But that isn't realistic. Not everyone sees eye to eye on every issue, and some folk just aren't sociable. No point in getting all bent out of shape over it.
Yeah, I suppose. I just don't understand. I want to be as open-minded as I can be. I want to be as best of a person as I can be. I just can't understand anyone thinking negatively about that.
Well the ball's in their court. I offered to make peace. If they still want to be like that, fine. I'm not at fault for that.
The real question is, how much Dil/ECs are we talking?
News articles need to be less ambiguous and more accurate.
"Small" [with respect to dil] is pretty self explanatory. You may not be able to attach an exact number to it but its more than sufficient to inform a general expectation.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
"Small" [with respect to dil] is pretty self explanatory. You may not be able to attach an exact number to it but its more than sufficient to inform a general expectation.
So what, in your personal opinion, does "small" mean in this context? Give me a rough figure.
For one I can already tell with loadouts how they are so buggy and such this is going to become a nightmare I don't want to have to deal with. Even if I were to play again the amount of boffs I have accumulated I won't really need anything with the new system.
I take it though the content for 2015 is just going to be more revamps. We shall call this method pulling an abrahms. The anniversary will include phaser swords, storm trooper tellarite shock troops, and evil wormhole aliens who can instakill you in an empty queue.
Which I really wish didn't need to happen because the tone of one of those threads was far more combative than the other. So let's keep on topic, shall we, and refrain from sniping at each other in the process?
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
So what, in your personal opinion, does "small" mean in this context? Give me a rough figure.
100-1,000 dil, with 200-500 being the most likely range IMO.
Happy? And keep in mind that this only applies to crafting. Don't want to pay that much? Go to the exchange (which I seriously doubt will present any barriers. After all, manuals only cost green mats to create. Think of how VR crafting components are priced now...and scale down.)
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
The new Boff training system looks like it has the potential to be one of the better improvements to the games systems in recent times and well over due in my opinion as the current system is dreadful. I've lost track of the number of times I've had to retain skills for a new ship and lost rare skills (looking at you Beam Overload 3, Torp Spread 3 and Transfer Shield Strength 3) as well as making it easier to customise to suit missions or role so I'm optimistic that this new system has a lot of promise and should help to have a crew that feels like its a crew rather than just components with skills to be used (part of me likes to have my crew feel like they're part of my character rather than just being tools). I'm also intrigued about the hint of a skills revamp in the future which I guess based on some past discussions might look a bit like that used in specialisations.
At the same time I'm conscious as to the potential dilithium costs in light of the overall dilithium costs of the game so they need to be appropriately balanced so they're not overall expensive so until I can see the costs on tribble I'm reserving judgement, but I'd also observe that the model Cryptic are pushing with all the dilithium sinks is perhaps as much to try and keep people in game longer as they build up their characters rather than just trying to get people sink real cash into the game to progress quickly (although there's always people that want the new toy's yesterday and will consequently pay for it, but it also requires people to grind out the dilithium in the first place anyway).
Anyway I guess like all things some people will like and others hate this system, but I'm hoping it'll be one of the good additions to the game.
Other than likely messing around with loadouts, sounds like a nice feature. But I like to set my loadouts and not fuss with them a lot, so I probably wouldn't routinely swap out abilities on the fly anyhow.
All in all, aside from some enhancements to training that we've been begging for a long time, this has a strong whiff of the Exchange about it. There's both good and bad there. And I agree we didn't need another Dil sink.
^What Bluegeek said pretty sums up my views 100% (his whole post).
-New specializations will be available to all officers. No longer do you have to settle on white intel officers from a select few species, or odd-ball variety officers from the exchange or missions. Just train up once you get the relevant item. You don't even have to kill and reincarnate a boff to make them the right type, and this will make the question of fitting in the next specializations a whole lot easier to deal with (ie. by making it a matter of training, not crew replacement.)
And thank god for that!! It was clear from the get-go that having each Specialization require a new type of Boff was going to be completely unsustainable and would anger a lot of players.
Now i'm asking you guys if i got it or not. This "permanent" means i will not able to train in that specific position another ability instead of the one i trained before or simply the boff will have a "portfolio" of abilities that i can re-claim and re-train each time i want out of the combat (i.e. in social zones)?
This is an important clarification, ty in advance
ps: i dont know if this was asked before my post, so my apologies
It sounds to me like the Portfolio, except you don't even need to re-train-for-free; you just swap out the ability in a social zone (same as with reputation traits for example).
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
Which I really wish didn't need to happen because the tone of one of those threads was far more combative than the other. So let's keep on topic, shall we, and refrain from sniping at each other in the process?
"I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one I can."
I'd like to know at what level of crafting each manual becomes available.
So at the moment as a tac I can train attack pattern omega 3 at the click of a button. Are the ranks of the abilities tied to unlocking at a specific level of crafting?
Or will it be more like I need to get to level ten to unlock the ability to craft PADDs?
So am I going to need to get to say tier 10 to unlock abilities I currently can train now without waiting months.
This sounds to me like a mish mash of traits and crafting to me and from what I see so far I'm not a fan.
It sounds like a bad idea to me, taking something simple and over complicating it for the sake of it.
I'd like to know at what level of crafting each manual becomes available.
So at the moment as a tac I can train attack pattern omega 3 at the click of a button. Are the ranks of the abilities tied to unlocking at a specific level of crafting?
Or will it be more like I need to get to level ten to unlock the ability to craft PADDs?
So am I going to need to get to say tier 10 to unlock abilities I currently can train now without waiting months.
This sounds to me like a mish mash of traits and crafting to me and from what I see so far I'm not a fan.
