Here's an idea for a new lifetime perk. A working game that doesn't make you feel like you've been playing a closed beta for three years! Whoa... mindblowing!
I think the chickens are coming home to roost. This is what happens when you don't keep on top of your infrastructure. Roads crumble, bridges fall, and players get kicked.
I concur. Everybody should have the same uniform. That way they all look "dress right, dress" when they're stuck halfway in the floors, and facing backwards, and standing on top of the consoles, etc...
NP, my bubble is still intact. Warp plasma is necessary, it serves a purpose, until someone invents something safer, think of nuclear power today. Metreon gas has no purpose, save as a weapon, a highly unstable, weapon. Think of the phrase "hoisted by one's own petard". Try again.
Anyone notice the bug, where if you rename the ambassador, when you unpack it, the model still shows it with the default name, but the name of your current ship changes to the one you selected for the ambassador, and you can't change it back? Nice! And how a mission with a Commander level ship as a reward, isn't available…
For the record, I think StarFleet would have moral objections, to storing multiple, cannisters of a highly unstable, explosive, gas on ANY of it's starships.
Then the Escort crowd will start belly-aching about being locked out in the cold. For the record, the Miranda, and Nebula are cruisers, and the Enterprise met up with other cruisers when the episode writers required it, for plot developement.
I think the problem you're having, is in YOUR understanding of what STO atually is. You seem to be looking more for a canon, simulation, gaming experience. Which is not what STO was designed to be. It's a cookie cutter, me too, MMORPG, in a Star Trek wrapper. A Trek theme park, if you will. Other than the licensed IP, it…
A true testament to the Iron Will of the Klingon heart! I got bored with the starbase grind, 3 days after it dropped. Another Cryptic, epic fail, IMHO.
I'm not sure what game you're playing, but I see more Odysseys than any other ship in the game. I see a lot of Andorian ships too, but that that's to be expected from Cryptic's latest, greatest, ripoff. "There's a sucker born every minute", as P.T. Barnum once said. I can play through the whole game in any "basic", free,…
It's probably the countdown to when PWE pulls the plug on the servers, because the game isn't financially solvent, anymore. Although, I must admit, the lockbox economy does seem to be sputtering along, just fine, at the moment.
Honestly, I'd wait for the FA ships. All the VA vessels currently in-game, will be as obsolete, as the original free ships, when these drop. The only reason to purchase them will be for the consoles.
Prove that. That would entail the Maqui either: 1) Hijack, or convince the captain and crew of one of these fictional carriers to mutiny. or 2) Sneak aboard one of these fictional carriers, and abscond with a number of stolen Peregrines. Neither of which explanation is supported, in canon.
It may have been anti-climactic, but how else could you win an unwinnable fight? Think outside the box, change the parameters. There you have it, Kobayashi Maru scenario, practically applied. Brute force doesn't have to solve every problem.
It might have been, I'd have to watch it again. It felt contrived. Definitely not as creative as "Sleep". Honestly, for a race like the Borg, you'd think they'd have a fail safe to just fry Picard's squash, if he were in danger of capture, to avoid being put in that type of situation.
I didn't say StarFleet doesn't use Peregrines. I'm saying the Peregrines depicted in DS9 are not carrier launched, and that they are a courier class ship, that were armed by the Maquis, and captured, and reflagged, by StarFleet, as a stop gap measure, to hold off the Dominion armada. All I'm sayin'.
Exactly. All of Trek's science in the future, stems from 21st century principles, and things that are currently, regarded as empirical facts. Yet, over time, this can become dated. You can see some of this in the TOS episodes. Like there being a static edge to the universe, for instance. Space is actually moving away at a…