I picked up a bit of information today from someone I trust, who really really should not have told me, and whom I am pretty sure has the strait dope.
The leaker is an old buddy of mine ((old computer and gaming dudes good old boy network)) but he knows my interest (and has heard me ***** and gripe) but only told me about KDF stuff. To be fair I will not reveal the exact details of what he told me. Now he is not a STO gamer period, nada, not even. Fact is he hasn't done any computer gaming for years now.. no time for it in his profession, but he tossed some info my way that had just the right touch of STO technobabble.
The none NDA stuff; ie: gossip.
He told me the folk at Cryptic really are working thier tooshies off, and some have been putting in stupidly long hours and have had to be told to "go home, get some sleep dammit!" A great many 60+ hour weeks happening across the board, including a couple instances of being woken up at the keyboard in the morning with a Peets and a scone. (I'm not sure if I belive that though.. I don't know if they have a Peets coffee down south that far..)
The info that I wont go into detail on; ie: the leak! Carefully coached in generalities..
There is going to be other stuff before we see the KDF content. (but we knew that) What is coming is more then just the tutorial is the word. More then that I wont say because it just depends on how much they can get done. Now, here is the juicy part. Many on the dev team are busting buns not just to meet the goals but exceed the set goals by apparently a goodly amount on what is all ready a rather full plate.
What convinces me its the strait dope and not a line of "here let me improve your mood with a white lie" B.S. is the stuff he shouldn't know about unless hes been following the game over the last three years.. (which I can promise you he has not.. I'm not sure he even likes Trek!) Need an example?.. He knows about Zero's dog!
Patience warriors. We'll hear the official word likely mid to late April, early May. I just hope the staff truely is able to finish all I heard about.. Some stuff is dependent on getting yet other stuff done first, and we are not likely (my guess on that) to see everything at the same time. I'm going to work real hard to be a nice diplomatic KDF type person between now and then. I don't want to give 'em any reason to not come through.
No questions please.. I would really hate to let slip anything that reveals my source. It would cause un needed complications. I also told him to please NOT tell me any more in the future. But I'm glad he did this time... because I really do feel better. And if he did slip me a carefully researched line of bs..well, thats betwixt he and I, and I will revenge!
And they definitely have Peets in Silicon Valley. According to their store list they're in Los Gatos, CA - home of Cryptic Studios. They're as far south as San Diego. (any further south and you're in Mexico.)
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
I picked up a bit of information today from someone I trust, who really really should not have told me, and whom I am pretty sure has the strait dope.
The leaker is an old buddy of mine ((old computer and gaming dudes good old boy network)) but he knows my interest (and has heard me ***** and gripe) but only told me about KDF stuff. To be fair I will not reveal the exact details of what he told me. Now he is not a STO gamer period, nada, not even. Fact is he hasn't done any computer gaming for years now.. no time for it in his profession, but he tossed some info my way that had just the right touch of STO technobabble.
The none NDA stuff; ie: gossip.
He told me the folk at Cryptic really are working thier tooshies off, and some have been putting in stupidly long hours and have had to be told to "go home, get some sleep dammit!" A great many 60+ hour weeks happening across the board, including a couple instances of being woken up at the keyboard in the morning with a Peets and a scone. (I'm not sure if I belive that though.. I don't know if they have a Peets coffee down south that far..)
The info that I wont go into detail on; ie: the leak! Carefully coached in generalities..
There is going to be other stuff before we see the KDF content. (but we knew that) What is coming is more then just the tutorial is the word. More then that I wont say because it just depends on how much they can get done. Now, here is the juicy part. Many on the dev team are busting buns not just to meet the goals but exceed the set goals by apparently a goodly amount on what is all ready a rather full plate.
What convinces me its the strait dope and not a line of "here let me improve your mood with a white lie" B.S. is the stuff he shouldn't know about unless hes been following the game over the last three years.. (which I can promise you he has not.. I'm not sure he even likes Trek!) Need an example?.. He knows about Zero's dog!
Patience warriors. We'll hear the official word likely mid to late April, early May. I just hope the staff truely is able to finish all I heard about.. Some stuff is dependent on getting yet other stuff done first, and we are not likely (my guess on that) to see everything at the same time. I'm going to work real hard to be a nice diplomatic KDF type person between now and then. I don't want to give 'em any reason to not come through.
No questions please.. I would really hate to let slip anything that reveals my source. It would cause un needed complications. I also told him to please NOT tell me any more in the future. But I'm glad he did this time... because I really do feel better. And if he did slip me a carefully researched line of bs..well, thats betwixt he and I, and I will revenge!
Khemaraa sends..
"Hang in there" for what? Even if Cryptic quadrupled their staff, (120 people?) and worked 24 hrs each, the game would still be, hopelessly, behind the 8-ball for where it should be 3 years after launch. I wish I shared your optimism, but until STO finds a new home, if ever, I fear the game will sputter along like it has been, barely paying the light bill, until all the F2P influx has leveled, and finally wink out of existence. I give it 2 years, outside chance.
Pretty much what Hawks said it would be awesome if its and the devs are busting their butts off to the KDFs benefit but after 3 years of them stringing us along I am not holding out hope for anything more than a poorly done rehash of the tutorial.
