I am currently running an aux2bat build with three purple technician doffs. I also have three blue doffs that reduce the cool downs on beam special attacks. Will the beam doffs work in conjunction with the aux2bat? Or am I wasting doff space?
Once you get to global cool down you cannot reduce the BOFF cool downs any further. 3 Purple techs and aux to battery will get you to global cool down so yep you are waste doff space. (I have already tried this.) Some alternatives. Cheapish alternatives. Warp Core Engineers. Boost power when emergency powers are engaged. There are expensive alternatives. Marrion, Dyrene, Zemock. Etc.
Global, shared, system... if you really care to use the right words the truth is out there. But, honestly, nobody around here cares to so just go with this: when a power hits the point where the cooldown can't be reduced any more the UI power icon will switch from a spinning clock to a draining horizontal line. If you're hitting horizontal you're good.
It seems like the beam doffs only have a "chance" to reduce it's cooldown. Techs ALWAYS reduce it. Don't even bother with beam doffs. Save your two other doff slots for something actually useful.
I have 2 purple techs and the cool down is right in sink with my tac abilities if you use beams I would suggest I energy weapons officer that gives beam overload shield pen of 30% or more depending on lvl of officer it it melts ships like there nothing and by the time torps hit it is over.
I have 2 purple techs and the cool down is right in sink with my tac abilities if you use beams I would suggest I energy weapons officer that gives beam overload shield pen of 30% or more depending on lvl of officer it it melts ships like there nothing and by the time torps hit it is over.
A2b cruisers won't be using bo, they would be using faw. Sticking bo in there will effectively kill their dps. And they won't have torps either.
i use it on my fleet avenger for big npc ships and works great my setup gives me good Aoe damage and more if I use pulse feedback in concert with FAW and TS. made mobs cry in the mirror event lol.
Well there's that Tal-Shiar Energy Weapons DOFF that has a chance to up shield power when using energy weapons. Of course the purple one will be expensive on the Exchange but it has a chance of +20 to shield power.
A2b cruisers won't be using bo, they would be using faw. Sticking bo in there will effectively kill their dps. And they won't have torps either.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Well an a2b cruiser isn't done with his 2 tech doffs...