The Nebula build isn't bad, but you're overdoing it on the particle generators. Two are generally fine for PvE, and with 9 points into the PGen skill you're getting some diminishing returns on slots that are better used for universal slots or field generators. And yes, torpedoes are a large part of your damage, so you'd be…
notsureifserious.jpg The Aux2Bat isn't intended to be a heavy tanking build, and if you're looking for serious tanking I'd suggest a carrier or cruiser. The Nebula is a hybrid vessel, so while she can tank you're a lot better off going an alt-tank/cc role that lines up enemies easier for people to kill. Sure, you won't…
Like I said, it's for PvE. And if you failed as an Engi Captain in a Nebula refit, then you're doing something wrong. Can have three shield heals, excellent CC, and when run as a torp boat I easily get 6k+ dps on eSTFs. Thought about running as a beam boat, but incredibly boring. The build requires you to be on top of cd's…
I've always leaned towards a Nebula build centered on tractor beam repulsors with the aforementioned doff to turn it into a pull. The problem with a lot of current meta science ships is that they can't really handle the heat of being targeted by a bunch of AI, which is what the Nebula can do. It also helps to be an…
Of course, isn't it supposed to be based off of the D'deridex, anyway? I'd call an increase to 7 from 5 in turn rate ain't bad, especially considering the new Helmsman trait. Yes, I realize everyone who PvP's will have it on them, but to be perfectly honest I think PvP in this game is a joke. On the other hand, I haven't…
I'm going to backtrack a bit from my original pessimism to again state that a science ship can be beneficial and a boon to a team, but it requires (1) a highly competent captain, and (2) lots of EC. The EC here are for buying the two Adapted vessels to get the new radiation proc. If anyone here has both vessels, I would be…
Well, looks like you can still run a science vessel to some degree of efficacy, but due to certain idiotic changes you'll want to shift your ship as much towards dps as possible. So, you really have the Vesta and Advanced Battle Cruiser...maybe even the Destroyer. Lots of EC to invest for a decent build.
Perhaps, though I'm not well-versed in the Temporal stuff b/c I find the design atrocious. However, the Adapted Battle Cruiser might be the future of science. The nanites deal ~1200dmg/s in an area roughly the size of GW, and the set bonus from the Adapted vessels adds about 200-300 radiation damage that bypasses shields…
Pretty much; with the ability to keep shield power so high, extend shields can give a person a long 34% reduction in damage...add in tac team and they're not going anywhere. Engineering has better hull heals, and while science does have shield heals, it clashes with tac team on many builds. So no, science vessels are not…
Alas, the CC ability of science vessels got nuked in STFs due to spheres zooming around one of our only mass-CC abilities. You can still use Tyken's Rift to some extent, but you're better off rolling in an escort if you want to rock a 10k dps Vesta. Much easier to do it in an escort, and you're not going to get nerfed due…
This is just nit-picking, but cycling EP2S III is as good of tanking as you really need, making Rotate just about useless in most instances. True, it'll give you a one-off buff, but let's not kid ourselves into thinking that engineer powers magically make them wonderful at tanking. The things that matter most for tanking…
I've played with tacs in carriers who have no problem hitting 8k, and when everyone is clicking 10k is achievable. Not through only fighters, of course; if that were the case, everyone would be flying a Recluse or Atrox. But when you can run a torpedo boat *plus* hangars means your dps will be greater than a normal science…
Not like it would really stop Cryptic or fall in line with their current logic on ship tiers, but technically the Nebula-class is the modernized version of the Miranda-class as a workhorse vessel. So if it were to be made a fleet-level ship, I'd think its stats would have to be pretty low for the tier. Or make it the best…
I fly a Nebula, so my advice will really only be for the powers in general, and even more so for PvE since you mentioned Elites. Unless they really buffed Photonic Officer recently, I would suggest you get rid of it and Photonic Shockwave. The recent nerf to Nadeon Detonator makes using any photonic studies doff worthless…
I wonder how much of the cries for nerfs/buffs would go away if they stripped all damage modifiers from the captain classes, and made them purely ship- and skill-based. GDF would be okay, I think, with the current Tribble changes, but I'd rather see the captain abilities debuff and heal rather than increase damage done.
In terms of pure dps, I'd suggest going Recluse carrier; those fighters will rip everything apart, and can easily get 10k dps while still throwing out science powers and heals. The Vesta is the next choice for a science vessel, simply because it has the same-ish setup as the Orb Weaver, but with more agility. It won't tank…
I still don't understand why the change is perceived to be a bad thing. Tac captains now get a tanking skill that increases their damage....what's wrong about that? Science gets a damage buff, even if it does shoe-horn them into science ships, while Engineer captains get the shaft with nigh-worthless traits. Seriously, who…
So, you're complaining that an ability whose name infers that you have taken a significant amount of damage....requires you to take hull damage? If this is the first step in balancing tac captains in relation to the other two, that's fantastic news. First in a long time, tbh. If your escort can't survive more than five…
Aye; I'd toss in a ET1 instead of the second EPtS1 for a multipurpose heal that you can throw out when needed. Although I'm honestly not sure why you'd chose a vessel that isn't really like a cruiser to run an Aux2Bat build, more power to the OP if it works well. If you always run with a buddy or two that can put out those…
I would say that, at least with escorts and science vessels, 5k dps using STOICS is quite easy to reach, even more so with a good team. I also have witnessed several cruisers hitting that mark, but those were generally cannon Excelsiors with tac captains. I know I have to milk every bit of dps out of my Fleet Nebula as an…
Aaaaand you've missed the point. If science and engineering were worthwhile to have on a consistent basis, of course you'd see more--that's because they're no longer worthless! Honestly, no one is asking for science ships or cruisers to be ridiculous, but the power creep has allowed escorts to take the place of both in…
You'd think it'd be an easy switch to move science damage over to the Isometric Charge's electrical damage, and then shift that entire damage type to exotic. Make it entirely reliant on Particle Generators and aux power...boom, easy to be balanced. Graviton Generators should also increase the pull of the gravity well, not…
Gecko already said he only cares about escorts, because they sell, ignoring the fact that they are unbalanced compared to other ships. So, either they're just lazy, and only want to pump up 1/3rd of the game via microtransactions, or they're completely ignorant as to why people are buying escorts en mass. They haven't…
It's useless to even think about balancing science when sci powers just do kinetic damage. They need to switch that out first, before they even think about changing the way our other powers work. Otherwise, you'll just see people flying Advcorts with drains, just like you see 'em with GW to slow down enemies. If the devs…
Engi in a Nebula, here. You must be flying with some terrible escorts, because even my best runs hardly beat the worst runs of escorts. I can hit 7k raw dps sometimes, but it doesn't compare to the 8-9k dps an escort can pump out while doing just as well at CC as I do. Try again. @lordmalak: That's because the dev's have…
Generally speaking, if you want a science vessel to contribute well in all aspects of PvE ( and I stress PvE, as many more sci skills are borkedin PvP), you're better off rolling a torpedo boat. Of course, this is just my opinion, but it's been my experience that even Vestas benefit best from using torpedoes. My Nebulas…
Hey, it's this thread again.... But yeah, the Nebula's just dying for the Venture skin, and only makes sense considering the background of the Galaxy and Nebula ships.
Amen. Echoing what others have said, changing science damage to exotic once more would do wonders for the balance in this game. True, tactical captains should do the most damage, but why would they have more intimate knowledge of utilizing exotic particles than other captains? If anything, sensor scan should give a…