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lotusteadragon Arc User



  • Where am I lying? You just said that people who couldn't shoot fast enough for your liking DESERVE IT. (your word and caps) The kind of play style you advocate here is what turns a game into a chore. Not everyone is going to be as fast as you, or as trained as you because they likely don't play as often as you do. That's…
  • That's why when I'm in sector space, I fly slower than the maximum. Between missions, my little ship is living out its fantasy with my little crew, and together we're in the Star Trek universe exploring strange new worlds, and so on. I have to use my imagination, but that just means I save on my PC's processor cycles. ;)
  • Nope. Quite frankly, if you can go all caps over this, you're too far removed from reason. I mean, seriously, someone takes 20 seconds to do something you can do right now and they deserve *AFK*? Jesus Christ, I hope you don't act that way around board games. "I have to go pee." "PASS GO OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'M FLIPPING THE…
  • Agreed. "Your reaction time is that of a casual human player who has just arrived in the instance and can't jump immediately into battle?! YOU DESERVE PUNISHMENT!" Jesus Christ, stop with the caffeine, people!
  • Like I said earlier, I do like it, and for many of the reasons people mention (reload on some basics, enjoy the map which is nicely done), but yeah, they need a few more things to do outside of earlier game missions. Otherwise, it kind of feels wasteful. I mean, there are a dozen places to buy the same basic food items…
  • I like Bajor. I go there every so often. The devs did a great job on the map. Sure, it's a bit boring, but then it's just a place to refuel/reload/check your bank.
  • Agreed, but we like to overreact on the internet's what I'm saying. "This game is lagging by 130ms." "FIRE THEM ALL AND BURN THEIR HOUSES AND COWS!"
  • Well, yeah, but that's because we're on the internet. Everything is dire and drastic on the internet. ;)
  • This. It's like punching the mailman because you received a bag of threatening letters that end up using other people's return addresses. There's no real way to combat that, and people just have to ride out the DDoS until other means of stabilization can be found. Some people use Cloudflare, but I'm not sure how that would…
  • I was way out in the middle of nowhere, in the Delta Quadrant, when I came upon an abandoned ship. Every time I scanned it, I got R&D materials. A few minutes later, the ship had repaired itself, and vanished. It was awesome! :D Also, yes, more exploration please!
  • It's empty and dark. Like space. I love it.
  • I love my Ambassador class ship. I have lockbox ships, and ships I've spent cash on (my Galaxy class is still so pretty), but I always go back to that Ambassador. I know you guys are talking about *best* ships, but I think she's still a well balanced, all around good ship.
  • Thank you, devs, for the wonderful tributes. The first moment I arrived on Vulcan, and saw the memorial, it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for caring. LLAP
  • Actually, this would be awesome. I would love to see a mini-game of some kind that involved crawling through a Jefferies tube to fix some kind of something before the shield collapse, or the core breaches, or something. Just my two bits. :D
  • Agreed. When it comes to F2P, STO is easily one of the best models.
  • I am having the same issue. The game resets your graphic settings to their defaults, and so I had to put everything back where it was prior to the update. Once I did so, it restarted, and now crashes with an "out of memory" error.
  • I knew I should have chosen the Warp Core instead of the omnidirectional antiproton beam. I shelved that sucker pretty quickly later on. Now I wish I had the warp core, as it might have been better.
  • *sigh* The server (or whatever) went down right as I was getting ready to go into The Cure. Of course, I log back in, and now I have an AFK Penalty, even though it wasn't my fault. Way to go, STO.
  • I just wanted to post that I love the new map, and I think you guys have really outdone yourselves. I came to this decision after a day of gliding around Risa, having a dance party, looking for some horgh'ans, and then relaxing on the beach at night, as the fireworks lit up the night sky. Seriously, well done!
  • Thank you. :) I found the first pirate inside the asteroid field, and the second one I found out near asteroid Alpha, oddly enough. That map is huge when you're only using a Mk IV impulse drive. :D
  • I realize this thread is two weeks old, but I haven't seen another thread on it, and I'm having the exact same problem.
  • Obviously, this maintenance is due to the fact that the game has the wrong font. ;)
  • Yes! That did it! Thank you. I don't recall ever seeing that option before!
  • I'm not sure I accept the "camera space" reasoning anymore. I have the Belfast interiors for the Fleet Escort. They look fantastic, and the right dimensions for a ship of that size. A cruiser will have slightly bigger corridors and such, so why would it be a problem to go slightly bigger than the current Belfast…
  • I was thinking about the conference room the other day, that is should be a standard ship interior. Yesterday I took a bit of a trip through my interiors, and aside from everything still looking way too big for a starship, it all felt cold and lifeless. The Captain's Quarters still look like a doctor's office waiting room,…
  • At the same time, if you raise it too high, many people would simply stop buying them. I buy one or two keys a month, just for fun, and I bought my two yesterday. I almost didn't buy them, because they were 1.6 million EC a piece. If they started selling for 1.8, I wouldn't buy. I have better things to do with my credits.…
  • While that password site is pretty neat (my password will be broken in 71 quadrillion years), it doesn't really do any good for all practical purposes. Still, it's fun to see whether your password is remotely up to snuff or not. :D
  • I'm having this same problem. I renamed my Ambassador class ship 3 days ago, and it's still the old name instead of the new one. I've switched ships, gone in and out of the customization screen, logged in and out repeatedly, and no dice. It still has the old name. EDIT: I solved the problem by renaming the ship something…
  • I love, love, love my Ambassador. She's got a solid punch thanks to some well placed BOFF slots, she can move pretty sprightly for her size, and I just love all of the effort that went into making her. Honestly, I was prepared to pay for the Ambassador class. I had money put aside just for the ship, because that is the…
  • Agreed! It was a wonderful mission, I had fun, and like I told a friend, there was a moment where my breath caught, and it was when I first ran out into the docking corridor. I loved it. The mighty Ambassador class, and she was all mine.