Some glitch once put me in a CSA run alone. Won it with 4mins on the fail timer (yes, this was when it had a fail condition). It was the most brilliant TFO run I've ever played. It's a shame they don't let people play solo as standard.
Yes, it would be delicious. :D But I would really like the feature itself as well. I've seen build-limited content in many games always good to spice up the meta.
That's exactly it. There is simply nothing for good players to do in the game but curbstomp newbie content, because all the worthwhile content in the game is newbie-level. Elites don't have meaningful reward incentives so they count for nothing (and quite frankly some of the Elites are newbie-level, too). I've never seen…
As a matter of fact, yes. The whinefests here tend to be quite amusing. But I didn't actually say anything about a "standard Cryptic build" in this instance, I said a real Disco ship. As in, you'd have to get and gear one yourself.
Couldn't care less about the holos honestly. But I do think if they want us to fly Disco ships in that mission, they should make us fly a real Disco ship instead of just covering up the visuals.
That's not irony at all. Limiting gameplay opportunities really does encourage people to play more, because they don't want to miss the opportunities they have. Unlimited opportunities means nothing to lose by procrastinating. Of course, 30minutes per-character is far too short a cooldown to have any practical effect…
If people want the rewards, they would play the content. And if people don't want the rewards, well then it doesn't matter either way. In that case, I suppose the problem would be Cryptic not making the rewards desireable enough. But people certainly aren't going to play the content as long as buying the reward is the best…
Disagree. They are too easy to get as it is. The fact majority of the game content is "not popular" is a failing of the reward incentives. They should remove the dumb buyout projects, players would play the content if there wasn't a cop-out alternative to get the rewards.
Yeah, but that's all too hard. They pretty much made it official with the IGA scandal, anything more than show up and shoot that is not "up to standards." But pewpew-content is still better than these timegated waiting missions where all you have to do is sit there and it wins itself automatically. The thing is, Binary…
I think it would've been more inspired to limit the mission to require flying a real disco-era ship if that was the goal, instead of overwriting your ship graphics for no reason.
But the random dil from regular assignments is not the same. Fed campaign is the worst, it can only give any at all dil from event bonuses. I'd expect you will easily get more dil running regular assignments in KDF and ferengi than trying to get the Fed TOD for spec points conversion.
Your fleet projects aren't being done very fast because you and your fleetmates aren't investing resources in them very fast. Put more resources in the projects, you get fleet credit and they complete faster.
Just because it would take 200 keys to get 1,000 lobi, doesn't mean 1,000 lobi is worth 200 keys. Boxes contain more than just lobi. Based on current ship prices, the market value for 1,000 lobi is around 40 keys. Still more than a C-Store ship, but not extremely so. And yeah, getting bind-on-pickup items with the lobi is…
Making the game's reward structure a bit less "all dilithium all the time" is good. Now if they'd put in more unique rewards it would get interesting again.
I agree, but that's not the end of it. For larger fleets I expect the fleet dil voucers will become the same kind of garbage fleet marks are. 50k is a lot and there is no purpose for them if the projects are full. And I also expect nobody will ever put any real dil into a fleet project ever again, so I wouldn't go cheering…
I haven't really thought of it since I've never felt any need to do such a thing. But off hand, for omegarks at least the TFOs would clearly be the best since the invasion zone has 20h cooldowns.
Adding the ability to change gender/race/class/whatever from the beginning when a game is first created is easy. It gets a whole lot harder after 10 years of other work is built on the assumption that those things would never change.
It's 2020. Modern games are not meant to be "farmed to the max." And yes, precisely to retain players, because running out of things to do is boring and unlike the old days of subscription games, there's nothing to stop players from going somewhere else the moment they get bored.