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Scimitar bugged?



  • rhiaroserhiarose Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If this turns out to be the case wouldn't it affect all ships if you have a shuttle equipped? If so this is the biggest and most monumental blunder in the history of STO, can't believe it myself but certainly am going to try it out.

    I dont think it effects any ships but the Dreadnaughts, the info bug has been there for years but as I stated earlier my 2 t5 Carriers, 3 T5 cruisers 1 t5 BoP all have zero problems not dying in STFs unless I stop paying attention. I would have to dismiss shuttles on them all and see, thogh to be fair I only just put a shuttle in my Carrier last week, but hand noticed any problems. also my BoP has had one for months and no problems.

    Just sounds to me like a bit of funky coding that glitched it. You can see from my last post some results I had dismissing shuttles and the increase in the tooltip at least stated performance, ive done one mission so far with it and it was not a tough one to begin with but I did notice not one use of my engi skills and crew seemed not to die as fast, gonna do an STF after I finish this and see for sure.
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Does dismissing your pet change your actual performance as well as your visual one?
  • rhiaroserhiarose Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Does dismissing your pet change your actual performance as well as your visual one?

    I dont know for sure im not running a DPS meter, just that the tooltip reported a big jump.

    Edit: its not he pet I dismissed it was the player controlled shuttle
  • vonhellstingvonhellsting Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Judging by the general consensus then it's most defiantly bugged good to know. Well one thing in our favor is at least with it being bugged and not a balance issue it will get fixed eventually...by eventually I mean a couple of years but what's a couple of years between paying customers.:P
    The Devs must be really scratching their heads on this one sounds like multiple issues.
    The Lobi Crystals are Faaaakkkkee!
  • warzoon007warzoon007 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    valetheon wrote: »
    A fleetmate and I tested this theory out earlier, and after sitting there an hour trying everything to see if it's just working as intended or bugged. What we had decided on is that it appears the Scimitars shields don't appear to be regenerating on their own without the help of Boff skills. We also used the tooltip as a reference but apparently bad idea as that's bugged for lots of ships and doesn't show correctly :cool:.

    So might try testing our theory, as we could be wrong and see what you come up with. :) Hopefully it's bugged and not just a gigantic paperweight.

    Here is the thread we started:
    What i have notic is that the shields regenerate faster when i use the secondary shield
  • johankreigjohankreig Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    can someone confirm if its your actual shuttle as in the one u can fly that has to be dismissed or the carrier pets that come with the scimitar, if its the shuttle then sod that, I aint loosing my temporal shuttle, if its just the pets then removing them would be an easy fix.
    Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
  • rhiaroserhiarose Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    johankreig wrote: »
    can someone confirm if its your actual shuttle as in the one u can fly that has to be dismissed or the carrier pets that come with the scimitar, if its the shuttle then sod that, I aint loosing my temporal shuttle, if its just the pets then removing them would be an easy fix.

    Player owned shuttle, I dismissed mine and that is when I noticed the tooltip numbers go way up, after some PvE missions I can say that I was a lot more durable and was more the apocalyptic ship of doom I was hoping to be. I dont have any hard numbers on DPS or damage reisst increases just what the tooltips said and the experience of not constantly haveing to cycle my boff heals to keep me alive, no more than I do on any other big ship I fly

    Again this coud all be voodoo hocus pocus but 2 of us have noticed it now, the original comment about dismissing the shuttle that prompted me to try it and myself. More testing is needed to rule out any kind of confirmation bias, wouldn't recommend discharging any C-store or lobi shuttles you cant get back till its been confirmed though ,but if your flying the freebie or 30k one give it a try and see if it works for you.
  • johankreigjohankreig Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    dam, will have to run as is for now, no way I am dismissing my temporal shuttle, shame there is no way of getting them back, unless the improvement on the scimitar and its varients is a definate (I can get my scorpion back from the c store I think, could live without the temporal shuttle, only bought it on a whim)
    Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    johankreig wrote: »
    dam, will have to run as is for now, no way I am dismissing my temporal shuttle, shame there is no way of getting them back, unless the improvement on the scimitar and its varients is a definate (I can get my scorpion back from the c store I think, could live without the temporal shuttle, only bought it on a whim)

