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Delta's or any get to Sphere before 50, level w/TFO before Tower Control.

strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,716 Bug Hunter
Help be sure to spread the word:

If you a new toon and getting to Sphere Arc prior to level to 50, realize this is unwise to attempt prior to 50 even if you'd done every episode up to that point.

I'd recommend anyone *pause* and then level some with Normal TFO's as Discovery Queue is a great Filter. The problem is the Voth don't scale down to your level, so they will be +8 levels or more just doing each episode up to that point, so there Hitpoints and Damage will greatly exceed yours by a large margin. You can barely scratch them even with the all Mk X Very Rare gear I had just crafted at the time when 42.

It also helps if at 50, if you buy Fleet Weapons when getting to Sphere, if you in a Fleet they can be purchased too.

Hope people spread the message, as fighting Voth below 50 is very difficult. So I'm just recommending Normal Discovery TFO as a filter, for those who try to do Voth Sphere as it's a great uphill battle most won't win against the Voth.
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  • edited April 2021
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  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,799 Arc User
    You can also do other story episodes from other arcs, and get some decent gear in the process.


  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,716 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2021
    No my new Delta got to Sphere at 42, and trying to defeat the Voth was impossible with all Mk X gear at Very Rare. They were +8 levels above me which makes a considerable difference. While I could do most missions fine, they scale to your level, while the Voth Zone does not.

    I recall this being my experience before on another toon, so it's why many I know stop doing missions and level with TFO's at least till they hit 50. Inidividual missions scale to the level of the player, but not the Voth or Undine Battlezones (which) if you get there prior to 50 can seem like quite the Mountain to climb for many new players.

    Was just trying to help them out.

  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    strathkin wrote: »
    No my new Delta got to Sphere at 42, and trying to defeat the Voth was impossible with all Mk X gear at Very Rare. They were +8 levels above me which makes a considerable difference. While I could do most missions fine, they scale to your level, while the Voth Zone does not.

    I recall this being my experience before on another toon, so it's why many I know stop doing missions and level with TFO's at least till they hit 50. Inidividual missions scale to the level of the player, but not the Voth or Undine Battlezones (which) if you get there prior to 50 can seem like quite the Mountain to climb for many new players.

    Was just trying to help them out.

    If you mean the Voth in the Battlezone, you don't have to ever fight them as part of the normal leveling process. The Dyson Sphere arc has a mission where you have to visit the ground battlezone, but visit is all you have to do. Once the briefing is over, the mission is complete and you can move on with the arc.

    If you mean the Voth ships around the towers in the 'Tower Control' part, yes.. those can be a bit tough but nothing like what you're describing. If someone gets to that point and can't defeat the ships, you can usually get past it by changing zones into a more populated one so that you can work with other players.

    I think it's great that you're trying to make a PSA to help people, I just don't really understand the problem that you're trying to help solve.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • eladonwarps#6040 eladonwarps Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    Patrols are a great way to pick up some extra xp along the way, and if flying a T6, add some Mastery benefits too. Right now, my big complaint is that the patrols from the PvE Queue menu all feel very related to specific episode arcs (Delta Rising, J'ula's Discovery, Klingon Civil War), and if you play in order, can feel oddly out of place.

    I'd love if they added more general investigation patrols, like the kind they still have in various Sector Space locations, and added them to the launcher - especially ground ones. They'd get much more play that way.
    Call me "El," she/her only. I love my wife and I don't care who knows it!
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,716 Bug Hunter
    While most things I could do in Sphere space just by showing up, Tower Control is one of those things that requires fighting, so just suggesting people wait till they 50+.

    While Patrols are also good, yet at 42 I didn't see the Launch icon light up. So my only option was Normal TFO's. So was just trying to suggest if anyone tries doing Tower Control prior to 50, it's best to avoid (delay) until you level gets to 50, then it isn't quite so bad.

