Lack of warning is PWE's trademark, didn't you know that? And to answer your question Scyri, post more and that rank will increase. As for the blue "Career Officers" those are people with Lifetime Subscriptions.
Customer Support? In this game? Ha! HA HA!! HAHAHA!!! Sorry, but there is no Customer Support, its just a bunch of premade replies, and excuses by people that don't understand what we like to think of as: Common Sense. They don't care about their customers to be honest. I take that back, they do care about their customers,…
The other bonus to her not cloaking is her shields won't regen. Which is exactly what happens when she does cloak. And yes, the 5k rule does work as stated.
I think its actually a kinda neat bug. Gives the illusion of a mini-Romulan Civil War, or inner conflict lol Since in game they are a somewhat splintered group now, it does actually make sense that they would go "oh hell, I don't like this Commander/Sub-commander, lets take him out too while we are at it" since you would…
Sacrifice of Angels would be a good one too. Be one of the fighter wings that goes in to tick off the Cardassians, or be one of the Defiant's escorts punching through the hole, or even be the Klingon's coming in at the last moment. Now that would be a fun one to play just for fun. Make good use of the Klingon/Federation…
Subbing has no advantage anymore. Roundtable? nonexistent (no one goes there), 500 zen? make that in a day woopie, bank increase to 1billion ec, buy that with said zen you can make in a day. Again, woopie. Veteran rewards? not useful in any way. So...why should a person sub?
That doesn't surprise me one bit, especially with the new modifications to that particular STF. If anyone gets within 5.1km or closer, she'll cloak nonstop, which adds to that time. Did one earlier tonight too that lasted damn near an hour. Rainbow/Skittle boats won't make things any better either (anyone else notice stf…
Unfortunately they will not change the Starbase DOFF "sacrifices". Why? Because they are making money off of all the people buying DOFF Packs. Gotta remember, PWE cares about money, and only money
Yep, noticed that when doing KASE. Someones little deltaflyer/slaver pets would always circle above Donatra when she cloaked. Jumped into PvP and noticed the same thing. So...whats the point of cloaks anymore if all you have to do is follow your pets? Makes the cloak rather pointless now, and screws the Klingons at the…
Just keep checking the exchange. Last I checked, they were at 4mil each, but occasionally, someone will put a few up for less. Was able to grab 2 around midnight for 1.5mil each. But yes, there's no way in hell that I'm paying for those suckers with real money in order to get my fleet ships.
That's when your Fleet Leaders need to step in. Bare minimum for most Fleet Ships is 20,000 FC's (assuming they already have said ship needed for the Fleet Upgrade). In our fleet, we communicate, try to make sure everyone gets to at least 20k. Even if it means some people can't donate for that day or days. They don't have…
As sollvax stated, your fleet has to upgrade Tac/Eng/Sci (respectively) to the required lvl's in order to unlock specific things. The process will take time, and patience.
Ok now I'm really getting pissed!!! Get shoved into ANOTHER STF, 3 people leave since optional failed, I leave, and still get a Leaver penalty?!?! What the ****!! On top of that, I'm banned from ALL PVE Queues until that time is up. Way to go PWE you really ****ed up now! Piece of **** management, what are you guys…
Its also unfair to those that aren't fleet leaders because fleet leaders can see what's needed way before they even assign the project. Which gives them time to gather all the materials needed before they start the project, and then donate as soon as its started, giving them the much sought after Fleet Credits. Make it so…
Yep, Season 6 is here, live, and guess what? Still has all the bugs and annoyance's that were pointed out during the Testing phase. Why even bother testing if you're not going to do anything about the bugs before going live? Its a pattern...Such and such episode/season/ship/whatever is announced, step 2: "Test", and…
Don't feel bad about not getting Prototype Tech Drops, I've been grinding for them on my Fed toon for months and months, without getting a single one. Hop onto my Klingon toon the other day, do elites on it for the first time and got two tech drop:o So yea, the drops on them are somewhat screwed up. But hopefully they'll…
One thing to remember, you can do Normal STF's until your eyes bleed, granted that will give you a better understanding, which everyone will appreciate. However, keep in mind that there is a great deal of "Do's and Don'ts" that aren't really covered in Normal's. Like several have suggested, do your homework before going…
Hey nice **** up. Lost "Stickies", Help Guides oh and not to mention Mail that was saved! :mad: Did you guys even bother to test and see how everything would turn out before making the changes? Doubtful. Thanks for not giving anyone a heads up that you would be making these wonderfully pathetic changes by the way.