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Please do a pass and update the Odyssey/Bortasqu Class

strorusstrorus Member Posts: 328 Arc User
Hi Cryptic,

I know the Odyssey/Bortasqu was your first 3 Pack and set the bar for subsequent ship packs and believe me you have raised the bar with each ship pack released since, hence my idea and request.

Firstly we only have the one visual variant, each pack since has had three, please could we have two new visual variants to mix and match, each one looking like its career. I would say the current Odyssey is Engineering looking so could do with a new Tactical and Science visual variants. I think the current Bortas looks Tactical.

Secondly, each console set on subsequent packs in my opinion have been better. Just look at the abilities given by newer 3 ship pack consoles since on this page... http://sto.gamepedia.com/Set about half way down.

These are supposed to be the flagships so should always remain on par I believe... Also, I can understand reluctance to go back and update these ships as where is the money in it? Well making these changes will attract new players to purchase them or existing ones who didn't buy them or only bought one of them to now buy them.

So my idea in terms of consoles for both ships is do away with the Escort (Aux Craft) console and turn it into a Hanger, why? It is essentially, physically a hanger of sorts, a small escort docked and carried by your ship. The hanger would only support one Escort out at a time just like now. The Escort would keep exactly the same stats, but making this change means you could issue carrier commands which would make this pet vastly more useful than it is now and create space for a new third Console for these flagships.

Whilst the Escort craft are turned into Hanger Pets, the Aquarius and Hosus can only be equipped on the Oddy / Borty. Likewise the Oddy and Borty cannot equip any other hanger pets.

I recommend this change as the Vesta and the new Schmitar packs are coming out with 3 consoles and a hanger, so I do not see why the same cannot be applied to the Oddy and Borty.

I believe having the all three consoles should keep the same benefits as they do now(reduce the cool downs, Enhanced Engineering / Tactical systems and on the Oddy enhanced Saucer (not sure what else is benfitted on the Bortas)).

So, what to add as the third console and then on top of the new console a new console set click power, I think it has to be something that affects you and not a new pet etc. My ideas for the Oddy' console or set power are...

Secure Stations

A click power that does what Tactical, Engineering and Science Team II does all in one; so...

- Distributes shields to facings receiving damage
- Moderate hull repair
- Moderate shield repair
- Repairs disabled systems
- removes all tactical, engineering and science debuffs


- Restores 50% of crew instantly and buffs crew resistance for 45 secs

Battle Onslaught - "All Hands, give it all she's got"

- Enhanced Beam Fire at Will with 50% shield penetration for 15 secs (fires your currently equipped beams)
- Immunity to system disables, holds and placates for 15 secs
- +100% to speed and turn rate for 10 secs
- +25 Power to each subsystem and to each team member for 10 secs

My thinking is the old trek favourite of being in battle struggling for victory and the Captain makes some passionate speech and the crew turn the tide in their favour and win the day.

Assault Boarding Party

- Instead of Boarding Party Shuttles, you beam holographic drones onto an enemy ship.
- Because they are holographic drones they are more resistance to Tactical and Engineering team, so this power cannot be cleared for a minimum of 5secs or higher depending on skills.

Space Fortress

The ship deploys four static platforms 5kms away one at each corner (N, E, W, S) for 90secs

- Each Platform moderately heals shields and hull of friendly ships within 5 km of each Platform, if you move to the centre or between two or more of the platforms the more healing you get.
- Each Platform is equipped with a quantum torpedo turret, heavy phaser beam, point defence system and have regenerative shields.

My thoughts behind this power is with the Oddy being so big and a flagship it enters a battle and supports fellow players whilst offering substantial defence. So your ship and players can return to the "Fortress" for repairs and defence and hopefully deterring enemies coming after you otherwise they are bombarded by the turrets etc.

Guardian Platforms

Same a above but you launch one at a location and will stay there, you can deploy a maximum of 4 and they have no time limit. So are "Super" platforms and should deter enemies going near them or run the risk of heavy damage.

Both ideas above should have a penalites to try and destroy them like the Aceton Generators otherwise they would be worthless if could be destroyed with one or two shots. I think all platforms come with Feedback Pulse III Tacyon Beam III and have super strong shielding.

