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A Suggestion to the Devs (To calm the masses)

imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
I think the new faction is going to be great. I'm sure you all have put a tremendous amount of work into it. Many are raging about the lack of starbases and such, but, as dstahl said "For now, the New Romulans are just getting their feet on the ground and must look to the planet New Romulus as their new home and rely on the Starbases of their ally for support."
This makes crystal clear perfect sense. I would much rather play 50 levels of Romulan content and worry about the finer points being fleshed out later.

That being said, let's be honest, we know if there is ship sharing allowed that the proverbial umbilical cord will never be severed. It's bad enough that we have Cardassian, Dominion and Ferengi ships running around in the Federation and KDF*(see footnote for side point), but if we have Romulans with Galaxy Class cruisers or B'rel class birds of prey, that's what you call "set in stone," and the link will never be broken.

I can live with literally everything else as a transitional phase (even if it lasts a long while), but please I implore you; Do not allow Romulans to use Federation or KDF ships or vice-versa!

We (the kind portion of the player base) thank you for your long and hard hours, (you guys totally deserve to go back to 5 day weeks!) and I encourage you to take to heart the suggestion about ship sharing.

*An idea: Eventually Cardassians and later the Dominion, and perhaps even eventually somewhere down the road, the Ferengi will get their number called to become playable factions of their own! When this happens, in an effort to have all ships in their proper fleets, I think the players with such ships that do not belong to their faction should be offered some enticing offer to encourage them to part with their ship (Maybe 100 million energy credits and 100k dilithium or something). I would prefer it not be optional, but I'm sure people would complain if it were forced upon them.
Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
Post edited by imadoctornota on


  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This I agree and can live with. On a side note however, did you know that the B'rel was originally slated to be a Romulan ship which the Klingon commander in Search for Spock stole from the Romulans?
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    i hope its transitional..

    but honestly, everyone makes it sound like the romulans didnt have hundreds of lightyears of territory.. like they only lived on romulus and remus.. and that the destruction left like 5 romulans..

    honestly, the destruction of the home world would suck, and blah blah, but it wouldnt be as crippling as cryptic is making it out to be..
  • atatassaultatatassault Member Posts: 1,008 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    puttenham wrote: »
    i hope its transitional..

    but honestly, everyone makes it sound like the romulans didnt have hundreds of lightyears of territory.. like they only lived on romulus and remus.. and that the destruction left like 5 romulans..

    honestly, the destruction of the home world would suck, and blah blah, but it wouldnt be as crippling as cryptic is making it out to be..
    The Destruction left a power vacuum; One which many different figures within the RSE have been trying to exploit and fight over. This has left the RSE in a state of weakness since it no longer has a central authority operating all of it.
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The Destruction left a power vacuum; One which many different figures within the RSE have been trying to exploit and fight over. This has left the RSE in a state of weakness since it no longer has a central authority operating all of it.
    yes, that doesn't address why the Romulan faction that came out of that mess had to be the Romulan Republic instead of the RSE. Multiple factions coming out of this is not entirely implausable, but we didn't need to have the RR as the player faction and the RSE as an NPC faction when one is an emerging faction with little in the way of Romulan 'flavor' and the other has an established power base and is as Romulan as you can get. We could have been rebuilding and stabilizing the RSE instead of going off on our own, and Cryptic probably could have avoided a lot of the anger they are gettign right now if they had gone in that direction.

    As for the original post, I agree wholeheartedly. The sharing of ships, by Lockbox and starbase really blends the lines between the Rommies and their allies. The act of forcing Romulans to choose who to ally with already makes their faction look weak and unappealing, but making them rely on the starbases and ships of others really doesn't do it any further favors. I agree about the being set in stone thing. I would rather have less content but more room to develop the faction, the current information we have gives the picture of the ROmulans beign painted into a corner.
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I completely agree with the OP. Let the Republic have their ally's equipment and uniforms, but starships is a bit too much.

    Or ... what if Romulans characters can obtain an ally's ship, but instead of being able to fly it, they can have it reverse engineered to improve their warbird? That sounds like it would make everyone happy - the Feds/KDF don't have to lose their unique ships, and the Romulans can still benefit from their ally's ships.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • marikaoniki1marikaoniki1 Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The Destruction left a power vacuum; One which many different figures within the RSE have been trying to exploit and fight over. This has left the RSE in a state of weakness since it no longer has a central authority operating all of it.