    Can you not claim a Danube shuttle, make that your active and then dismiss it? Or will the temporal shuttle automatically become the active one again?
  • johankreigjohankreig Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    As far as I know even if I dismiss my scorpion it would still default to the temporal shuttle, Tbh its not a huge loss if I get rid off it (its not that great tbh) I may just strip it and use it for parts then ditch it, the c store ones are account bound so I should be able to get my Scimitar back.

    can anyone else confirm that this helps, dont want to ditch em if I dont have to.
    Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
  • rhiaroserhiarose Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    johankreig wrote: »
    As far as I know even if I dismiss my scorpion it would still default to the temporal shuttle, Tbh its not a huge loss if I get rid off it (its not that great tbh) I may just strip it and use it for parts then ditch it, the c store ones are account bound so I should be able to get my Scimitar back.

    can anyone else confirm that this helps, dont want to ditch em if I dont have to.

    yeah dont ditch box shuttles and such, I had the store bought and freebie one so it was no loss to me. if I had a way to prove for sure I would let you know, I will put a ticket in on it late tonight and see, I put one in earlier with this thread listed in it so hopefully they are monitoring it
  • johankreigjohankreig Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ye ok, thanks, at the moment the lack of shields and damage dont seem to harrasing me as much as I expected, I just treat it as a slightly slower escort with more guns and the ability to spit out frigates (the same tactic I use with nearly all my romy ships, works so meh)
    Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
  • incursis01incursis01 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Are they going to fix these bugs or is it working as intended?

    I really regret wasting 5000 zen for this.
  • fenr00kfenr00k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Try removing the "shields whilst cloaked" console, this seems to resolve the permeable shields problem (100% shield bleed it feels like). I'm just using the secondary shields along with the heal console from the valdore to good effect. The cloaked shields console definitely seems to be glitched.

    I'll try dismissing my scorpion next (shuttle version, not pet, my pets are drones) see what difference this makes.

    I have to say though, I am getting really good DPS with my scimitar, managed 11k average dps in infected yesterday, which is about the same as I get with my Kumari. This using phased polaron beam arrays and a bio-neural warhead, as opposed to fleet andorian phaser DHCs, turrets, fleet photon torp and kinetic cutting beam on my Kumari. So damage wise you can't put the scimitar down at all, just needs a touch more tank and it will be pretty much on a par with the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier, perhaps.

  • johankreigjohankreig Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I dont regret spending the cash for one second, I got my favorite ship from star trek, as she stands at the moment she isnt useless, she still has alot of pros going for her, and the overshields and romulan singularity shield/hull boost help to somewhat mitigate the issue. Once they find the issue and fix it (which I hope is soon) she will be an excelent vessle.
    Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Additional bugs noticed after a whole day of Scimi usage:

    1) Crew loss is ludicrous. And I mean ludicrous. Even my Odyssey doesn't lose crew as fast as my Scimi. It would be funny if it wasn't so annoying.

    2) Shield capacity is off. And I mean off BIG TIME. Mk XI borg shield caps at 7400 on my scimi. It's base is 5900. Add on the 10% shields from the 1.1 mod on the Scimi should leave it at 6400. Then add on the 30% additional shield cap from my skills, should leave it at 8100. It's only 700 shield mind you, but that's a ~12% discrepancy.

    3) TT does redistribute the shields, but it's oddly slow. Not gone, but slow.

    That's all for now, will add more as I find them (if I find them).
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • guili1guili1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I just want to thow in my 2 cents.
    But before I start:
    I am playing since beta, I own nearly all Lobi and Lockbox ships and nearly all FEd and all Romie ships, so I know really what the ships can do and can`t do.
    I not directly noticed exactly all the issues here, but I noticed the ship feels weak compared to my Ody, Recluse and Jem Carrier. Much weaker!