Not sure what the new Bortas third console could be or the set click ability as not a Klingon player so will leave that to you guys to discuss.

What do you guys think? :)
Post edited by strorus on


  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    How about you wait to go off on the devs demanding changes to already in-game flagships until AFTER the Romulan fRaction actually has a 3-pack Flagship of its own?

    The Scimitar is in answer to the Vesta and is NOT the Romulan Flagship. Now the KDF needs a 3-pack in response to the Scimitar/Vesta. See how that works?

    The Oddy and Bort ARE the faction flagships. The Romulans are still waiting for their fRaction flagship. See how that works?
  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited July 2013
    pyryck wrote: »
    How about you wait to go off on the devs demanding changes to already in-game flagships until AFTER the Romulan fRaction actually has a 3-pack Flagship of its own?

    The Scimitar is in answer to the Vesta and is NOT the Romulan Flagship. Now the KDF needs a 3-pack in response to the Scimitar/Vesta. See how that works?

    The Oddy and Bort ARE the faction flagships. The Romulans are still waiting for their fRaction flagship. See how that works?

    I couldnt agree more , we feds have more than enough ships , that are plenty powerful

    yes , the scimitar looks nasty , but at the moment , its just a paper tiger . until it gets in game and we can actually see how it preforms with a decent player behind the helm , its just as good as any other ship in game .

    if anything , its the romulan and KDF that need more ships to counter what the feds have , not vice versa
    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • ztempestztempest Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Don't forget...the Feds get the Scimitar also...

    Fed-aligned Romulans have just as much access as KDF-aligned Romulans...

    So...from a faction perspective, both sides are getting the exact same vessel....the only difference is that only a specific race/allied faction can actually fly it...
  • strorusstrorus Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Don't turn this into yet another what faction has what!

    It is simply comparing the Oddy and Borty' Console abilities, passives and benefits of having all three consoles with later 3 pack ship console sets and also the fact there is only one visual variant.

    Please keep the discussion on track, points about which faction has which ship is not relevant to this thread.
  • ztempestztempest Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Sure -- I understand...but along those same lines, please get your complaint straight, and stop comparing the Scimitar to the faction flagships of both the KDF and the Federation.

    The Scimitar is NOT the Romulan flag vessel...so why compare it to the vessels that are?

    If you think the Flagships of the KDF and the Federation need buffed or adjusted, then by all means, state that...but don't use the Scimitar as the justification. That is misleading and inaccurate.
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    strorus wrote: »
    Don't turn this into yet another what faction has what!

    It is simply comparing the Oddy and Borty' Console abilities, passives and benefits of having all three consoles with later 3 pack ship console sets and also the fact there is only one visual variant.

    Please keep the discussion on track, points about which faction has which ship is not relevant to this thread.

    But it is entirely relevant to this thread because you are wanting changes made to the already in-game flagships when the Romulan fRaction flagship has yet to be brought in-game.

    Why not wait to make comparisons of the 3-pack flagship consoles and abilities until AFTER the Romulan 3-pack flagship comes out when you'll actually have something worthwhile to compare. Does that not make more logical sense?
  • strorusstrorus Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pyryck wrote: »
    But it is entirely relevant to this thread because you are wanting changes made to the already in-game flagships when the Romulan fRaction flagship has yet to be brought in-game.

    Why not wait to make comparisons of the 3-pack flagship consoles and abilities until AFTER the Romulan 3-pack flagship comes out when you'll actually have something worthwhile to compare. Does that not make more logical sense?

    I am comparing to all 3 pack ships not just the schimitar and it is not a complaint! It is an idea/request and it is perfectly "straight"
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    While I agree that the Scamitar is not to be compared to the Fed/KDF flagships, I do like the OP's idea for converting the auxiliary craft into unique hangar pets and introducing different consoles.

    I think your console ideas need to be swapped though. The Aquarius escort comes with the Ody Tac variant and so the more tactical "Give 'em hell" console would be a better match than the "secure stations" console. Conversely, the HoH'SuS BoP comes with the Bortasqu' War Cruiser (Eng. variant) so I think your "secure stations" button would be a more appropriate fit for that ship.

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • strorusstrorus Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sander233 wrote: »
    While I agree that the Scamitar is not to be compared to the Fed/KDF flagships, I do like the OP's idea for converting the auxiliary craft into unique hangar pets and introducing different consoles.