    Well, it's a bit of a plothole in STO in that there really shouldn't be any surviving systems within the radius of the blast from Hobus, as anything closer to Hobus than Romulus shouldn't exist in any meaningful fashion. The Abrahms movie played it up as a threat to the galaxy at large. If you take the distance between the Hobus star system and the Romulus star system as a rough radius for the Hobus supernova, it actually takes out about half the territory shown as Romulan on the in-game map.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited April 2013
    yes, that doesn't address why the Romulan faction that came out of that mess had to be the Romulan Republic instead of the RSE. Multiple factions coming out of this is not entirely implausable, but we didn't need to have the RR as the player faction and the RSE as an NPC faction when one is an emerging faction with little in the way of Romulan 'flavor' and the other has an established power base and is as Romulan as you can get. We could have been rebuilding and stabilizing the RSE instead of going off on our own, and Cryptic probably could have avoided a lot of the anger they are gettign right now if they had gone in that direction.

    As for the original post, I agree wholeheartedly. The sharing of ships, by Lockbox and starbase really blends the lines between the Rommies and their allies. The act of forcing Romulans to choose who to ally with already makes their faction look weak and unappealing, but making them rely on the starbases and ships of others really doesn't do it any further favors. I agree about the being set in stone thing. I would rather have less content but more room to develop the faction, the current information we have gives the picture of the ROmulans beign painted into a corner.

    As a bonus if we could actually be the RSE then D'Tan and his little play house could continue to be available to other factions for rep grinding. There would a lot of opportunity for story and drama if Romulan players were actively fighting/undermining the RR and D'Tan while Feds/Klings were trying to ally with him.

    Romulans are the unpredictable bad guys scheming and plotting behind your back. It sounds like Cryptic wants to turn them into pseudo-Feds and completely ruin what makes them unique.

    If Romulans needed an ally, it should have been KDF. Feds are dominant both in canon (see Dominion war) and in game. It makes sense for Romulans to side with KDF (while possibly planning to back-stab at the right moment). It ties in with Sela nicely and her Klingon connections. It could revitalize PvP and boost KDF pop.

    Of course Cryptic decides to do the opposite to placate Fed players. :(

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • malakhglitchmalakhglitch Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I agree for the most part.

    Warbirds should only be available to Romulans and access to ally ships should go only up to T3 or T4 at the most.

    As for the Romulan Republic story itself I have to withhold judgement until it's out to decide.
  • radaikofromulusradaikofromulus Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    puttenham wrote: »
    i hope its transitional..

    but honestly, everyone makes it sound like the romulans didnt have hundreds of lightyears of territory.. like they only lived on romulus and remus.. and that the destruction left like 5 romulans..

    honestly, the destruction of the home world would suck, and blah blah, but it wouldnt be as crippling as cryptic is making it out to be..

    To be fair it wasn't cryptic here. This destroy the capital and everything else falls apart was actually created by Abrams and the way was paved by Nemesis. This is what happens when the creative team of a movie/show don't understand how large polities work and its exasperated by a massive misunderstanding of Romulan politics and culture.
  • radaikofromulusradaikofromulus Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The Destruction left a power vacuum; One which many different figures within the RSE have been trying to exploit and fight over. This has left the RSE in a state of weakness since it no longer has a central authority operating all of it.

    There wouldn't be a power vacuum in a large, regional government like the RSE. The RSE wasn't the unstable, attrition oriented and opportunistic government made out by Nemesis. Even if I were going to be extremely fair and say the director and creative talent behind Nemesis was in fact a Star Trek fan at large, he wasn't Romulan fan who also loved Star Trek. The praetor is the commander of the armed forces and has a seat on the senate. He commands, but cannot declare war. The laws are created by the senate and the senate is led by a pro consul. Even the almighty and vaunted Tal Shiar has a director who is responsible to the senate and who's seat on the continuing committee is subject to senatorial confirmation. This is all canon. There is a clear division between military and civilian power, some oversight of the secret police and a sturdy government.

    The Klingons have a government and military of attrition. The Cardassians had a military government running everything. The Romulans have arguably the most stable ST government with a professional military with a subdivided organization. Not to mention that every planet must have some form of regional government. You couldn't rule a planet of millions, a hundred light years away from Romulus, without a local government.

    My point here is that Star Trek usually over simplifies these things. If you have a major motion picture in canon that says these people have a coup every few years that makes it even easier to roll them over later.
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I would add one more thing to solidify the position beyond a T3 limit. Unequivocally state that existing fleet communities will have an option to do a conversion project to a green team only operation in the future.

