzled... 2.5% chance... How often does this thing actually proc? Is there a different console or ability that is boosting the chance of this happening? I mean...maybe I am wrong...but doesn't 2.5 percent basically mean that 97.5 percent of the time this console is a…
  • Additoinally, from the TOS timeline...it was my understanding that the Romulans got at least some of the advanced vessel designs from the Klingons -- they had some sort of alliance at some point. That is supposedly how they made the jump from the "old style" warbirds (TOS, "Balance of Terror") to the D'Deridex and the…
  • Look -- the situation is reciprocal; in other words, a Romulan may not be able to fly a VA Fed or KDF vessel...but then again, the faction you join can't fly a D'Deridex either! The system is fair, and working as intended.
  • Speculation here...but I wonder if they have some sort of issue where the servers degrade rapidly over time -- wiithin 24-72 hours or so... Seems like that might be the pattern...this downtime is occuring practically every day. With that being said...two points. First -- everyone that complains adds to the fact that the…
  • I would fly this ship -- it is an excellent design. What astounds me though are the Fed trolls that take it upon themselves to insult the Klingon playerbase with their conceited comments regarding Klingon science expertise. Time for a history lesson...and a bit of enlightened questioning. 1. Name one major scientific…
  • Excellent idea and concept...but in my opinion, it will never be done -- even if it is do-able. Why? Simple -- you have to consider the motivations driving what Cryptic is doing. They made a concious decision to do it this way, and I think I know why... The Federation player base is extremely vocal about a lot of things.…
  • Yet another Federation attempt to obtain a cloak. Sigh.
  • Umm....not to be too picky, but I thought I would contribute to your knowledge on the topic of cloaking technology... Cloaking technology advances DO exist - in real life. What you need to look for is the topic of Metamaterials...here is a link to what we are doing in this regard:…
  • Suggestion: Change the LTC and one of the LTs to universal slots. This gives the ship enough flexibility to be either engineer or more of a tac-sci hybrid. Also...if this is a Sci ship...then you should also add Sensor Analysis to the vessel attributes, along with sub-system targeting, and yes -- by all means -- a cloak.
  • Look, I am happy to see ANY new content come to the game -- and I think that the Romulan content (notice I did not say "faction") is progress, IMO. However...calling it a faction is not realistic. If it is a faction, then it is a faction that owes its loyalty to either the Feds or the Klingons, and is in fact in a…