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silverwidow2 Arc User



  • I don't understand why all the whinning and QQing over a game. its not your job its not affecting your income or food on your table. its a game for relaxing and having FUN. unless FUN is a forgone conclusion these days. yes vets put in a lot of time for rep I have done all the rep also, but please the crying over something…
  • here is my build I use only thing nor shown is my doff and they are as this EWO +35% shield pen using BO 2 purple Tech's 1 green Tech last one I use for spiecals depending on what I am doing http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=dardanosone_0 hope it helps and its less boring that all beam arrays :D
  • I don't have access to fleet warp cores or spire tac consoles but in PvE my girl melts even the undine on tribble w/o breaking a sweat. http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=dardanos1_0 PS taking the proton console out for the ZP console is bad the bonus to the grav torp is great so I use both cheers
  • this is my setup for AP most wont like that I use beams and DHC's but it works for me and in STF's I come out 1st to 3rd (got to hate those Scimi's) http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=dardanosone_0
  • i use it on my fleet avenger for big npc ships and works great my setup gives me good Aoe damage and more if I use pulse feedback in concert with FAW and TS. made mobs cry in the mirror event lol. http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=dardanosone_0
  • a STF set up as a Race would be cool 1 ppl would get better at flying there ships and 2 it would be just plain FUN!!!!
  • most will complain about using beams and cannons at the same time but I have yet had any issues in PvE melting mobs even on tribble with the undine. http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=dardanosone_0
  • I have 2 purple techs and the cool down is right in sink with my tac abilities if you use beams I would suggest I energy weapons officer that gives beam overload shield pen of 30% or more depending on lvl of officer it it melts ships like there nothing and by the time torps hit it is over.
  • I would go with FAW 3 but the grav torps with at TS2 id devastating to see and more so if you have a high crit rate the 2 combined can desamate the area in one use.
  • I have the ark'if also and I think it is a glitch in the UI showing the shields off line. it has happened to me but I don't take damage as if I have no shields and when I hit transfer shield strength they show up full again. as for the use of the console itself I keep finding myself not finding a time to use it. I pop from…
  • not sure if your interested with a different ship but this is my avenger setup http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=dardanosone_0 running beams and cannons and have yet found anything in PvE I cant destroy in seconds. even on the tribble server the undine get hammered hard.
  • I have been thinking of the reman set for my Tac for the bonus plasma damage and the speed increase to the rom plasma torps. though it will be hard to give up my grav torps. Love those things and the reman set just looks cooler. :P
  • I have several toons mainly Fed/RomFed. I don't have Leech on any of them and do just fine (PvE) wise. I alwaysed looked at it as a PvP tool more than anything. but that's just me.
  • Don't know about everyone else but I like easy dillithium :D
  • now I maybe wrong but if I remember correctly in the TNG first contact movie Zefram and his assistant were discussing making money on the Phoenix if it worked and that was before the away team showed up.
  • thing is that in this game its about fun and what you like not what has to be cookie cutter. its not like this is WoW raiding or anything.
  • my set up may not be the best but I get 2nd and 3rd in crystline entity. I don't pvp other than messing around with guildies. http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=silverwidowfinal_0 hope it helps
  • there is only one true way to fix power creep. that is a true expantion with a lvl increase but I don't think that it will ever happen. to many ppl would get upset about all the money they spent on power creep and cryptic would have to revamp the C store with more ships and content than they want to put effort into.
  • not done with my ship yet but the build is alittle less chaotic the build is good some would say not to mix beams and canons but with this build I find myself in the top 3 in damage done in eliete crystline entity event also Boff set up allows for heavy single target and AOE damage and with a eng toon I have good…
  • any ideas would help. still working on rep so didn't list but ship and spec details are current http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=silverwidow_0