I said it many times before, I don't expect the KDF to get all at the same time.
I don't even expect the KDF to be equal to the Fed. faction, ever.
What I want to see is continuos work to improve and a glimpse of hope.
I would like to give a thumbs-up to the devs, since they're working overtime trying to really get things done. I, for one, appreciate that.
At the same time, I am understandably cautious about getting enthusiastic about anything, lest I be disappointed. I'll wait and see what comes out, and commend them on what's good and what's bad. Here's to hoping they make needed changes to the KDF faction, to PvP, and to the game in general.
My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
As with many forum posters, I remain cautiously optimistic.
If anything, they will flimsily "complete" the KDF in order to have the excuse to cut away the last bit of legitimate dil farming in the game: Marauding for Contraband.
Don't say you didn't ask for this coming dil farming nerf, when you badgered the Devs to finish your little faction when the endgame was all that mattered.
Every thing comes at a price, and at Cryptic that price has always been grinding even more.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
This is news that encourages a higher level of optimism on my part -- thank you, Khemara.
One thing...if this really is the update we have been waiting for, and the Klingon faction will finally be complete...that is going to cause a storm of rage on the Federation forums...
Not that I am concerned by that...in fact, it might be fun...
One thing...if this really is the update we have been waiting for, and the Klingon faction will finally be complete...that is going to cause a storm of rage on the Federation forums...
Think of it that way: Klingons will feed on the rage of their enemies...
This was the question that popped into my mind as well. There's no actual details in the original post. I understand OP can't reveal anything. But since there's nothing to be revealed, I really think the thread shouldn't have been posted.
Op could be the most epic troll on the forum... I mean if I really wanted to troll the KDF this is the kind of post I would do, promise the earth from a secret sauce.
It would be nice if it was all true though if anything this game needs to give me a reason to log in these days.
Op could be the most epic troll on the forum... I mean if I really wanted to troll the KDF this is the kind of post I would do, promise the earth from a secret sauce.
It would be nice if it was all true though if anything this game needs to give me a reason to log in these days.
I would also advise caution. The OP may be trolling or have gotten trolled. Unless the OP's surce works for Cryptic, everything that was mentioned is easily found or can be easily guessed by anyone who knows how a development house works. It's stuff that I could come up with.
And back on topic, what the OP's has basically said is that a completed KDF faction is a stretch goal. Which could be sacrificed upon the Schedule Altar when crunch time comes. But the STO dev team is gonna try any way even if they kill themselves, figurative speaking.
Common guys. Anyone who has played this game for a while -- or who also played Starfleet Command, knows Khemaraa is not a troll.
Emotional and passionate about the Klingon faction...yes. No problems there...but I would not characterize Khemaraa as a troll, and I have been in the same fleet, playing Klingon, with Khemaraa for literally years.
What Khemaraa has is likely someone who is in the industry -- these guys do talk amongst themselves backchannel, and it is likely that this individual picked up a tidbit here or there.
What the message really boils down to is this -- based on this source, there really is a solid grain of truth to the idea that the May update will be a major step forward for the KDF. It also is an indication that we will be getting a bit of attention from the Devs for a change -- this is all good news.
Now...to what degree we are going to get attention...that is an unknown. But still, some attention is better than...well...zero attention.
Common guys. Anyone who has played this game for a while -- or who also played Starfleet Command, knows Khemaraa is not a troll.
Emotional and passionate about the Klingon faction...yes. No problems there...but I would not characterize Khemaraa as a troll, and I have been in the same fleet, playing Klingon, with Khemaraa for literally years.
What Khemaraa has is likely someone who is in the industry -- these guys do talk amongst themselves backchannel, and it is likely that this individual picked up a tidbit here or there.
What the message really boils down to is this -- based on this source, there really is a solid grain of truth to the idea that the May update will be a major step forward for the KDF. It also is an indication that we will be getting a bit of attention from the Devs for a change -- this is all good news.
Now...to what degree we are going to get attention...that is an unknown. But still, some attention is better than...well...zero attention.
I've never trusted Cryptic and I never will, I'll never forgive them for the death of my fun
i happen to know a guy who knows a guy, who heard from a uncle who heard from a guy, that possibly someone who overheard someone on the phone talking in code that was possibly something to do with a guy who knows a guy. THAT I WILL BELIVE IT WHEN I SEE IT.
I really am not expecting much of anything to be honest.
Where would Cryptic have any time for the KDF amid:
Huge Romulan content introduction (May)
Updated Character Creator
New UI improvements
Release of more Fed ships as discussed by Al.? Al mentioned "maybe" the Regent's Negh'var was being "considered". There are no other mention of any KDF specifics this year - In a 1 1/2 hour podcast about upcoming ships.
Possible Rep. System for PvP?
Just taking these I wouldn't be surprised if there is nothing this update. Honestly.
I believe the OP. The OP is not a troll. I believe someone the OP knows told the OP some stuff about STO.
It's just the OP can't give any details. And so, you know, it's a matter of "hang in there for what?"
But we don't know what.
So it really just opens the thread up for the same old speculation of threads past, or attacks on the OP.