    You see, every Romulan fan that plays STO that I know and I know over two hundred in game, FULLY expected to start from tier 0 when a Romulan faction was released. Furthermore, many were actually looking forward to it. The developers reason for the linking about being worried that existing fleets will be hurt is invalid from my perspective. If anything it makes things harder for the large and especially mega fleets as they now must make room for all the Romulan toons! Moreover those that are T5 will need many new projects for the Romulan toons to earn Fleet Credits anyway so the position of Cryptic as publicly stated also seems unsound to me as well.
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
    Obscurea Chaotica Fleet (KDF), Commander
    ingame: @.Spartan
    Former Alpha & Beta Tester
    Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
    The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I agree for the most part.

    Warbirds should only be available to Romulans and access to ally ships should go only up to T3 or T4 at the most.

    As for the Romulan Republic story itself I have to withhold judgement until it's out to decide.

    At the very most T3. It's not unreasonable to think that the Federation would loan/give some of their more "aging" ships to the Romulans as a humanitarian aid type of deal. When and IF Cryptic decide to allow the Romulan characters to separate from this forced ally nonsense at least then when it comes to end game play Roms will be in Rom ships.

    I don't mind this Alliance thing too much for the start but there needs to be more separation to make a clean split later on. I want a Romulan fleet, a Romulan fleetbase, and I don't care if it would be starting all over again, but if they integrate the Roms into the FED/KDF too much then that'll never happen. And with all the history between the Romulans and the KDF (even to a point the FED) there would NEVER be an alliance between the Romulans and Klingons anyways. Yeah the destruction of their homeworld MIGHT make the Klingons decide the honorable thing would be to send some aid but NEVER an alliance.
  • shadow88030shadow88030 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Agreed on the non-sharing of ships. This point is extremely important if they wish to maintain the fragile 'separate faction' state of the RomR.

    As well...and may have missed this in official postings...they should have a discount or some extra bonus applied to RomR players and Romulan items. I know that RomR players get the Reman playable species, but there should be more than that, especially concerning their OWN technology.
    Starfleet: Persephone, Silas, Alexandra, Purrs-a-lot, Insanity, Alala, Nicki Minaj, Apathy and Liz Lemon
    KDF: Absolution, Vox, Vadim, Sammiches and Unknown Refugee
    Member of Network 23 FED and Imperial Legion
  • redshirtthefirstredshirtthefirst Member Posts: 415 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I will tend to agree that ships should not be sharable... above all, the wall between fed/KDF players and romulan gear should NEVER come down...

    I seen in so many places across this forum people saying they understood that starting a rom character meant setting side their c-store ships and gear for a while... Looking at it, most of them already had zen set aside/ready to be bought for new ships and romulan centric gear...
    Server not responding (1701 s)
  • ztempestztempest Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Excellent idea and concept...but in my opinion, it will never be done -- even if it is do-able.


    Simple -- you have to consider the motivations driving what Cryptic is doing. They made a concious decision to do it this way, and I think I know why...

    The Federation player base is extremely vocal about a lot of things. One thing that keeps rearing its ugly head in the Federation gameplay forums is the entire subject of cloak. The Romulans are a cloaking race - and developing a third faction -- one of the two major factions in Star Trek -- that uses the cloak was bound to ignite a firestorm amongst Federation players given that they only have a couple of cloaking vessels.

    The neat solution to this problem is to make that technology indirectly available to the Federation by way of Romulan ships. Several problems -- at least on paper -- seem to solve themselves by doing it this way. The majority player base has access to an entire new line of shiney, different vessels, most of which will be able to cloak. Shoot -- I would not be surprised if the Romulan escorts have battle cloak and enhanced battle cloak. The Federation gets its cloak for all intents and purposes, and get to pilot Romulan vessels, without having to leave the Federation in order to do so.

    The KDF option is more of an afterthought -- but allowing Romulans to partner with the KDF also serves a purpose -- it gives the perception of parity with the Federation in terms of new content and new ships, and it prevents an even further game population imbalance if the Romulan faction was made available only to the Federation.

    Bottom line -- although your idea has merit, it will never be implemented, because this is all about catering to the majority playerbase...and the majority playerbase is going to want that cloak, and is going to want to be able to captain that warbird - or at least the new ships on the block. Not every Federation player thinks that way...I do not wish to do a disservice to the ones that are true to the principles of the Federation, but the vast majority of Fed players are going to be thinking exactly as described above.

