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dudeman32569 Arc User



  • You already know the answer to this, so why did you bother asking? Do you really think the KDF would get that much content in just a few months, considering just how much content they've gotten since release?
  • Funny, I assumed that Dulmer and Lucsly were anagrams of "Mulder" and "Scully" (X-Files)
  • No, there are plenty of ways to get my jollies on the internet without ogling polygons.
  • You can mine at any time, no need to wait for the event as long as the mission isn't on cooldown. The mining event only boosts the amount of dilithium ore awarded.
  • Funny, I don't recall ever claiming that a video game was reality. The fact is, when there is a market to exchange goods and currencies (yes, even virtual ones), the values that people choose to trade at will be based on what the buyer and seller deem they are worth. I know that if I can't sell dilithium at a certain…
  • Yet the dilithium exchange is controlled entirely by real rules of supply and demand (with the exception of the imposed minimum and maximum prices), with the prices being set by the players (real people) that are buying/selling. Fancy that?
  • If people do end up not buying dilithium with zen because of the price, dilithium sellers will start selling more dilithium for less zen just so they can make a sale at all. Prices fluctuate in a free market, that's how it works. WAD
  • I'm not sure about questions 1 or 3, so I'll leave those for others to answer. As far as Z-store sales go, they are almost never announced beforehand, so you'll just have to check in day-by-day to see if the thing you want to buy has gone on discount. I'm fairly certain the sales are redeemable by anyone regardless of…
  • Play the exchange. Buy low, sell high. Hint: Many people search by price, instead of price per unit. Buy something cheap in bulk, then sell it back at a higher price per unit individually.
  • Wow, that sure is a lot of threads you've posted (almost 2 pages!). Wouldn't it be easier for you to just make one thread to post all your UI suggestions to? Call it something like "What part of the UI is bothering skybuckflying today?"
  • Personally, I have 6 different tactical officers for my Excelsior, even though it only has one tactical slot. Since you can swap your boffs any time you aren't in combat / under red alert, this allows me to swap between officers with multi-target abilities (like Fire at Will and Torpedo Spread) or single target (like Beam…
  • I'm fairly certain that the larger number in parentheses is shield damage, while the other number is hull damage bleeding through the shields.
  • Improvements on Excelsior shields/hull that came with season 6 was a bug. They are just bringing it back down to its original values (supposedly).
  • The only change I can think of that I would want for the Excelsior would be to move the impulse trails on the 4-impulse saucer from the outer engines to the inside engines. I like the look with the additional engines, but it bugs me when I use the Aegis set and the cool trails go right through the nacelles.
  • I didn't comment on the Tricobalt because I've never used them. I suggest taking a 3rd rear beam array because it will help both with your broadsides, as well as keeping shields down during those times you need to launch a rear torpedo volley. I've never taken the time to see just how powerful tricobalts are, but I've…
  • That's fairly similar to how I built my cruisers until I manged to get a couple blue projectile weapon doffs. They can reduce your torpedo cooldown significantly, and with enough of them at high quality, you can launch a steady volley that can even out-fire two launchers with no doffs. If you do decide to swap out a…
  • Now that I think about it, I haven't hit a single one of those yet either. If people say the mission is still around, I'll assume they are right, but it does seem a whole lot rarer.
  • Is there a point to these "department heads" on the bridge? I haven't ever bothered to go to my bridge, do they offer different assignments than the department heads on the duty officer menu?
  • The thing about ambush is that, although it does only give a damage bonus to a single attack, this attack doesn't have to be your opening attack. Try using ambush mid-battle just before you line up a sniper exploit. Ambush also can do some massive damage when combined with a pulsewave's cone expose shot at close range…
  • As long as you don't send blind invites, I don't really care. I don't pay much attention to the chat box anyway, so a little zone spam isn't a big deal. Those blind invites really annoy me though. It feels like I'm being shanghai'd into resource slavery. "You there, you're coming with us to work in the dilithium mines!"
  • You don't have to visit any sectors that are blocked without diplomatic clearance during the event, so explore away!
  • The first thing that comes to mind is that those turrets need to go. Either replace them with beam arrays (3 fore, 3 aft), or with more quantum torpedo launchers (2 beams, 2 launchers in each facing). As far as your doffs go, I would recommend some good projectile weapon officers to go with the quantum torpedos to help…
  • Seems like most people aren't fans of a rear torpedo launcher, but I can't imagine captaining a ship without at least one launcher fore and aft. There are plenty of times, even in an escort, where you'll be facing away from a dead shield facing, and when those times come I'd rather have a High Yield salvo than another…
  • Really, I don't know what difficulty you are playing on. Solo combat on random/exploration missions should be fairly easy on Normal/Advanced. I haven't personally tried soloing Elite, but your experiences sound like that's what you are trying to do.
  • I really hope you don't end up nerfing my ship to a state worse than it was before...
  • I wouldn't really consider the Multiphasic event as producing "double" data samples, as the bonus samples produced during the event are always off-tier. If you are trying to collect a specific data sample for a certain item, collecting during the Multiphasic event isn't going to increase your intake. It does, however,…
  • I'm surprised more people don't captain Excelsiors. I personally love it as a Tactical Captain for the Lt. Commander Tac Boff slot, and with the transwarp console plus a slotted purple Astrometrics Scientist, I can transwarp nearly anywhere with just a 5min cooldown. Makes hopping from events to missions a breeze.
  • IMO, turning in contraband for dilithium more than a couple times a day with contraband bought off the exchange is more than a bit "gamey." There are other ways to get your dilithium ore, and you can actually play the game / shoot at stuff while doing so.
  • 3/10 Trolling Star Trek nerds isn't hard at all, but you get a couple bonus points for bothering to do so in the first place.