Hello all,
I'm working on a tactical heavy, damage dealing, beam array Avenger build. Should I go ALL beams, or use a SINGLE torpedo launcher in front?
Proposed Tactical boff setups:
TT1, BFAW 2, APB 2
BFAW 1, APB 1, TS 3
TT 1
Torpedo in question is the Wide Angle Quantum from the Sovie, so it will fire while broadsiding.
What are your thoughts? Thanks!
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
Hello all,
I'm working on a tactical heavy, damage dealing, beam array Avenger build. Should I go ALL beams, or use a SINGLE torpedo launcher in front?
Proposed Tactical boff setups:
TT1, BFAW 2, APB 2
BFAW 1, APB 1, TS 3
TT 1
What are your thoughts? Thanks!
If you want all beam broadsides, ditch the torp. It's not in arc.
And go with first one. Consider switching to faw 3 and beta 1. Doesn't make much difference though.
If you want all beam broadsides, ditch the torp. It's not in arc.
And go with first one. Consider switching to faw 3 and beta 1. Doesn't make much difference though.
Sorry, I should have included, the torpedo in question is the Wide Angle Quantum from the Sovie, so it will fire while broadsiding.
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
Sorry, I should have included, the torpedo in question is the Wide Angle Quantum from the Sovie, so it will fire while broadsiding.
Dps will be poor, it's not exactly the mostly beefy torp. Not to mention you don't have extra tac room for torp skills on the avenger, unless you run a2b. While it'll be in arc, another beam would be better.
As far as I understand its all about keeping this in the firings acr of beams ATM since over capping and FAW. I say all beams and KCB. I know my damage suffered when I had a torp on the front. Max one hits were higher but that is about it.
I use to do 100K DPS, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
Your Ramming Speed III deals 242658 (243540) Kinetic Damage (Critical) to you.
I'm using Avenger with wide angle torpedo and 7 beams and I love it.
I never really tried to use it without torpedo tbh, but something tells me that I'll miss torp spread.
My build however is a bit different:
Stick the wide angle forward and a Fleet Quantum aft.
Try this. If you feel your quantorps aren't doing quite enough damage, replace one of the phaser relays (assuming phasers) with a zero point quantum chamber.
TS1, BFAW 2, APB 2
Because every Federation ship made after 2265 (did the original Consitution-class have an aft tube? I think it did) has forward and aft torpedo launchers.
thing is that in this game its about fun and what you like not what has to be cookie cutter.
its not like this is WoW raiding or anything.
If OP wants just fun, he would have fitted his ship for his idea of fun, instead of asking for your idea of fun. What he's asking isn't actually what you like (your idea of fun) but rather what's best regardless of whether you like it.
I actually hate beam spammers. It's mind numbing. It's also the best with current state of STO's "balance" or lack of it.;)
7 Beams and KCB are currently the highest DPS you can go with an Avenger. It's been a long time since torps were anywhere close to being good DPS/even useful/even anywhere within sight of optimal (I think back in Season 3 maybe), and short of running a Hyper Plasma (since it still has DPS equivalent to energy weapons courtesy of it's massively stacking burn), you're better off just running full energy weapons.
Currently, 6x Romulan Plasma Beam Array mk XII [acc]x2, 1x Experimental Romulan Beam Array, and Kinetic Cutting Beam is probably the best way to go. Add on an EPtW1 or 2, along with Command: Weapons Efficiency, and you'll have a decent DPS boat right there.
Other BOff abilities should include (but not be limited to): TT, BFAW, APB, EPtS1. Those 5 BOff abilities (if you can keep good uptime on them AND constant fire on your target) will give you at minimum 10k DPS with Romulan Plasma.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
7 Beams and KCB are currently the highest DPS you can go with an Avenger. It's been a long time since torps were anywhere close to being good DPS/even useful/even anywhere within sight of optimal (I think back in Season 3 maybe), and short of running a Hyper Plasma (since it still has DPS equivalent to energy weapons courtesy of it's massively stacking burn), you're better off just running full energy weapons...