    Just my .02 cents
  • darimunddarimund Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ahh but you forget one all important key fact... Cryptic doesn't want to make canon STO, they want to make their own fan fiction where anything and everything can happen because in the final numbers it makes them money.

    While this expansion, in byte size, may indeed deliver more content than previous seasons, there will ultimately be little added to the game. It's still Fed and KDF missions with more ships to buy from the cstore and some new shiny lock boxes to gamble away your cash on.

    Here is the future of STO:

  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ztempest wrote: »
    Bottom line -- although your idea has merit, it will never be implemented, because this is all about catering to the majority playerbase...and the majority playerbase is going to want that cloak, and is going to want to be able to captain that warbird - or at least the new ships on the block. Not every Federation player thinks that way...I do not wish to do a disservice to the ones that are true to the principles of the Federation, but the vast majority of Fed players are going to be thinking exactly as described above.
    Just my .02 cents

    I disagree. While I do agree that many people want more cloaking Federation ships, Cryptic has said that they won't give Fed players wide access to cloaks (the Defiant and Galaxy X were exceptions since they had them in the shows), I believe they even gave a definitive never to battle cloaks, and I doubt CBS would allow it.

    So that leaves the option of letting Fed characters fly around in Romulan ships with cloaks. I believe the response to this thread has shown that many people want to keep that from happening.

    Yes, the 3rd faction has a cloak, poor feddies...lol I play almost exclusively Fed ever since the starbases came out, (I have a small family & friends fleet that we're trying to level up) and it doesn't make a difference to me, it's trek! Feds don't have cloaks! The whiners will whine regardless, they'll just have to deal with it. Besides, Cardassians aren't going to have cloaks either (except maybe a c-store version of an advanced Keldon class like they used in the Tal Shiar/Obsidian Order attack on the Dominion).

    I understand your skepticism, but I respectfully hope you're wrong and cryptic will do the right thing. :)
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    <watches as the walls between the Fed and KDF are slimed in Romulan green and start to dissolve> :rolleyes:

    The Undiscovered Country is coming soon to an STO near you! :eek:
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    darimund wrote: »
    Ahh but you forget one all important key fact... Cryptic doesn't want to make canon STO, they want to make their own fan fiction where anything and everything can happen because in the final numbers it makes them money.

    While this expansion, in byte size, may indeed deliver more content than previous seasons, there will ultimately be little added to the game. It's still Fed and KDF missions with more ships to buy from the cstore and some new shiny lock boxes to gamble away your cash on.

    Here is the future of STO:

    Oh, the "bottom line" theory. I love this one. Cryptic is clearly trying to make money, obviously, how else could they operate their servers and make new content? But, if you have ever played or even glanced at other F2P games you would see that Cryptic is about as far from money grubbing as you can possibly be as a F2P game! Go check out Star Warts (spelling intentional), those people are crooks! Cryptic deserves a lot more credit than they get.

    Feds are good, KDF is good and about to get better (20 levels better!), and as long as they don't go through with allowing Romulans to fly their allies ships and vice versa, the Romulan faction will be great too. Albeit not complete to start with, still great. I wouldn't have even expected them to make 50 levels of content and people complain that they're lacking this and that. As long as we keep everyone in their faction's ships, it can be separated eventually.

    Ship sharing = Faction Bound on Equip
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    and I doubt CBS would allow it.
    That seems to be the only worthwhile point you raise, as much as it's sufficient in and of itself to settle the debate.

    Personally, I don't see the point to not giving the Federation cloaks. From a canon perspective, the Federation foreswore cloaking technology as a condition detailed in a peace treaty with, if I'm not mistaken, a Romulan government which no longer seems to exist.

    Further, there's every reason to believe that the IP was setting up for a Romulan Republic and a possible Romulan civil war, and that's well before Abrams literally blew up Romulus.

    You may be onto something that the Romulan faction is merely marketing cover for giving Federation cloaks. I'm sure you're right that CBS would never approve of giving the Federation cloaks, but that just seems a reflection of the nerd-rage with which CBS execs have strangled the IP almost to death.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • gaalomgaalom Member Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The lore seems to point to the opposite of what people are thinking. The Federation and klingon empire had their fleets decimated by the Dominion. The Romulans came in and helped them mop up the Dominion. For the most part the Romulan fleet was left intact. In this time line the Federation and Klingons are at war. According the tng episode that showed you the results of such a war, in a alternate timeline, both fleets would be decimated by such a long standing struggle. The only major power right now is the Romulans. They are the only ones who have not been involved in a full scale war for a long period of time. I think this is something that most people don't realize, or the writers at cryptic do not understand. A home world blowing up does not mean all those ships and power just vanished.