    I think your console ideas need to be swapped though. The Aquarius escort comes with the Ody Tac variant and so the more tactical "Give 'em hell" console would be a better match than the "secure stations" console. Conversely, the HoH'SuS BoP comes with the Bortasqu' War Cruiser (Eng. variant) so I think your "secure stations" button would be a more appropriate fit for that ship.

    Thanks for the feedback, but the Secure Stations is a Console Idea and the Give it all she's got is the bonus click power for having all three consoles.

    Also edited the OP so say that whilst the Aux craft are turned into Hanger Pets, the Aquarius and Hosus (whatever its called :-D) can only be equipped on the Oddy / Borty. Likewise the Oddy and Borty cannot equip any other hanger pets.

  • sophus84atsophus84at Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    as a user of the Oddy, i always thought of, i love this ship. it is really good when well build and i even can pack a punch and survive long as a tac in a cruiser.

    i use the tac odd aswell as the sci oddy, but ever since the LoR i recognized somethings changed the aquarius is now HUGe after docking ( sure, just a cosmetic effect) but i still hate it that it spawns HUGe but attaches again small.

    the working bees are okay, as you can send them also on other ships and work as good from the healing as hazard emitters 1.

    i love the saucer and since LoR i saw the gravity well the first time it spawns so i love it even more.

    but the aquarius should really be a pet instead of the module, i think it would work better that way. and also would eliminate the sizing thing as a pet can be small.

    for the other things hmm. im quite statisfied with the 3pack bonus engineering.

    maybe a posibility to better control what the saucer or the pet will attack..as the often get lost in.. bat country.
    "Mei Borg is net deppat".....

  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pyryck wrote: »
    How about you wait to go off on the devs demanding changes to already in-game flagships until AFTER the Romulan fRaction actually has a 3-pack Flagship of its own?

    The Scimitar is in answer to the Vesta and is NOT the Romulan Flagship. Now the KDF needs a 3-pack in response to the Scimitar/Vesta. See how that works?

    The Oddy and Bort ARE the faction flagships. The Romulans are still waiting for their fRaction flagship. See how that works?

    how about you take some of your own advice and calm down... jeeese.. a guy cant have an opinion on here without everyone telling him its not their own opinion..

    as far as i am concerned, this issue goes beyond a meaningless in game tag of flag ship or not.. they are all 3 pack ships, that have the same price tag.. they should all be fairly balanced in that respect.. most people want value, and the commitment of 50 dollers for one pack of ships in the game is a steep commitment, given that just about everything else costs money.. now i dont own any of the three pack ships, nor do i want to, as i think it is outragious that they ask that much for an ingame item, when the game itself sucks, plain and simple.. but if i had purchased say the odyssey, id be pretty miffed that they released a ship that was more powerfull for another faction, (or fraction, i really like that term lol) and mine was suddenly outclassed..

    i see where the op is coming from, and i dont see a single whining complaint, i see some ideas that he wished to share with everyone, and he didnt need this to turn into a slam and flame fest..
  • vonhellstingvonhellsting Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Or maybe I don't know you could request a fleet versions of them which is far more likely to be considered. Given they wouldn't have to rework the original ships and would be generating more sales on modules instead of updating a ship most people already have , just a thought.
    The Lobi Crystals are Faaaakkkkee!
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    my personal take on it is that the Bort and oddy both deserve at least a base 7 turn rate.. at LEAST that much.. D'Dex too.. the ships are amazingly powerful when built up right, but people die of boredom trying to get them to move. They're both wonderful ships, but yeahhh, they could use a little love and attention..
  • strorusstrorus Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Added some more ideas to the OP for Console or Console Set abilities. :)
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    As some have mentioned and as has been mentioned elsewhere...well, hrmmm:

    1) Ody/Bort complaints such as this should be offered as feedback leading up to the introduction of the Romulan flagships somewhere down the road.

    2) Gal-X needs some love to be brought in-line with other Dreads (the Scim/Fal/Tul and Jem). There had been talk of the Fleet Gal-X being like that previously down the road, but that would make it more exclusive than the Rom Dreads. Perhaps the addition of two flavors of Gal-X, the Fed Dread Bundle, with a discount for those who already have the Gal-X. (Mind you, I don't have it - I'm not a fan of the Galaxy or Gal-X...just trying to be fair.)