^^ This.
Broadsiding with all beams or beams with KCB (360 degree arc). Otherwise you have a slot that's useless because it's waiting to be within it's effective arc.
Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home' SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
I'm hardly pro, but I feel like I have to have a torpedo on my ship. Any ship. I mean, its Star Trek. I like the sound it makes when it's fired, if nothing else.
I run a budget friendly plasma build and have plasma torpedoes on it. One fore, one aft. The beams put one DoT, and the p. torps put another DoT stack on target. So, by using both types of plasma weapons I can stack two different DoTs. Is it the best dps? No. Fun tho.
I should mention im a engineer who uses cruisers. So I can survive well enough to use a "bleed" build.
For my Sovereign class heavy cruiser all my weapons are uncommon Phaser Beam Arrays MK XI with a single common MK XII. I have only used torpedoes very briefly when I first started playing, but I think I stopped using them when I was around level 15 or so... and I was only using it in my aft firing arc. I switched to using mines instead and until earlier this week, I switched to all beams.
I like firing all weapons when I broadside and having all beams means I can do this and consistently fire on my target. While I may not have a torpedo that can do massive damage when shields are down, I can devote all 3 of my tactical consoles to increase phaser damage.
My ship is pretty basic. I have no exotic equipment on it save for the gear I got from the "Stepping Between Stars" mission. I also more or less abandoned the main story line. Treasure Trading Station was the last one I done. I have fun with my ship. I play a few elite missions with it like Crystalline Entity - Elite, Infected The Conduit - Elite and Khitomer Accord - Elite.
I pretty much know ship does very low DPS compared to other ships in Level 50 missions, but i have lots of fun with my ship which I basically have not changed since I was around level 42.
Another thing to keep in mind is power consumption. 8 beam arrays may gimp your dps if you aren't geared to have a lot or replenish weapon power quickly. It's better to fire a torpedo than wait for enough weapon energy to fire a beam array.
Hello all,
I'm working on a tactical heavy, damage dealing, beam array Avenger build. Should I go ALL beams, or use a SINGLE torpedo launcher in front?
Proposed Tactical boff setups:
TT1, BFAW 2, APB 2
BFAW 1, APB 1, TS 3
TT 1
Torpedo in question is the Wide Angle Quantum from the Sovie, so it will fire while broadsiding.
What are your thoughts? Thanks!
Rom Hyper/Omega Torp the front end, nobody needs powers with those.
Another thing to keep in mind is power consumption. 8 beam arrays may gimp your dps if you aren't geared to have a lot or replenish weapon power quickly. It's better to fire a torpedo than wait for enough weapon energy to fire a beam array.
This is also important, unless you can keep power up(engi or good gear, or plasmonic leech), the best possible DPS actually comes from 5-6 energy weapons.
Another thing to keep in mind is power consumption. 8 beam arrays may gimp your dps if you aren't geared to have a lot or replenish weapon power quickly. It's better to fire a torpedo than wait for enough weapon energy to fire a beam array.
EPtW is your best friend here. It's more or less the most basic of overcap parts, and it's helpful in general. If you can slot two copies of this, you're safe using all beams.
This is also important, unless you can keep power up(engi or good gear, or plasmonic leech), the best possible DPS actually comes from 5-6 energy weapons.
Until the recent changes (ie cruiser commands and giving the feds leech), the highest DPS setup was 6/2, and in some very VERY specific cases, 7/1 (translated: 6 BAs/2 torps, 7 BAs/1 torp).
Then they revamped the Assimilated set and gave the Omega Weapons Amplifier from the 2 piece, and then the highest DPS setup became 6/1/1 and 7/0/1 (6 BAs/1 torp/1 KCB, 7 BAs/0 torps/1 KCB). As soon as 7/0/1 became available, it was, and now is the highest DPS setup possible, especially with cruiser commands (mostly Command: Weapons Efficiency), and feds having the leech.
I am almost jealous of newer cruiser captains. They don't have to experience the annoyance that all of us older players did by having to do everything you could to squeeze as much power out of your ship as possible for more than 30 seconds every 2 minutes (EPS overcharge), just so you could run Beam Arrays.
