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malkarris Arc User



  • Huh, if your talking about the wave matching minigame, I only had to do it once that then he called me over to continue. Sounds like a bug you caught. Loved the mission, some overlapping voices (talked about in the animation thread) and it looks like the D-4X models aren't in the game. Also, that was a nasty trick needing…
  • Something I noticed in the new mission, not sure if its animation related, but you said cutscenes. In the mission Terminal Expanse in the cutscenes starting with the explosion, there were multiple cases of people talking over each other. So basically the audio for one character would play, and then the audio for another…
  • I would not agree with enjoyable. Honestly if you're going to have that much text, it should be a story mission. This is a queue. It will be cute the first five so times, and be old as dirt after that. Other than that, agree with the above, except for the film grain effect. Just take it out. On my screen it looked…
  • Well, here's a start, please add. Ent: In a Mirror, Darkly (Tholians/Mirror Universe) Broken Bow, Cold Front, Shockwave, Future Tense, The Expanse, Azati Prime, Zero Hour, Storm Front (Temporal cold war) TOS: Journey to Babel (AoY) The Tholian Web (Tholians) Mirror, Mirror (Mirror Universe) TNG: Contagion (Iconian) DS9: To…
  • Tis better to be lucky than good, tis best to be both. So good luck.​​
  • Lag on every ISA, ISN, and CCA I ran. Crashed to desktop on the ISN run after a second of pure freeze, so I'm assuming that it was lag related. Hope whatever data you were collecting helps.
  • I had something like that. Each time you get what's her face to go away, some Heralds should pop up. I say should because sometimes they transport into the walls to start (check your map, might see the red circles). Sometimes they come out if you wait long enough, other times you just have to beam out and beam back into…
  • Hey, is something off with the boff slots? The Fed one has 13 boff slots for both Tier 6 and Fleet. The KDF one has 12 boff slots for both Tier 6 and Fleet. And then the Rom one has 12 boff slots for tier 6 and fleet again. Is there a reason that KDF and Rom have one less slot, or is this a typo? EDIT: Sorry, I misread the…
  • I'd have to agree with the cardi arc being up there. Tones of running around, all those ground turrets that take forever to kill in "Badlands," and every single map is run/fly, kill some stuff, repeat. Granted, a lot of missions are like that, but something about how big the maps are or how they are laid out in the cardi…
  • 1) I'll go with the popular of 40. 2) Vanilla 3) There is no spoon
  • EDIT: Never mind, read that completely wrong. Still a bad exchange rate though.
  • Yeah, I thought it was Scarab plating, so I got that, but that one is more green and covers more of the body, and doesn't do anything for your team. Like demonicaesthetic and hfmudd said, its blue, opaque, and looks like American football pads. I'll check out the command boff skills, probably one of them, thanks.
  • Oh well, here goes my anime nerd. Also, i don't really like Harmony Gold, so this might b slightly biased. For those who don't know, Macross was an anime that came out in Japan in 1982 and was one or the first "real-robot" mecha shows, along with Gundam. It went on the spawn a number of sequels in Japan, all of which have…
  • One, still liking this story, can't wait for more. Two, part of me is laughing that in a setting with FTL travel, energy weapons, and all sorts of hand-wavium, one line about a rapier cutting off a hand is what causes the suspenders of disbelief to fail and drop the pants of imagination to the harsh floor of mundanity as I…
  • The FE reward is probably another space set, might be a ship and space set though, built around the new expanded pilot spec though, based on the last FE. And of course there will be a new rep, we have two new queues, and even on tribble there is an Iconian rep box. We might have a new fleet holding as well, but I doubt…
  • While I agree with most of the above, I would have to give a spot to a knife from a Dr Who novel I read a while ago. It was a knife with a blade made of a type of force field capable of adjusting all the way from blunt two by four down to capable of cutting apart atoms. Get some Uranium and go to town.
  • On this story, liking it, as usual, and eager to see where it will head. Really liked the Jones style heist. On the foundry mission I left some comments in game, but they only let me put so much so... I liked it a lot, and I felt that some of it could be longer, but its a good length as it is, so maybe don't mess with…
  • Just tried at Vulcan space, still didn't count points, and didn't' complete that part of the daily.
  • Same here, the launcher wouldn't finish loading all of the graphics, an crashed once completely. Most of the time it says it can't log me on and I have to try logging on again via the launcher instead of through arc. When I have more time I will try just waiting.
  • Good as usual. And I'm eagerly awaiting the next bit. But if you're looking for ultimate "you should not have said that" scifi quotes, you could go with Vorkosigan-verse. Like, "Let's see what happens."
  • I can get the dance chip on my KDF character, its in my inventory, but I can't use it. I get: [Inventory] Unable to use Shuffle Dance Manual. No rewards generated. Good thing you its an account unlock so you can get it on a fed.
  • Well, he's defecting, maybe he was doing laundry when he had to escape, so he ran to the ship in his undies, and then the only clothes he had was what he found in the shuttle. Or programers are lazy and didn't make that costume for an NPC, just the view screen model.
  • #DeltaRising vs #DetlaRising #I think this an omen
  • As far as I can tell, the Voyager interior is not being offered for sale anywhere yet, including in the Delta Operations Pack. But there have been plenty of hints, so my advice would be to just wait. As for the second question, it is known that the Dauntless will be available for purchase by itself on launch day, and it…
  • Except that I bet Shohl can probably fix it as well. Looking forward to another great story.
  • So, I don't have a max level crafter to find this out, but here's a question I am very curious about. If I get a Mark II phaser pistol, and upgrade it all the way to Mark XIV, doe the game visual model change as I go up the levels, or at Mark XIV does it still look like a Mark II pistol? In other words, can I finally have…
  • So, don't think this has been asked. For the three ship upgrade tokens in this pack, it says we only get three per account on one character. So are they account bound, or character bound? If account bound, that sounds okay because I can swap them around to other characters via the bank. If character bound, not so good,…
  • Oh joy, another queue. Don't get me wrong, from what little is given, this could be a good or even great mission, but putting this in the queue automatically cheapens it in my eyes. What about a mission that you actually have to go to, or even better, find. Like you find it in one system one day, beat the mission, and then…
  • You know, this would be fine with me if it meant that I can fly over here to do one thing, and then I could fly over there to do something else, and then fly this way to do a third thing, and all of these things are radically different, like fighting, mining, diplomacy, etc. But based on the past, Cryptics version of a…
  • Same here, have one stuck at 360 of 1000. K'roma@Malkarris just the Breen Cruiser.