    3) Both the Bort & Vo'Quv lost their "Dread" status when made playable, so the KDF are missing the Dread (lol, no pun intended). There's the Balaur, Ravager, Warbarge, and Drek'Hi. Though I like the idea of the Drek'Hi, the first three call out for a KDF Dread Bundle.
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i have thought about this, but only a little bit. change the tactical consoles. give the the ships 1 hangar. take what is currently the tactical consoles pet and turn them in to exclusive hangar pets for that ship. also if you don't like that pet then you can change to another option of your choice delta flyers or runabouts for fed etc. then make the tactical console in to something more useful.

    just an idea

    but on a side note i think all cruisers fed, kdf and romulan need a turn rate pass. some cruisers need a bit of love and some need lots of love.
  • jaimeson99jaimeson99 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    OP is onto something to be honest. Doubt Cryptic will ever go back and modify Oddy/Bort but they really dont compare very well with more recent three-packs.

    I dont own an oddy so wont comment as to its strengths, but I have flown the Bort an awful lot. I appreciate some people wont agree with me, but the bort's console set is imho uniformly terrible. The subspace snare is sort of ok situationally but mainly will be used to pull targets in front of the (pathetic dps) autocannon. Added to the fact that its turnrate means you should really be broadsiding, do you really want to lose 2 consoles to put stuff in front of you? As for the BoP, yes it really should be a hangar. I love my Bortasqu, and with five tac consoles it really brings the pain. Just a shame that using any of the set consoles makes it weaker.

    Compare this to the Vesta - all the consoles and the various abilities they bring are at the very least playable, and most are frankly awesome. Scimitar is looking similiar with a raft of cool looking abilities granted by the set consoles (ofc they might well turn out to look better on paper).

    So anyway, OP's comments very valid. Would be nice to see older three packs updated in response to the gradual power-creep we are seeing in the new ships.
  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    They won't.
    They don't go back and fix things unless they are going back for other reasons.
    The bortasq is the worst kdf ship. It is also the worst selling kdf ship. Correlation?

    No. It is Justification for not doing any more kdf c store ships. For two years.

    If they fixed the bortasq then people may buy it. They dont want that.

    I would like to point out that it is a good looking ship though.

    The oddy is a super awesome ship and it works for its purpose.
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Honestly if you update three packs, you have to update the other ships as well.
  • oldkilldareoldkilldare Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    chalpen wrote: »
    I would like to point out that it is a good looking ship though.

    The oddy is a super awesome ship and it works for its purpose.
    maybe but it looks like a Sov that's ate all the pies...
  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I suggested this quite a few times as a way of monetizing the 3 packs is to make a 4th for 2k.
    Buy the 3 pack. Buy the 4rth.
    Equip the 4 consoles and the 4 p bonus upgrade the ship to address the complaints.

    Again, too much work.
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • jaimeson99jaimeson99 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    chalpen wrote: »
    They won't.
    They don't go back and fix things unless they are going back for other reasons.
    The bortasq is the worst kdf ship. It is also the worst selling kdf ship. Correlation?

    No. It is Justification for not doing any more kdf c store ships. For two years.

    If they fixed the bortasq then people may buy it. They dont want that.

    I would like to point out that it is a good looking ship though.

    The oddy is a super awesome ship and it works for its purpose.

    Slightly off-topic I guess, and I know the Bort isnt considered to be great in many quarters but frankly if you ignore the set consoles you have an extremely tough cruiser with a decent boff layout and 5 tac consoles. Not the place to go on about builds etc so I wont, suffice to say i've had great success with it. The issue is the fact that its a 3-pack that comes with no useful consoles (this being the central theme of the thread).

    As you say though, it wont be changed and at best there will be another Zen kdf 3-pack at some point in the future which will maybe match up with vesta/scimi/etc in terms of extra abilities.
  • matridunadan1matridunadan1 Member Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Honestly if you update three packs, you have to update the other ships as well.

    The Odyssey and the Bortas'qu are the ONLY 3-pack ships with NO COSTUME VARIANTS!
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