Now they get cruiser commands, Romulan Plasma and plasmonic leeches. Lucky buggers XD
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
Honestly I'd keep a torp but get the 180 degree torp of the assault cruiser refit. It does wonders when you are broadsiding.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Honestly I'd keep a torp but get the 180 degree torp of the assault cruiser refit. It does wonders when you are broadsiding.
I run this on my ships, and it is fun. Ever 8 seconds ~3-5k damage on bare hull. But if you compare that to another BA, that's 2500-3k ever 4 seconds, so the BA still out-damages it.
But talon is right. If you absolutely MUST have a torp, 180 quantum is the way to go.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
If you want a heavy damage dealing Avenger you must go with cannons. we have 5 fore weapon slots, so let's use them! Load 5 DHC with acc x2 at least, two turrets in the back + KCB, RCS spam + EPtE and a DEM3 right in there and see how this ship will do wonders! :cool:
don't bother with beams, they just make fake DPS while no one will see you as a threat. (in PvP terms of course. For PvE a miranda will do the work)
If you want a heavy damage dealing Avenger you must go with cannons. we have 5 fore weapon slots, so let's use them! Load 5 DHC with acc x2 at least, two turrets in the back + KCB, RCS spam + EPtE and a DEM3 right in there and see how this ship will do wonders! :cool:
don't bother with beams, they just make fake DPS while no one will see you as a threat. (in PvP terms of course. For PvE a miranda will do the work)
Are you being serious? You do realize beams badly out-dps cannons. By a lot.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
If you want a heavy damage dealing Avenger you must go with cannons. we have 5 fore weapon slots, so let's use them! Load 5 DHC with acc x2 at least, two turrets in the back + KCB, RCS spam + EPtE and a DEM3 right in there and see how this ship will do wonders! :cool:
don't bother with beams, they just make fake DPS while no one will see you as a threat. (in PvP terms of course. For PvE a miranda will do the work)
Multi target DPS is not by any means fake dps. Its just a touch over valued with a lot of people.
If you want all beam broadsides, ditch the torp. It's not in arc.
And go with first one. Consider switching to faw 3 and beta 1. Doesn't make much difference though.
Transphasic Cluster Torpedo. Fire and forget.
Sorry, I should have included, the torpedo in question is the Wide Angle Quantum from the Sovie, so it will fire while broadsiding.
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
Dps will be poor, it's not exactly the mostly beefy torp. Not to mention you don't have extra tac room for torp skills on the avenger, unless you run a2b. While it'll be in arc, another beam would be better.
Your Ramming Speed III deals 242658 (243540) Kinetic Damage (Critical) to you.
I never really tried to use it without torpedo tbh, but something tells me that I'll miss torp spread.
My build however is a bit different:
TT1, BFaW2
TT1, BFaW2, APB2
EPtS1, RSP1, EPtW3, Aux2SIF3
With three doffs to reduce CD on APB and three doffs to reduce CD on EPtW and EPtS.
It deals around 12k DPS when pugging ISE.
To make it cheaper you can change Lt. station skills to BFaW1, APB1 and use two doffs to reduce CD on TT1 instead of attack pattern doffs.
kitomer elite stf - 20k vs 8.8k scimitar all decked out with elite drones.
Couldnt believe my eyes but it happened.
all i had was 2 trans. torps, 2 breen clusters and 1 beam bank, 2 trans. mines in the back with 1 tractor beam mine. (plus the avenger console)
So there is even room for improvement, yet i managed to pump out 11million dmg or some crazy number like that.
Stick the wide angle forward and a Fleet Quantum aft.
Try this. If you feel your quantorps aren't doing quite enough damage, replace one of the phaser relays (assuming phasers) with a zero point quantum chamber.
TS1, BFAW 2, APB 2
Because every Federation ship made after 2265 (did the original Consitution-class have an aft tube? I think it did) has forward and aft torpedo launchers.
hope it helps
thing is that in this game its about fun and what you like not what has to be cookie cutter.
its not like this is WoW raiding or anything.