Not a fun thread because speculation is just that and attacks on the OP make me sad.
I wasn't attacking the OP, I don't know them so I don't know their motives I was just positing that I've oft seen such vectors used fro the purposes of trolling.
i happen to know a guy who knows a guy, who heard from a uncle who heard from a guy, that possibly someone who overheard someone on the phone talking in code that was possibly something to do with a guy who knows a guy. THAT I WILL BELIVE IT WHEN I SEE IT.
Ill vouch for the OP to, I remember when the game was freshly minted and the OP was a huge proponent of the KDF faction and always has been but never a troll.
I'm just praying that the fact that there is a "source", and now the increased risk of leakage (not that kind of leakage ) will spur the Devs into giving us an early hint of whats to come.....
What a load of BS. Everyone knows all the devs are prejudiced Fed players that don't care if the KDF is destroyed entirely and becomes all-Starfleet-all-the-time. Even Stahl is lying through his teeth when he says he wants to expand the KDF: he's just looking for applause and approval. Your pathetic attempt at cheering people up (It's probably not even that either; you're mocking us and spitting in our faces) is reprehensible and disgusting, just like the way Cryptic has treated the KDF all these years.
The OP has been a fighter for more for the KDF since nearly the begining of the game. I can attest to the fact that he is not posting to annoy or rub our faces in anything.
And they definitely have Peets in Silicon Valley. According to their store list they're in Los Gatos, CA - home of Cryptic Studios. They're as far south as San Diego. (any further south and you're in Mexico.)
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
"Hang in there" for what? Even if Cryptic quadrupled their staff, (120 people?) and worked 24 hrs each, the game would still be, hopelessly, behind the 8-ball for where it should be 3 years after launch. I wish I shared your optimism, but until STO finds a new home, if ever, I fear the game will sputter along like it has been, barely paying the light bill, until all the F2P influx has leveled, and finally wink out of existence. I give it 2 years, outside chance.
Cryptic was the wrong company for a Star Trek MMO and will ever be.
They will never make the KDF a full faction, not without serious pressure put on the Devs and staff.
I don't even expect the KDF to be equal to the Fed. faction, ever.
What I want to see is continuos work to improve and a glimpse of hope.
Worry not, we'll hang on hanging on! :P:D
At the same time, I am understandably cautious about getting enthusiastic about anything, lest I be disappointed. I'll wait and see what comes out, and commend them on what's good and what's bad. Here's to hoping they make needed changes to the KDF faction, to PvP, and to the game in general.
If anything, they will flimsily "complete" the KDF in order to have the excuse to cut away the last bit of legitimate dil farming in the game: Marauding for Contraband.
Don't say you didn't ask for this coming dil farming nerf, when you badgered the Devs to finish your little faction when the endgame was all that mattered.
Every thing comes at a price, and at Cryptic that price has always been grinding even more.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
One thing...if this really is the update we have been waiting for, and the Klingon faction will finally be complete...that is going to cause a storm of rage on the Federation forums...
Not that I am concerned by that...in fact, it might be fun...
Think of it that way: Klingons will feed on the rage of their enemies...
This was the question that popped into my mind as well. There's no actual details in the original post. I understand OP can't reveal anything. But since there's nothing to be revealed, I really think the thread shouldn't have been posted.
It would be nice if it was all true though if anything this game needs to give me a reason to log in these days.
I would also advise caution. The OP may be trolling or have gotten trolled. Unless the OP's surce works for Cryptic, everything that was mentioned is easily found or can be easily guessed by anyone who knows how a development house works. It's stuff that I could come up with.
And back on topic, what the OP's has basically said is that a completed KDF faction is a stretch goal. Which could be sacrificed upon the Schedule Altar when crunch time comes. But the STO dev team is gonna try any way even if they kill themselves, figurative speaking.
Emotional and passionate about the Klingon faction...yes. No problems there...but I would not characterize Khemaraa as a troll, and I have been in the same fleet, playing Klingon, with Khemaraa for literally years.
What Khemaraa has is likely someone who is in the industry -- these guys do talk amongst themselves backchannel, and it is likely that this individual picked up a tidbit here or there.
What the message really boils down to is this -- based on this source, there really is a solid grain of truth to the idea that the May update will be a major step forward for the KDF. It also is an indication that we will be getting a bit of attention from the Devs for a change -- this is all good news.
Now...to what degree we are going to get attention...that is an unknown. But still, some attention is better than...well...zero attention.
I've never trusted Cryptic and I never will, I'll never forgive them for the death of my fun
Where would Cryptic have any time for the KDF amid:
Just taking these I wouldn't be surprised if there is nothing this update. Honestly.
It's just the OP can't give any details. And so, you know, it's a matter of "hang in there for what?"
But we don't know what.
So it really just opens the thread up for the same old speculation of threads past, or attacks on the OP.
Not a fun thread because speculation is just that and attacks on the OP make me sad.
I see what you did there. . .
I wasn't attacking the OP, I don't know them so I don't know their motives I was just positing that I've oft seen such vectors used fro the purposes of trolling.
Or how about this?
"Pardon me, but I have nothing to say."