I was one of those that did not lose a slot a few weeks ago, but lost at least 3 today, probably 4 or more. I had 3 open, now I have no spares, so not sure exactly how many. Not sure if that's helpful or not, but that's what it is.
What specifically are you thinking of? I can think of a couple of episode rewards like this, such as the Borg Transphasic Torpedo that has no sale or salvage value. I do think those should get one. I have a tendency to overlook them and they end up clogging my inventory over time. But it's not that many. Outside of that,…
I was able to get a better feel for it after queueing solo in the private menu. Took about 15 minutes, so definitely longer than with a full team of 5, but there is an advantage to it: nobody else to target. Means you can fly back and forth often enough to learn the flow and verbal and visual cues. Still got base mark…
Might be my chance to see what the Vengeance-class hype is all about. Although I do think that by putting the name "...and Beyond" in there, I was kinda hoping to see the Franklin as an option. That said, good bundle options. Very Tempting.
> @rattler2 said: > Well... both versions were seen in Picard, as Picard had a couple Romulans, both apparently ex-Tal Shiar, at his vinyard. The guy had more TNG style features while the woman had more TOS features. And she called the guy a Northerner, playfully slapping his forehead. >…
That's also my headcanon for the Romulan foreheads of TNG. I thought they looked terrible and made for an unnecessary deviation from the idea that they were distantly related to Vulcans that TOS established. So I prefer to think of unridged Romulans as perhaps being originally from a different planetary region than the…
Perhaps it's because it's not affecting as many as we might think? I don't know for sure, but speaking for myself, I've had the aforementioned issues on only 1 out of 14 captains, and on that 1 captain I've had the "white box = no fire" bug exactly twice on 2 of her 6 Beam Arrays (never affected X-weapon or torp), and one…
I held off doing this queue until after I completed the episodes, and that took me longer than it usually does. So I only ran it for the first time yesterday, my daily progress has mostly been patrols because completing 2 of those is often faster than 1 Best Served Cold and usually To Hell With Honor as well. Now that I…
I enjoy the account wide unlock for the gear. The Revolutionary set is an easy claim on any captain and scales until I swap for something better. And for several EPG ship captains, I don't even do that because it's incredibly good for that build. Looking forward to the ground set for the same convenience. I've found that 2…
It's been confirmed that there will be more recruit events this year, and Temporal is next. The question is before or after Risa at this point. I think the phrasing above is saying anyone who doesn't already have a Temporal Recruit and is tight on slots would be in trouble if they wanted one, and the KDF comment is…
> @"ambassadorkael#6946" said: > Turns out we don't *officially* support joysticks and gamepads on PC, but I've asked the team to take a look if they have time. The part that I don't get then is why there's a Controller menu in Options of the PC interface which still includes the selectors for Joysticks and XBox Gamepads.…
Combined with the threat reducing part of most people's preferred Spec Trees (Intel and Strat), that's often true. I might ditch it soon, but for now, I feel like it makes a difference when I need to keep aggro on my 75k DPS tank when I have 300k Vaad Juggs. But again, it's all anecdotal. Besides, nothing pulls threat like…
I keep getting shocked when I see how many I have. Usually over 30. I can't figure out how, either. Says they're per character but there's gotta be some account wide ones. I'd be more interested in more robust ground skill trees.
I actually can see it being just 1 level. Specifically, ranking. Levels 40, 50, 60, and 65 can be a spike in enemy difficulty, because often enemies do gain new abilities when you the player hit that level. It's most noticable in solo Mission play. And the things that can help offset it are build and combat tactics.
I know this is bordering the necro mark, but... Personally haven't found the threat reducer necessary. As tank, I do have 1 threat gain console. Anecdotally it seems to help, as even if I'm doing way less total damage than teammates I can still keep on top. I can also tank ground rather well. If you're threatening but not…
There's a thread or two in the Support/Bug Reports forum sections. Seems like most controller inputs are messed up, and some of the movement keybinds for joysticks & controllers are just not on the keybind page. I hope it gets addressed soon.
Here's one: some things in games should be a challenge and require changing tactics to overcome. It even fits the lore: on screen appearances of the Borg often required unconventional tactics. Therefore, it should be kept as is. I'll go a step further and say that other enemies have their own strengths and weaknesses as…
I'm baffled I guess, I don't remember any space combat in that mission. But good that you got through it. Usually I'm low level when I play that one since I usually go in order. And I do remember the Tal Shiar ground troops being difficult at first.
Most players would say it's the other way: they finish Missions to get starting gear, then use other gear later to fine tune - including rep, fleet, and other equipment as is being recommended. If you're having trouble in Frozen, which enemies? Most of the fighting there is on ground. It's also definitely easier if you…
Feedback Pulse is kinda like Vaadwaur Mines, Tzenkethi Shield Repair abilities, Borg Shield Drains, Fek'hiri pet and console abilities, Mo'Kai Viral impulse Bursts, and of course, Hur'q and Voth immunities. They can all keep you on your toes a bit. I like that and I don't want that changed. I can't think of a single build…
Definitely no for making Borg collective. Afterall, drones don't get autonomy to do what you the player want to do. Borg Cooperative? I doubt it. They play a small role in the Delta arc, but nowhere near enough to bring their own standalone faction. Generally, I detect a move away from new factions. They don't play well…
I do think this is the first time there hasn't been an advanced or elite option WHEN the original TFOs already had them. For Voth Advance, there was definitely higher difficulty, and I flew those a few times so as to fight in my own weight class, so to speak. Last thing I want to do is dish out AFK penalties on Normal.…
Just a few months ago, when I was rolling a new TOS character for fun, the tutorial clearly had some polish on it already. And in it the film grain was completely gone. To me that's kinda sad because I thought that added some flavor, and there wasn't even a toggle on or off. But from what I'm seeing, perhaps I'm in the…
Still happening, I believe. Saw only the space battle, so many dreads, and they spawn camp you. Clearly a heavy load right now, but this could be very interesting once it cleans up on Holodeck.
Remember also that the enemy is random. I can't remember the Romulan weapon being that powerful, but I haven't gotten Roms in awhile. I know the Gorn and Klingon enemies aren't nearly that difficult. I played PUG normal for this over the weekend, and enemy was Klingons. We had two carriers, a Gok'Tad covered Starbase…
The most bizarre thing about these between-phases cutscenes is that this is the only TFO I can think of where the Briefing is also a Cutscene instead of a contact hail. But the Briefing Cutscene is not only skippable, but if all players skip it, the TFO launches before the Briefing timer finishes counting down. Sure that's…
I kinda find that this game is rather generous with account-wide unlockables for a f2p game. Compared to some games, including others by the same parent studio company. The Recruits are built on that very concept - complete goals, unlock stuff for Recruit and bonuses for other characters. In that respect, making new…
At the risk of sounding redundant, I also enjoy the K-13 weapons. I've picked up the Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 on different characters, and having good performance and a classic visual are fun. I also can't argue with the performance of the Discovery stye phaser rifles, and a few of them are mission-freebies. I seem to…
I could go either way, with one exception, and it's been mentioned already. Sci Captain skill Scattering Field locks you in combat for a long blasted time. If we could reduce that, I'd be happy, but otherwise, not sure. Perhaps the reason is something like the cloak detection for PvP, but I don't really PvP so I don't know…
Just FYI, but as long as you've finished tutorial and either 1. Selected allied faction if Romulan or Dominion, or 2. Completed episode to time jump to 2409 if TOS or DISC, then patrols should be open. You should be able to open the Queues window, select the Patrols tab, and start any of the available patrols. My Starfleet…