    Honestly I am also somewhat dissapointed about the Thalaron weapon.
    The best I already had with Part Gen skill of 160 was a 5x~50k hit in KASE.
    Yes wow this sounds like much, but a cube and Sphere are lossing 10-15% Hull which is not that much and also this means a one time shot with 4-5k DPS per Target.
    If you hit only a single target this is much to less, because your 5 weapon slots in front can do much more damage and it often happend to mee that I explode before I can fire.
    I expect to receive more damage when stopped, but my Ody tanks 3 times better and you are not able to activate any skill when activating the Thalaron skill... and for 12 seconds thats a long time! In PVP no player need to worry this weapon, 12 seconds are much enough to escape.
    But in the case his is stupid enough not to escape he deserve to explode. If the skills are in CD... **** happens that`s the game. But with this Thalaron DPS output you even can`t destroy oder seriously damage medium or large sized ships... or even harm PVP ships really.

    However also the Inertia is crazy, 25 or 30 might be better for such a ship which can turn quickly for it`s size. A constructor of that ship, will not make it turn quickly and forget the intertia. And I mean the ships also has 5-10% less Hull compared to other ships ot his size!
    Also the shields console... 17K shield sounds good, but the enemies are vaporizing this like nothing. It is not 17k per side, it is all sides! My shield with 10k per side are lasting much much longer. Sometimes a one hit is removing the secondary shield.
    I think the design was to protect the ship better during the 12nd charge phase of the thalaron weapon, but it is much to weak to do that job. To tank 12 seconds even with 2nd shield is close to impossible and makes the weapon worthless, because you are destroyed to quickly before you can fire it. So why using such a weapon.
    I am not whining here, but such a ship which explodes like Shuttles when using such a weapon... where is the logic? And then don`t forget that the SCI skills are offline for some seconds because all the Aux Power is gone after firing the Thalaron weapons.
    So there are already enough drwabacks to using the weapon.
    No Skills to Heal/Tank available during charging and some seconds no SSCi skills after firing
    No Aux energy after firing for a couple of seconds
    No turning during charging
    Only a small Bonus from Particle Generator Skill
    Damage correlate with Aux Power, you need to switch before and back every time.
    And then also a Weapon of Doom with that low DPS???

    One thing: The Romulan Drones are cool!
    The Enemy is nearly ever ignoring them!
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Additional bugs noticed after a whole day of Scimi usage:

    1) Crew loss is ludicrous. And I mean ludicrous. Even my Odyssey doesn't lose crew as fast as my Scimi. It would be funny if it wasn't so annoying.

    2) Shield capacity is off. And I mean off BIG TIME. Mk XI borg shield caps at 7400 on my scimi. It's base is 5900. Add on the 10% shields from the 1.1 mod on the Scimi should leave it at 6400. Then add on the 30% additional shield cap from my skills, should leave it at 8100. It's only 700 shield mind you, but that's a ~12% discrepancy.

    3) TT does redistribute the shields, but it's oddly slow. Not gone, but slow.

    That's all for now, will add more as I find them (if I find them).

    1. yah this has existed for a long time they really just need to make it have a set amount, + a very small percentage based on max crew... that is reduced by % based on the percentage of shields in that facing. Though the whole crew mechanic needs reworking. This would be a simple fix for now.

    2. Are you sure this isn't becuase your shields systems skill? I've been having unrealistically slow no cloaked shield regen I will sit for a min and not see it regen... yah I've notice regen returns when i activate secondary shielding...

    3. It does work when i pop shield regen and shield heals but due to almost no regen it feels odd, heck Ive tried to manually redistribute shields and my shield facings didn't change lol.

    4. my power levels do feel lower then normal I'll have to switch ships to make sure though.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    cliftona91 wrote: »
    It could be a bug, or it could be that people have no clue how to use the bloody ships

    Definitely more a case of people don't know how to use this ship. Concerns about its build has been raised in the PvP forum - anyone who uses the 5 tact console version and filled all 5with tact consoles + the 3 pieces set will have a paper tiger that is easily popped. Instead, I flew it in CE (Elite), it survived much better than the Fleet Dhelan.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    daggermoon wrote: »
    lol the interia is normal pretty much the same as the bortras, but when 1 probe can take your shield facing down and take 40% of your hull in one hit with tt supposedly running thats a head scratcher.

    uh...never happened to me. :confused: In fact, I survive the CE Elite much better now in Scim compared to Fleet Dhelan.
  • rhiaroserhiarose Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    Definitely more a case of people don't know how to use this ship. Concerns about its build has been raised in the PvP forum - anyone who uses the 5 tact console version and filled all 5with tact consoles + the 3 pieces set will have a paper tiger that is easily popped. Instead, I flew it in CE (Elite), it survived much better than the Fleet Dhelan.

