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rpuma83 Arc User



  • That's a joke of an offer.
  • From the dev blog "Only packs purchased during this promotion can be opened for the ship, but those packs can now be opened any time after the event ends to still get a chance at the ship."
  • Yes I have no issue with that. It gives me more to strive towards. This is common place in most mmo's when the level cap is increased.
  • I like it :)
  • Yes I am aware of that. I am just stating why not have one big account bank. Why the need for individual banks.
  • I thought Tim Russ did an amazing job with his voice over for the Feature Episode. To me it sounded just like Tuvok from Voyager straight out of the show! He hit the tone and inflections perfectly IMO. One of the better voice overs I have experienced. Thanks Cryptic for bringing him on board :)
  • 1. Unlimited Zen "Which can also translate into unlimited Dilithium via the exchange. :) And unlimited EC by selling keys on the exchange. Three birds with one wish." 2. True Exploration in the game. 3. Completely customizable ships. Being able to choose and swap from different parts that I own.
  • IMO getting the frosted boots is a must for all toons! You can go places so much faster when on the ground in any missions or place.
  • I really have never understood this thinking on these forums. Almost every single MMO has expansions that increase level caps with new end game gear and new skills. Does it mean that you have to work hard again to get the top shineys and new awesomes?? Yes of course it does. But isn't that the point? To progress the game?…
  • I love the phaser PD console. Has saved my life many times and does great amounts of burst damage :) ALL of my ships carry it.
  • Hello, While my fleet is not a Christian fleet I am a Christian. I will say that my fleet is fun loving and I rarely see anything inappropriate in fleet chat. 99.99% clean. Just a group of mature adults who are fun loving and a good team. If you are interested send me a mail in game. Elendil@rpuma83
  • I also notice these changes and they are not welcome Devs. I also am curious why they decided to handle the friends list and fleet list differently. I mean I wish all fleet members were listed by their handles in the fleet instead of each individual toon. Would clean things up alot. If someone else had toons not in the…
  • Running a business myself... I am fairly positive..... don't quote me...... bu fairly positive that the whole point of creating / selling / supporting a game like this by a Developer is to make money. I could be completely wrong on that of course.... but I am pretty sure that the fine people who work on STO don't do so for…
  • We are a young but growing fleet with 60 members so far. Only 9 Vice Admirals so far so room at the top! We are casual and friendly. We have no drama and want to keep it that we. No requirements. We are just looking to make friends, have fun and team up for content and runs. Our fleet level is 4 and we are daily building…
  • NVM. I got it. TYVM :)