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What is the Arc Client?
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doghou5e Arc User



  • Way to over react. I skimmed over the article and asked for clarification here because of the discussion going on in the chat channels I am in. What I didn't ask for was someone completely overreacting and jumping down my throat.
  • Cheers mate, just reread it and caught that.
  • I don't like the looks of this so far. I'd like to know at what level of crafting each manual becomes available. So at the moment as a tac I can train attack pattern omega 3 at the click of a button. Are the ranks of the abilities tied to unlocking at a specific level of crafting? Or will it be more like I need to get to…
  • Up until the final Solanae missions I had high hopes for Delta Rising. The quality of the those last few missions were really high and the future in my mind seemed bright for the game. Then came along DR... This game has gone from probably my favourite game to being an incredibly painful and unrewarding experience where…
  • While the intention is a nice one I can't see Cryptic going for this as it means admitting they were wrong whether they were or not. Personally I think they'll take the "It'll all blow over" approach.
  • Is this considered an exploit though?
  • All I can say is Smirk picked a good week to be on vacation...
  • Log in on the first character that you logged in on today and claim it on that.
  • I think it's all pretty disgusting. This has been handled terribly by Cryptic and I for one can't be bothered with the game any more. Any motivation to log in has been sapped by their poor public relations in this matter, so many people are passionate about this game and are willing to support it through good and bad but…
  • They're not raging at Trendy, they are raging at Cryptic.
  • I'm sorry but this reads as: "I saw someone with the same Fleet name as mine. I want the entire system overhauled so that only my fleet can be called this!" I don't wish to sound mean here but if you don't want people "copying" your fleet name, which chances are they don't know even exists, then you should really have made…
  • I think a lot of it is down to the "I'm here to play this mission and will never likely see these guys/gals again" mentality in the case of PUGs. Thing is by helping others and trying to work as a best a team that you can for a group of random people thrown together it's a great way of making friends in game I find. As a…
  • I have to agree with this, everyone looks at this game from a different angle. There is a strong carrot and stick mentality to the reputation system among a lot of the hard core STF crowd that I know. There is a definite arms race going on with people rushing to complete all the tiers and understandably gain all the shiny…
  • The Marquis Rebellion is now back up and running and under new management. :) If you read this linyive we miss you badly and want you to come home. :( If you are interested in joining our band of misfits then please feel free to message me in game or by mail at: Juke@crazy_wolf
  • The fleet is going from strength to strength with the addition of season seven and the new members that we have seen joining our ranks have been a massive boon to our active community. Fantastic group of guys and girls, the chat box is rarely silent and we all just get on and have a laugh together and have a growing number…
  • Sounds like the same way the Odyssey came out, not sure they'd do the same with the Vesta hitting the cstores today.
  • This is what I'm hoping with the coming of season seven and completely agree. I think with the grind upon added grind it may look bleak at first glance but it may ultimately work in our favour with future added Reps serving to dilute the game a little further down the road. In my opinion it begins to shift the focus back…
  • Once you drop the console it's a fantastic ship to use to be honest. I've been fortunate enough to get the wells timeship as well and once you chuck the tumbler console in it's great fun. Even on it's own it's a real beast.
  • Had some great laughs with this fleet and we're always running missions together, whether it's STFs or helping someone level our main focus is to have fun. We realised a long time ago that STO is something different to everyone and we go out of our way to help you get what you want from the game without all the hassle of a…
  • I'd be happy with once you hit VA you can start another character at captain level. I do agree that with the focus on endgame content you end up spending more time on the main character that you use and something like this or a re-trait token would be excellent.
  • Never hurts to ask, I've seen Devs chime in to answer questions in the past when they can.
  • Speaking as a member of a recently created fleet will we ever see a lobi style store that allows those of us that missed the early projects such as the bar or windows to purchase them? Maybe add it to the dilithium store as a feature? Will we ever see themed ground sets added to the store? Say armour weapon and shield with…
  • While the planet does look very nice (although more of a Neverwinter cut and paste) I'm not really a fan of what I'm seeing so far. The reputation system, while a welcome change from the random drops, is just another grind on top of a game that has descended into one long grind. It's basically just another mini starbase at…