    As for the claims of raging I find that amusing at best. More like there is people who want star trek online to succeed and you dont get that by having a such a important faction as the romulans play lap dog to the Federation or the KDF.

    The one thing I can agree with the op is that the Romulan faction should not have access to Federation ships or KDF ships, and the Federation/KDF should not have access to Romulan ships.
  • darkelfofficerdarkelfofficer Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Personally, I don't see the point to not giving the Federation cloaks. From a canon perspective, the Federation foreswore cloaking technology as a condition detailed in a peace treaty with, if I'm not mistaken, a Romulan government which no longer seems to exist.

    Treaties don't disappear just because a state changes governments. The subsequent government might take a different stance as to whether they will honor a pre-existing treaty or not, but the treaty still exists.

    The Feds swore off cloaking because they see it as a weapon of aggression, and also to assuage Romulan concerns regarding the galactic balance of power. Federation ships are already more advanced technologically than Klingon and Romulan; giving them cloaking devices would skew the balance way into the Federation's favor, much the same as missiles in Cuba would've skewed the balance of power way into the Soviet Union's favor, had they been allowed to stay there.
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Treaties don't disappear just because a state changes governments. The subsequent government might take a different stance as to whether they will honor a pre-existing treaty or not, but the treaty still exists.
    The Federation doesn't need to abide by the now-defunct treaty, let alone a subsequent Romulan government. A new treaty could be negotiated using the terms of the previous treaty as a foundation, but that hardly necessitates adopting the same terms.
    The Feds swore off cloaking because they see it as a weapon of aggression
    Is this ever mentioned anywhere? I mean to say, it's explicitly stated that the Federation agreed not to develop cloaking technology as a term of the Treaty of Algeron.
    Federation ships are already more advanced technologically than Klingon and Romulan; giving them cloaking devices would skew the balance way into the Federation's favor
    So? Is this a gameplay issue? Because from a canon standpoint, who gives a ****.
    much the same as missiles in Cuba would've skewed the balance of power way into the Soviet Union's favor, had they been allowed to stay there.
    That's a ridiculous analogy.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    gaalom wrote: »
    The one thing I can agree with the op is that the Romulan faction should not have access to Federation ships or KDF ships, and the Federation/KDF should not have access to Romulan ships.

    That's good, since that is the entire point of this thread.

    I can understand why you don't see how the Romulans have the underdog position in terms of thier fleet, but the bottom line is, they didn't have enough time to make everything. They were working 6 long days a week and they made 50 levels for the Romulans plus 20 for the KDF and a host of other additions. They didn't get to starbases yet, that's understandable.

    Personally, I think it makes sense that they would've taken a massive hit. BILLIONS of people died on Romulas, and a lot more must've died on top of that. When the Hobus star went supernova it must've destroyed other Romulan worlds as well.

    And just like Earth or Qo'noS, a large amount of ships, starbases and starship construction facilities would've been based at the homeworld, not to mention so much of their culture.

    No doubt thousands of the survivors that were in the Romulan military would've felt the need to settle down and be with/make a family. Baby booms follow minor disasters, so you can't possibly even imagine the scope of a disaster that claims billions of lives!

    Heck, the destruction of Praxis practically cut off the Klingon Empire's head, at least crippled them. I know many people are going on and on about "it's just the capitol," but that is a speck of a detail, and not a very accurate one. Colony worlds never have remotely a fraction of the population of homeworlds. Many Federation colonies had only thousands, or even, only hundreds of people!

    On top of everything else, there has been over 20 years of infighting between the Romulans since their homeworld's destruction. Remans have joined in on the fighting too, and everything is fragmented.

    The last few decades have been hell for the Romulans who, logically, need some time to rebuild. As long as we don't share ships, they will be able to and the devs will have time to add the missing features.
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • mirrorseacatmirrorseacat Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    That's good, since that is the entire point of this thread.

    I can understand why you don't see how the Romulans have the underdog position in terms of thier fleet, but the bottom line is, they didn't have enough time to make everything. They were working 6 long days a week and they made 50 levels for the Romulans plus 20 for the KDF and a host of other additions. They didn't get to starbases yet, that's understandable.