    I know how to use the ship and I usign the engi version with only the secondary shield console, used virtually the same build as my Haapex to start with, then switch to cannons cause the ship just feels like its built for cannons. When I dismissed my shuttles as the earlier poster suggested. I saw a dramatic improvement in the tooltip readouts for weapons and shields as well as a marked improvement in survivablity in combat, crew loss was more in line with waht im used to on a cruiser shields were not dropping like crazy.

    In missions I noticed that the ship shield was reading the same stats as my shuttle shield even if they were different shields, on social areas and in sector space my shield tooltip looked like a cruiser tooltip, but after dismissing the shuttle several stats jumped way up on the tooltip.

    I suggest anyone havign trouble and has a disposable shuttle they can eitehr reclaim from the c-store or buy off the shuttle vendor to try it and see and report back here if they can comfirm what im seeing.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pegasussgc wrote: »
    I've been flying my scimitar since it was released yesterday in various missions and elite stfs and I haven't noticed any of these bugs. So far everything is working just fine for me and I can only recall dying once since I've had the ship.

    Agreed, it's just fine if not more survivable than the Dhelan. I wonder if those who think it's too weak is using the tactical version with 5 tact console? If so, the problem may be due to that ship being inherently weaker with its unbalanced console use, more than anything else.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    As a test SRS did a private CE Elite with 4 Scims, we were dying so much it wasn't funny and with the reduced firepower we couldn't get the beastie to less than 60%.

    Rinse and repeat but now with a couple of Bortasqus an Ambassador and a Galaxy and we killed it, my Bort was killed about 3 times max, the game ran as normal. At first we thought the patch had buggered up CE again, but then we realised after the normal ships could beat it that it was the uber squishy nature of the Scimitar that was the main issue.

    Currently advising fleet members to not buy it until this is investigated, don't want anyone else to be disappointed with the Squishytar.


    I had the total opposite experience :


    My Scim is tanking CE Elite like a pro, in fact so much so that I no longer get 1st place in CE Elite due to lack of heals. Whereas in my Fleet Dhelan, I had to heal so much that even if I die 2 or 3 times, I still end up 1st in CE Elite most of the time.
  • ebonsonebonson Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So it seems that there really is a problem with the shields but it doesn't seem to effect all shields. All of the set shields I have will not regenerate and on the stat page under shields it says 0/-1 sec. Even the blue reman shields you can get from a quest show the 0/-1 sec. However, the normal white shields the ship comes with work fine as do any normal (non-set) shields that I've found so far ( up to blue quality I haven't testing it on non-set purple yet).

    So it seems like it's a issue right now with shields in sets and Romulan ships. For the hell of it I went back to some of my older Warbirds and they all have the same shield problem. So far I've only been able to test the XI set shields from quests like the Reman, Jem and Breen sets as I don't have enough rep to test the better ones yet. Can anyone see if this is just a strange problem I'm having or if it truly is broken
  • asardetemplariasardetemplari Member Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I don't own one myself, but I noticed yesterday that a Scimitar used Thalaron Pulse on a Borg Tactical Cube in Infected Space Elite, and it barely did anything.

    Another instance of the Thalaron Failing, Crystalline Entity. It was fired on the Entity and it shrugged it off like it was nothing. Two seconds later the fully primary and secondary shielded Scimitar was wiped out with one beam shot from the Entity. And this was on Normal.

    Something's amiss...