    The inability to Launch Patrols also resolves at 50, and they work great for mastery for Starship Traits (which also unlocks at 50) as I saw on my new Delta toon.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,799 Arc User
    Patrols are a great way to pick up some extra xp along the way, and if flying a T6, add some Mastery benefits too. Right now, my big complaint is that the patrols from the PvE Queue menu all feel very related to specific episode arcs (Delta Rising, J'ula's Discovery, Klingon Civil War), and if you play in order, can feel oddly out of place.

    I'd love if they added more general investigation patrols, like the kind they still have in various Sector Space locations, and added them to the launcher - especially ground ones. They'd get much more play that way.

    Adding in some "generic" patrols is a good idea, both space and ground.
  • eladonwarps#6040 eladonwarps Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    strathkin wrote: »
    While Patrols are also good, yet at 42 I didn't see the Launch icon light up. So my only option was Normal TFO's. So was just trying to suggest if anyone tries doing Tower Control prior to 50, it's best to avoid (delay) until you level gets to 50, then it isn't quite so bad.

    The inability to Launch Patrols also resolves at 50, and they work great for mastery for Starship Traits (which also unlocks at 50) as I saw on my new Delta toon.

    Just FYI, but as long as you've finished tutorial and either 1. Selected allied faction if Romulan or Dominion, or 2. Completed episode to time jump to 2409 if TOS or DISC, then patrols should be open. You should be able to open the Queues window, select the Patrols tab, and start any of the available patrols. My Starfleet character did one as early as level 6 recently, and my Romulan launched one at 11 right after choosing Allegiance. In both cases, I was able to gain levels and get at least one mastery level towards unlocking some ship-specific buffs. Not sure which Launch Icon you're referencing; so long as you've selected a patrol on the menu, it should allow for launch if it's not on cooldown.

    I do agree that Tower Control can be hard if you're under-levelled, since the Dyson Sphere and several adventure zones do not scale your character up to help you. Since it requires doing enough damage on enemy-ship defeats, in a specific area, it can be hard to do without help, and not doing enough damage can mean no-credit given. Therefore, doing enough damage to register may require max-gearing for your rank and a more careful build than is usually necessary for story episodes, and/or quite a few account-wide Endeavor perk points giving you a boost. Not impossible, just difficult, and getting more so the further from 50 you are.
    Call me "El," she/her only. I love my wife and I don't care who knows it!
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,716 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2021
    Yea that's what I would have though when I looked, yet all of them were greyed out at the time. Perhaps it was because I was in the Voth Zone trying to figure things out rather than exit. I just stayed there till Normal Discovery Queue got me to 50, then hoped over to Fleet Starbase to buy some Fleet Gear and then rocked the Voth into the Void.

    Yet today when I transwarp to the Sphere I see Patrols are available from that area, even around the Voth Towers. So not quite sure why they weren't showing available to my new Dyson Recruit prior to 50. Hmm... Things that make you go?

    I'm back to level and continue my Journey as I level and Advance my latest Recruit to Fleet Admiralty. Just wanted to suggest if anyone finds it hard to do the Voth zone prior to 50, they do other things to level at least till they get there. I'm always encouraged to see those who kind and try to help or understand what others mean; as I was just suggesting others do that as well.

    I do agree that Tower Control can be hard if you're under-levelled, since the Dyson Sphere and several adventure zones do not scale your character up to help you. Since it requires doing enough damage on enemy-ship defeats, in a specific area, it can be hard to do without help, and not doing enough damage can mean no-credit given.

    Well said!
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  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,716 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2021
    Yea, I'm not suggesting they did anything wrong. It's just I'd love to see the Nimbus missions back in the Fed Arc, Klingon and Romulan Arc. It's really a part of the story of the challenge the Romulans faced creating there new Home World.

    For Fed's I'd also love to see the Drozanna missions returned, and perhaps even for Klingons or Romulans earlier in the story. Still there are a lot of older missions that still require to be updated, revised, consolidated (in a few cases) as long as all rewards will remain still available.

    I just wanted to make sure people knew why if they were trying to do Tower Control it's difficult if not impossible before you get to 50.

    Hopefully in the next years we'll see a few new missions added, and some older Fed or Romulan's missions revised as well. <3
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