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rhiarose Arc User



  • Really? you guys are seriously going with the "no standard free t6 ships" route? And before the appologists start in with "the last xpac didnt provide free fleet ships" BS let me very plainly state that the last xpac did not increase the level cap and it did in fact provide free ships in line with the current free ships…
  • This is my feeling as well, if they were going to give free t6 ships, we would have seen those first, then they would have revealed the T6 pack/cstore ships. It could be that they are simply pushing that story to satisfy the crowd who absolutely insist on flying ship designs that are hundred years old or more and are…
  • Ah the farm troll, I wondered how long it would take for one of your species to show up. For your edification, I have C-store unlocks, at no point did I say i did NOT have any, however if you actually read my post instead of cherry picking troll bait out of it, you would see that my issue will be if there are no t6 ships…
  • If there is no in game upgrade t6 ship for the new rank then I will be truly done once and for all with STO. I dont mind Zen store ships being a little better, but being forced to sit through another expansion in that godforsaken Sovereign because PW Paygated the end game ships. It will be the end of it for me. Its bad…
  • Pressing this button will prompt you to pay a Zen cost (or possibly require an item with a Zen cost). This cost will be significantly lower than if you were to purchase a Tier 6 ship from the Zen Store. so does this mean T6 ships are all C-store ships? nothing included as part of the expansion? or just "most" of them. Ill…
  • Have the core as well, forgot to mention that from Sphere of Influence
  • Speaking mostly in general, my favorite is my klingon carrier captain (mirror vo'quv till I can get a fleet version) but I also have a tactical cruiser captain on my fed side and an engineering scimitar on the roms. Mostly I am looking to gear up my vo'quv. As for weapons, to give an idea of how long its been since I end…
  • I know how to use the ship and I usign the engi version with only the secondary shield console, used virtually the same build as my Haapex to start with, then switch to cannons cause the ship just feels like its built for cannons. When I dismissed my shuttles as the earlier poster suggested. I saw a dramatic improvement in…
  • I don't think its effects any other ships till now if it is indeed what was going on, ive sent a ticket to Cryptic so they can at least look into it and see if its the problem or not, I assume if had been happening all along more peole wdl have noticed it. It wasnt my catch either another poster found it, im just trying to…
  • yeah dont ditch box shuttles and such, I had the store bought and freebie one so it was no loss to me. if I had a way to prove for sure I would let you know, I will put a ticket in on it late tonight and see, I put one in earlier with this thread listed in it so hopefully they are monitoring it
  • This is not backed up by any kind of metered testing I havent had time to do an in depth look into the numbers behind this but if your Dread is having trouble try this: Dismiss your player flown shuttles, in another thread a poster commented on it after I mentioned that the shield tooltip in missions was showing up with…
  • Player owned shuttle, I dismissed mine and that is when I noticed the tooltip numbers go way up, after some PvE missions I can say that I was a lot more durable and was more the apocalyptic ship of doom I was hoping to be. I dont have any hard numbers on DPS or damage reisst increases just what the tooltips said and the…
  • I dont know for sure im not running a DPS meter, just that the tooltip reported a big jump. Edit: its not he pet I dismissed it was the player controlled shuttle
  • I dont think it effects any ships but the Dreadnaughts, the info bug has been there for years but as I stated earlier my 2 t5 Carriers, 3 T5 cruisers 1 t5 BoP all have zero problems not dying in STFs unless I stop paying attention. I would have to dismiss shuttles on them all and see, thogh to be fair I only just put a…
  • I can tentatively confirm this, I dismissed both shuttles, active and not and my shield cap stayed the same, butt the regen did almost a 100 point jump up into the 330 range. Mu weapons DPS output also jumped way up on the tooltip from 180s to 299 on the very same heavy cannons and beam array. Need to do more testing to…
  • My experience has been with a wide variety of types of enemies, in PvE story missions, the Falchion stomps alnnost everything when I am solo. In basic STFs its a constant battle as an engineer captain to keep the ship alive. My tac officer, running the same STFs in a T5 Sovie can easily solo the falchion guards on the…
  • Add me to the list having issues, flying the Falchion In PvE missions it stomps faces, but in STFs im getting rolled like no ones business. I notices on Last Stand however that my crew was 2/4 dead after 30 seconds of combat in which my shields did not drop. In STFs im dying a lot and my livign crew stays around 400/3000.…
  • Hipster fan nerd rage over the new Star Trek always cracks me up. "I LIKED TREK BEFORE IT WAS COOL!!!!!" The screams of "Its not Star Trek" especially Which Star Trek isn't it? Because the last 3 "Treks" have been jokes. Enterprise? To Boldly Retread The Entire Premise of TOS and then abruptly change course mid mission to…
  • What you mean you dont like paying to be able to remove your helmet, match the color of your armor and about a dozen other quality of life game mechanics? well you sir are rather spoiled!!!! but no, really F2P SWTOR is anything but free and its still a terrible game with about as much in common with Star Wars as the…
  • Maybe this has been said before but, im really confused by all the people claiming to have "earned" their 1000 day ships by being here since day 1. Im not sure how you earn something that is given to you, its not like you had to grind for the ship or perform super human feats of EQ 1 style Epic Quest heroism. You paid…
  • I cant even get the cape or shoulders to be selectable, im stuck with the XI shoulders and the fancy spine armor but no cape no fur shoulders
  • I know X doesnt have a visual, im refering to XII, I had read that getting all the accolades unlocks a special item for the tailor or some such thing so that is why I was asking if the cape required extra steps or if it was just bugged.