    Dreadnought class. Two times the size, three times the speed. Advanced weaponry. Modified for a minimal crew. Unlike most Federation vessels, it's built solely for combat.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited July 2013
    From what I posted int the Gameplay bugs section on this ship:
    This is a message I sent to one of the pvp players I chat with:

    "Well Let me tell you 1 thing - Yesterday i ran into the Scimitar of DOOM - in a Capture and Hold - PvP match.

    Tac Captain - tac version

    We attacked him without mercy - and not novice guys either - we pounded him so hard the Borg would run and hide if they had been there.

    Never got him below 50% hull - he had 32 kill points at the end 0 death(obviously)

    900k dmg dealt 500k+ healing

    It was indestructable - I am still in shock - seriously - man I don't know - it was insane.

    So i don't have a clue what's going on here - this ship was a god ship - I am still having trouble typing my fingers hurt.

    Holy cow - holy cow - it's impossible - how - why?? HE SHOULD HAVE DIED!!"

    Even today I am still shaking my head - this Scimitar was indestructible - it was beyond OP - it was something I have never encountered before - in my last capture and hold before this I had 43!! kill points and 1 death. I could not take him down it was just - I still am in shock.

    Then some said maybe I was not playing STO and some other game with the scimmie - to which I replied:
    Ha ha - very funny - it was this game- it was the Scimitar Tac Version - he was a Tac Captain

    Ok yes he had a lot of flanking friends which took some of the heat off - some of the time. But we could not break him - and he was still able to rack up 32 kill points and 0 death.

    And I know his Build because I talked to him later - it's an extremely good build - best boffs possible - very engineering heavy - 2 purple Neutronium Mk XII(only $18 million EC each) armors in the eng slots.

    The rest he made me pinkie swear not to tell - but it was nothing hax - just good equipment - a great shield/eng/defector combo - maxed for skills - maxed for rep

    he was eating other Scimitars like they were made of paper

    The most interesting thing which he said tipped the balance to make his Scimitar as powerful and brick like a Jem Bug was how he allocate ships power - and If you are thinking shields - u would be wrong.
  • pissycutapissycuta Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    And to that statement i can only say that doesn't mean the scimitar is not bugged or badly designed, from canon it's supposed to be a predator... so far every scimitar i encountered that can actually "survive" in an STF and the like had like 2-3 tactical consoles and they got out aggro-ed by me in a fleet dhelan with 5 tactical consoles and 2 minus threat embassy consoles equipped....
    So the question is why should anyone buy the ship or the triple pack, just for the skins? The differences between the ships are minor at best, and it forces you NOT to use any of the set consoles or tactical consoles if you want to live....
    So again i say why buy a "special" ship with special consoles and use it like any other ship?
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited July 2013
    pissycuta wrote: »
    And to that statement i can only say that doesn't mean the scimitar is not bugged or badly designed, from canon it's supposed to be a predator... so far every scimitar i encountered that can actually "survive" in an STF and the like had like 2-3 tactical consoles and they got out aggro-ed by me in a fleet dhelan with 5 tactical consoles and 2 minus threat embassy consoles equipped....
    So the question is why should anyone buy the ship or the triple pack, just for the skins? The differences between the ships are minor at best, and it forces you NOT to use any of the set consoles or tactical consoles if you want to live....
    So again i say why buy a "special" ship with special consoles and use it like any other ship?

    Well i can tell you he was not using 5 tac consoles either - go figure - you can't use 5 tac consoles on this ship if you want to survive - too funny!
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well i can tell you he was not using 5 tac consoles either - go figure - you can't use 5 tac consoles on this ship if you want to survive - too funny!

    You can use the 5 tactical consoles, but you shouldn't fill out your engi slots with uni consoles. Which means you would have to give up some of it's gimmick consoles OR the zero point/assimilated module.

    End result: you can't have everything with this ship.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited July 2013
    You can use the 5 tactical consoles, but you shouldn't fill out your engi slots with uni consoles. Which means you would have to give up some of it's gimmick consoles OR the zero point/assimilated module.

    End result: you can't have everything with this ship.

    Wait Wait - isn't the point of the 3 ships the gimmick consoles - since boff seating is all the same - so if you want to survive you can't use the 3 pack right? LoL
This discussion has been closed.