If OP wants just fun, he would have fitted his ship for his idea of fun, instead of asking for your idea of fun. What he's asking isn't actually what you like (your idea of fun) but rather what's best regardless of whether you like it.
I actually hate beam spammers. It's mind numbing. It's also the best with current state of STO's "balance" or lack of it.;)
Currently, 6x Romulan Plasma Beam Array mk XII [acc]x2, 1x Experimental Romulan Beam Array, and Kinetic Cutting Beam is probably the best way to go. Add on an EPtW1 or 2, along with Command: Weapons Efficiency, and you'll have a decent DPS boat right there.
Other BOff abilities should include (but not be limited to): TT, BFAW, APB, EPtS1. Those 5 BOff abilities (if you can keep good uptime on them AND constant fire on your target) will give you at minimum 10k DPS with Romulan Plasma.
^^ This.
Broadsiding with all beams or beams with KCB (360 degree arc). Otherwise you have a slot that's useless because it's waiting to be within it's effective arc.
SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
I run a budget friendly plasma build and have plasma torpedoes on it. One fore, one aft. The beams put one DoT, and the p. torps put another DoT stack on target. So, by using both types of plasma weapons I can stack two different DoTs. Is it the best dps? No. Fun tho.
I should mention im a engineer who uses cruisers. So I can survive well enough to use a "bleed" build.
I like firing all weapons when I broadside and having all beams means I can do this and consistently fire on my target. While I may not have a torpedo that can do massive damage when shields are down, I can devote all 3 of my tactical consoles to increase phaser damage.
My ship is pretty basic. I have no exotic equipment on it save for the gear I got from the "Stepping Between Stars" mission. I also more or less abandoned the main story line. Treasure Trading Station was the last one I done. I have fun with my ship. I play a few elite missions with it like Crystalline Entity - Elite, Infected The Conduit - Elite and Khitomer Accord - Elite.
I pretty much know ship does very low DPS compared to other ships in Level 50 missions, but i have lots of fun with my ship which I basically have not changed since I was around level 42.
Rom Hyper/Omega Torp the front end, nobody needs powers with those.
This is also important, unless you can keep power up(engi or good gear, or plasmonic leech), the best possible DPS actually comes from 5-6 energy weapons.
EPtW is your best friend here. It's more or less the most basic of overcap parts, and it's helpful in general. If you can slot two copies of this, you're safe using all beams.
Until the recent changes (ie cruiser commands and giving the feds leech), the highest DPS setup was 6/2, and in some very VERY specific cases, 7/1 (translated: 6 BAs/2 torps, 7 BAs/1 torp).
Then they revamped the Assimilated set and gave the Omega Weapons Amplifier from the 2 piece, and then the highest DPS setup became 6/1/1 and 7/0/1 (6 BAs/1 torp/1 KCB, 7 BAs/0 torps/1 KCB). As soon as 7/0/1 became available, it was, and now is the highest DPS setup possible, especially with cruiser commands (mostly Command: Weapons Efficiency), and feds having the leech.
I am almost jealous of newer cruiser captains. They don't have to experience the annoyance that all of us older players did by having to do everything you could to squeeze as much power out of your ship as possible for more than 30 seconds every 2 minutes (EPS overcharge), just so you could run Beam Arrays.
Now they get cruiser commands, Romulan Plasma and plasmonic leeches. Lucky buggers XD
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I run this on my ships, and it is fun. Ever 8 seconds ~3-5k damage on bare hull. But if you compare that to another BA, that's 2500-3k ever 4 seconds, so the BA still out-damages it.
But talon is right. If you absolutely MUST have a torp, 180 quantum is the way to go.
don't bother with beams, they just make fake DPS while no one will see you as a threat. (in PvP terms of course. For PvE a miranda will do the work)
Are you being serious? You do realize beams badly out-dps cannons. By a lot.
Multi target DPS is not by any means fake dps. Its just a touch over valued with a lot of people.