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  • Oh yeah, I forgot about those fancy things. The voth ones that is. But if you were reading, I also said variants of things get added into the game as old procs remain the same. So, iif anything, I was mentioning any changes folks would want would be a variant, not a change to the old procs (because it's not gonna happen).…
  • It's easier for some folks to press spacebar to play a game rather than to read and understand simple topics in a forum. Anyways, does seem like phaser procs need a little something. Although, I can't say I'd go for what kjwashington mentioned. Seems like that might be treading on Tetryons turf. The stun-like idea the…
  • A lot of people replace their braincells with derpcells once they acquire power. But, people working together plain and simple and using a bit of brain power will win a mission. I remember months ago (when I was still trying to be interested in most PvE queus) I decided to play Khitomer Vortex. Got into the match, whoopdie…
  • I can't say tactical iis missing out on anything even if they don't have a 5 strategic module kit (if they don't that is. I"m too lazy to research into it) I play all careers and I can certainly say that Tactical captains, ground and space, are not shafted in any way. This game was practically designed for them. You could…
  • I guess if there was one reasonable thing to ask for I guess it would be a level 60 battlezone, probably with the Heralds and stuff I suppose since it's the new hotness. Dyson Sphere battlezones are nice, I even enjoy the environments alone, but they're level 50 areas and we've got level 60 stuff and ridiculously stronger…
  • I end up disliking STO over time and then it seems Cryptic does something to make me like it again. Stop giving me mixed messages, bros!:eek: But really, this is nice. They probably have a hard time with all the negativity thrown around as it is, which makes me surprised they did this, but I'd surely give my thanks to them…
  • The group of folks I've played with we've played MMOs, shooters, RTS games and all kinds of things for many years (even role-play!). We're quite good at what we do, but when we look at STO we just LOL. Really, this game has terrible balance of mechanics. It's so out of control. I do both PvE and PvP games and I feel bad…
  • To be honest, if you want an actual PvE challenge and play a game that's balanced within some form of reasoning, look elsewhere. I gave up playing lemming trying to be the hypothetical "best of the best" in this game because at the rate the game has gone things may very well get worse. Only reason I stick around is I play…
  • That's where the last part of my statement comes in. :P Already got problems as it is, the CBCs causing stuff was just another thing to the list.
  • Nice that it's getting fixed. We shall all be able to sleep peacefully at night now. Really though, it's good that it's going to be fixed (hopefully.) This game doesn't need more issues as it is.
  • Now that's surprising isn't it? Lol. At this point there'd be people biting each others necks off with everything else. There was people who even wanted the slow XP progression in the game. I'm not gonna get my hopes up on any of this event stuff being reversed though.
  • I'm surprised that anyone else is surprised. I was kind of wondering when something like this might happen. Watching the direction this game's gone for years I am just "meh" about it things like this. Nothing you can do about it.
  • If you have the clothing and the gun, you'll get a 2-piece set bonus: Coolness: You look so cool all enemies in a 20m radius will stop firing at you. 10 second damage immunity buff to you and your team. Resets every time you leave combat. Gun 'em Down: Due to your old school gansta skills, you can gun all your enemies down…
  • Just read the interesting news. Very interesting. Just a little disturbed that all those pearls I saved up can't be used for the new ships and stuff, but at least there's some decent stuff to get with the leftover pearls. I just hope the new stuff they bring will be worth it.
  • Saw you had some questions, so I answered them for you in case they really weren't rhetorical. While I still stand on particle gen doesn't need to be smashed, there's no doubt people out there who have done extraordinary things with particle gen related stuff. And no doubt these people aren't on this leaderboard that…
  • It would solve it to some extent. Though don't replicators need material to create material instead of magically making it appear? Would still then have to manually reload it. Not that any of it truly matters to me in the end. I mean, I don't expect things in this game to remotely make sense all the time. (Like having a…
  • Would be amusing and fun. There are technically full-auto weapons already in the game such as the romulan plasma-piercing rifle (or whatever the correct name was.) So, the base mechanics could already work for a tommy gun. I would say one thing to worry about is probably reloading or something, but they could always mix…
  • Was quite an amusing video! I've never had lag around my CBCs and stuff though. I even play with friends where we use Intel and CBCs and get no problems. I'm having a feeling though all the lag and issues have nothing to do with the new ships and mechanics, but more to do with everything going on. Every ability that's…
  • Darn! And here I thought my inside-guy was on to something big. I should've guessed it was those klingulans all along. I'm gonna need a new go-to guy. Suppose on a more related note instead of posting random things, yeah I don't see a reason to nerf particle gen stuff. It's nice to know at least there's other things in the…
  • After reading all posts in this thread I have come to the conclusion that the majority does not like the idea that particle gen should be nerfed, which those that do are a minroty. Obviously, we now know what is going to happen. The minority will win this as they have other battles in this beautiful forum. We're all…
  • Mmm, I'm not all a fan of the powercreep going on lately, but I do always welcome new mechanics/abilities that are added to the game to make it more fun and give some diversity to the game. (Playing same old abilities for years does get stale. Just a little.) With that said, I do enjoy the looks of the ships. Think I may…
  • You call that a challenge? Bro, you haven't seen a challenge until you've seen a team of Tuffli Freighters completing all PVE STFs on Elite. You ain't seen tough until you've seen Tuffli.
  • Nooo! This cannot be possible! My life is over. :(
  • Something isn't right here. There must be some evil, sinister, dark plan behind all of this! :eek:
  • You're totally right. Even though they had some slight variation to every time you played it, they were still worse than the other things going on in this game that people get a rise out of playing thousands upon thousands of time. You know, patrols, the 100% predictability of all those lovely STFs and various other…
  • The dark side of all this is, they actually do know how people got so powerful and they just act like they don't. There was an old Q&A back from the old website and I remember some people around here posted the links to the page a few times (these posts were months ago, shame I didn't save the link) and the power creep was…
  • Well, I wouldn't rule it out of the question. It seems they have been catering towards the minority. I mean we now have: a 24/7/365 xp grind festival (including the slower leveling), power creep out the wahoo, energy credit reduction when selling to vendors and many other things that currently exist in the game. Sad thing…
  • With or without the eye-wear they get? Orions doing their thing, Ferengi women showing it off and mini-skirts galore. Star Trek isn't as innocent as some people make it out to be. It's almost like trying to censor a strip club. lol. Well, I guess iit could be worse. You know, that alternate life of which the full name…
  • Well, if there's folks who hate seeing the wrong type of clothes in the wrong type of environment then I cannot wait to get my ferasan, put on some winter clothes and go to Nimbus 3 or Risa. I'm gonna be the hottest thing there!
  • I will probably just name mine the "Space Crab" or something along those lines. That's what it looks like to me anyways.