    Personally, I think it makes sense that they would've taken a massive hit. BILLIONS of people died on Romulas, and a lot more must've died on top of that. When the Hobus star went supernova it must've destroyed other Romulan worlds as well.

    And just like Earth or Qo'noS, a large amount of ships, starbases and starship construction facilities would've been based at the homeworld, not to mention so much of their culture.

    No doubt thousands of the survivors that were in the Romulan military would've felt the need to settle down and be with/make a family. Baby booms follow minor disasters, so you can't possibly even imagine the scope of a disaster that claims billions of lives!

    Heck, the destruction of Praxis practically cut off the Klingon Empire's head, at least crippled them. I know many people are going on and on about "it's just the capitol," but that is a speck of a detail, and not a very accurate one. Colony worlds never have remotely a fraction of the population of homeworlds. Many Federation colonies had only thousands, or even, only hundreds of people!

    On top of everything else, there has been over 20 years of infighting between the Romulans since their homeworld's destruction. Remans have joined in on the fighting too, and everything is fragmented.

    The last few decades have been hell for the Romulans who, logically, need some time to rebuild. As long as we don't share ships, they will be able to and the devs will have time to add the missing features.

    Cryptic has chosen to implement the faction in this way, there are any other number of ways they could have changed it to make the Romulans very very strong, a force to be feared by two other factions that have been "at War" for some time.

    Yet we do not know exactly what they really have made, all we know is that they will be allowing KDF to start from level one and the Romulan Vassals from level one as well. This does in no way tell us the content or extent of the missions cryptic may or may not have created for these said factions.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The Romulans are not Vassals

    They are Allies
    you know like the USA was to the UK in both world wars
    Live long and Prosper
  • mattgrantmattgrant Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    There wouldn't be a power vacuum in a large, regional government like the RSE. The RSE wasn't the unstable, attrition oriented and opportunistic government made out by Nemesis. Even if I were going to be extremely fair and say the director and creative talent behind Nemesis was in fact a Star Trek fan at large, he wasn't Romulan fan who also loved Star Trek.

    To be fair, the destruction of Qo'nos' moon shook up the Klingon Empire's government enough for it to sue for peace with the Federation, a concept anathema to their very cultural identity. All Praxis (or whatever it is called) contained were a significant portion of their resources. The Hobus supernova destroyed Romulus and Remus, taking out their primary resource deposits and their central government.

    The Romulan Star Empire of old may have been far more stable than some people make it out to be, but when you take into account the cloak & dagger nature of Romulan politics, it's understandable that many local governments might then vie for supremacy over all that remains.


    Anyway, yeah! No ship sharing!
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    sollvax wrote: »
    The Romulans are not Vassals

    They are Allies
    you know like the USA was to the UK in both world wars

    Oh the individual ship captains for the USA were fighting for Germany and Britain against each other at the same time? Analogy falls down when you scratch it.
  • ussweatherlightussweatherlight Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I agree with the OP.

    Another option would be to allow the toon to transfer. Treason happens. Why not let that happen?

    Either a few million EC and a few hundred thousand refined dilithium, or switch factions. TRULY EPIC

    "Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."

    U.S.S. Weatherlight
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Cryptic has chosen to implement the faction in this way, there are any other number of ways they could have changed it to make the Romulans very very strong, a force to be feared by two other factions that have been "at War" for some time.

    That's very true. But they pretty much decided that the Romulans would be implemented this way from all the way back before launch. The Path to 2409 makes it clear that the Romulans don't have a fraction of the power they used to. I think it just comes down to what makes them the easiest to implement. It's a huge undertaking to add everything at once, so I'll be happy with them being released as is and have more features as we go along. If nothing else, I'm fully convinced that they're twice as much of a faction as the KDF started out as! lol!

    Yet we do not know exactly what they really have made, all we know is that they will be allowing KDF to start from level one and the Romulan Vassals from level one as well. This does in no way tell us the content or extent of the missions cryptic may or may not have created for these said factions.

    They did say there wouldn't be a new faction until they could make a 1-50 KDF faction that wasn't a grind. Although I must admit, the thought had crossed my mind that they could've made a few missions that grant large XP gains to stretch the missions out across the levels, but, like you said, we don't know until release. I'm assuming they want all characters, regardless of faction, to level at the same speed, so I think we should have a lot of new missions, but we shall see! I'm excited!
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
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