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letsrish Arc User



  • And people would also have more fleet credit, so they could buy more fleet items that also cost dilithium, so Cryptic still benefits. I have a few characters in a large fleet with fully upgraded holdings. There are many things I would like to buy from fleet stores, but I can't afford them because the only thing I have a…
  • The way I see it is that he sees how the Federation gains advantage by being an alliance of races, and then applies that lesson by allying himself with, let's say, more relatively antagonistic races. The list of species and empires he is cavorting with, are generally those who don't mind getting a little dirty, or violent.…
    in J'mpok Comment by letsrish April 2014
  • J'mpok isn't Undine. I think he's pretty much who he seems to be: a maybe not too bright but ambitious, hard-line Klingon who grew dissatisfied with the whole 'get along with people instead of punching them' thing the Empire had going for a while there with the Federation. The Undine were a convenient rationale to start up…
    in J'mpok Comment by letsrish April 2014
  • He's not saying that YOU bolded that part. You seemed to be upset that he was accusing you of bolding something that you didn't bold. That's not the point he's trying to make. HE bolded the part of your post that he took issue with. I'm just saying that you could dial back the self-righteousness a bit. When people started…
  • You should probably reread thegcbacon's post. He wasn't saying you bolded anything yourself. He was simply calling attention to the part of your post he has issue with. It's a common forum discussion tool, so I assume your are new to this sort of thing. That being said, the 'Everyone who helped me in the specific manner I…
  • I have found them to be worth the investment, for a few reasons. The missions have a side benefit I have not seen anyone mention yet. They pay out a generous amount of Trade and Development xp, which helps people (like me) who rely on reports for their fleet marks. They are good missions for those with several alts, as…
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pdWAcK6Eh8
  • Go to Missions -> Episodes -> Solanae -> Sphere of Influence. If that is grayed out, check your previous mission progress and select skip for all the missions you haven't done yet up to Sphere of Influence. Don't worry about missing out on anything, as you can always replay an episode.
  • I disagree with this stuff as much as anyone here, but I must correct something nonetheless. These projects have ALWAYS been introduced at two week intervals. There was a period when both the embassy and the starbase had projects, so each facility got one project per month, but there was still a new project every two…
  • To be fair, the projects are coming out at the same rate they always have, every two weeks. In fact, a bit slower, as the first project was up three weeks before the second one hit. The difference is that the projects used to be distributed between the main base and the embassy, so each location only got one project a…
  • whysoserious.jpg
  • Has there been any thought as to how this affects S'kul fighters? At first glance, it seems like all they get out of this is a nerf to their already low combat damage. Veteran status really isn't something to shoot for with these guys.
  • I have a fleet T'varo and am basically flying it like a raptor. I'm even using the two piece set for the torpedo cooldowns. It's a good ship and it doesn't feel like I am using it incorrectly. I have good firepower, speed and maneuverability, and I like that I can fire my plasma torpedoes every six seconds instead of…
  • I didn't even notice that about Veril's father being there. She certainly didn't comment at all about it. It is strange that both of these conflicts were presented as kind of a big deal, at least to the people involved, but then the story gives no payoff for either one.
  • There are elite mesh weavers, and they are only available through a fleet with a Tier V science array. They are the same as advanced only with APB III and Fire at Will III. I'm not sure if anything changed, but when Elite Widows were on Tribble, they had a beam array, a dual beam bank (maybe two? not sure, the wording was…
  • I'm surprised they didn't at least add a daily wrapper mission like for the Romulan rep. It was quick and relatively painless for the amount of marks you get, even if you could only do one a day.
  • I'm hoping we can get a clarification on the STF armor issue. I understand the decision to have Romulans obtain the STF gear of their ally, stat-wise, but do they at least have their own skin, or will there literally be Romulans running around in furry Klingon shoulderpads/MACO spacesuits?
  • I believe a dev specifically stated that it was intended for the duration to stack. It was a while ago though and I don't remember which one it was.
  • The feeling I'm getting, based off of the different things the devs have mentioned so far on the subject, is that pretty much every ship the Romulans have is technically a "warbird" class. Even the bird of prey would be considered a "warbird: bird of prey class," or something like that.
  • I really hope that the announcement at the end of the countdown doesn't follow the pattern of many other Cryptic announcements. "New ship!" "Cool! What are the stats? How much will it be? When will it be released?" "Sorry, we can't tell you any of that now. There will be several dev blogs about those subjects in the coming…
  • He disagreed with you, but was polite and gave his reasoning for it. What's your problem with that?
  • So, when the turret does the plasma flamethrower thing, does it actually do more damage, or is it just a graphics switch?
  • Here, I assume. http://sto.perfectworld.com/sto_may2013
  • So what exactly did it DO, stat wise? Just Curious.
  • Actually, no. In order to build the Fabricator, Communications Array, or Shipyard, you will need 10,000 xp in the related field first. The starbase upgrade takes 1000 starbase xp, which you earn each time you upgrade one of the outlying structures.