It sounds like a bad idea to me, taking something simple and over complicating it for the sake of it.
The blog post specifically states that the boff training school has no levels or XP. Everything you can already do right now is instantly available.
Unlike the other crafting schools, the Officer Training school does not need to be leveled in order to unlock the recipes.
In fact this school has no experience associated with it at all; players either have the recipes unlocked or they dont.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
In this screenshot, it shows the Science/Intel bridge officer Pexib with Hazard Emitters II in a spot where normally it would be Hazard Emitters I.
I wonder if this is a mistake; or if this means we may be able to slot all level 3 bridge officer abilities on one bridge officer.
"I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one I can."
The basic idea of the manual sounds good but I dont like the cost being dilithium plus mats it just seems odd to shoehorn it into the crafting system. The game I think has gotten to the point that everything seems to cost dilithium. Also how are we going to get manual for stuff you cant train yourself and you dont buy from an npc. Like Aux to sif 3 or torpedo spread 3. Are those going to be added to what you can train based on your skill points?
Something that I think would have been nice with this update would have been also making it so you could use intel powers in universal slots Just to make the name make sense again.
Actually... I'm very happy with this. Even with a dilithium fee attached - I have several unique boffs that I can't use efficiently because I can't trade them for the skills I want. And it isn't really a 'sink' - it flat out says -
"Many of the higher ranking Training Manuals will not be for sale at the bridge officer trainer. Players will need to craft those manuals in the new Officer Training school. Unlike the other crafting schools, the Officer Training school does not need to be leveled in order to unlock the recipes. In fact this school has no experience associated with it at all; players either have the recipes unlocked or they dont."
If you don't want to retrain boffs, don't. But for those of us who are attached to the Borg Engineering Officer or the Photonic medical officer - this is an amazing thing. So, and no sarcasm intended, Thanks Cryptic. This is good thing.
Actually it didn't. They just merged my thread that was aptly named into this one, that's Crypticly titled. Facepalm.
Whatever. On the topic, I agree with some that are saying the original BO trainer could use some improvement. I just don't like what they've done here as the improvements. It comes off as overly complicated. And the added Dil costs, well I don't know of anyone who thinks we need more things to take our Dil in this game.
And I can name several things that could and should've been done/fixed before this:
Defera Invasion Zone - could've fixed it
Ker'rat War Zone - could've fixed it
Revamped DS9
Revamped Qo'nos
Added a Voth or Undine PvP Warzone
Revamped Terradome
Fixed the tray loadouts that are still broken
Sent out a hotfix for the Breen ship discount (Cryptic: "This means a lot to the players so all hands on deck, fix this yesterday, everything else is on hold until that gets fixed. Oh i know I'm dreaming.)
System to address Battle Zone AFK'ers & leechers
New PvP maps and modes
Balancing stupid unbalanced powers like Surgical Strikes and Ionic Turbulence
This is good. From how I figured it out. The BOFFs can learn all the skills. And you can easily rotate the skill in/out of use per mission or ship. This is good. As I have a lot of BOFFs I rotate around depending on what ship I'm using. Now this will make some BOFFs even more desirable to use.
I'm looking forward to it.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Umm...read the FRAKING article. ALL your questioned are answered in there. So by the the look of things so far, it seems you looked at cryptic does everything wrong and I hate it so I'm not even gonna read what they are ACTUALLY doing far. Yeah I can see how that would make this new system look bad. Funny thought...try reading what the are actually doing and how this will fix the issues with intel boffs and the issue with needing a bloody truck loak of BoFF for alt ships and BoFF training and yeah...this is actually a pretty good idea. Not that I expect you to know that since you can't be bothered to even read a bloody article before jumping on the it's a bad idea bandwagon.
Way to over react.
I skimmed over the article and asked for clarification here because of the discussion going on in the chat channels I am in. What I didn't ask for was someone completely overreacting and jumping down my throat.
Wonder how people rolling truly new characters will handle this given that most dil sources aren't available till 50+? I get the feeling we're going to see a larger number of true-newbie builds running whatever random skills their boffs came with. Tac Team 2, Scramble Sensors 2, and Aceton Field 3 for all!
More likely they'll just have to drop $5 on zen to turn to dil, which I'm sure is part of the point of this. :rolleyes:
Well the ball's in their court. I offered to make peace. If they still want to be like that, fine. I'm not at fault for that.
Helpful Tools: Dictionary.com - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
"Small" [with respect to dil] is pretty self explanatory. You may not be able to attach an exact number to it but its more than sufficient to inform a general expectation.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
So what, in your personal opinion, does "small" mean in this context? Give me a rough figure.
Free Tibet!
I take it though the content for 2015 is just going to be more revamps. We shall call this method pulling an abrahms. The anniversary will include phaser swords, storm trooper tellarite shock troops, and evil wormhole aliens who can instakill you in an empty queue.
Which I really wish didn't need to happen because the tone of one of those threads was far more combative than the other. So let's keep on topic, shall we, and refrain from sniping at each other in the process?
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
100-1,000 dil, with 200-500 being the most likely range IMO.
Happy? And keep in mind that this only applies to crafting. Don't want to pay that much? Go to the exchange (which I seriously doubt will present any barriers. After all, manuals only cost green mats to create. Think of how VR crafting components are priced now...and scale down.)
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
At the same time I'm conscious as to the potential dilithium costs in light of the overall dilithium costs of the game so they need to be appropriately balanced so they're not overall expensive so until I can see the costs on tribble I'm reserving judgement, but I'd also observe that the model Cryptic are pushing with all the dilithium sinks is perhaps as much to try and keep people in game longer as they build up their characters rather than just trying to get people sink real cash into the game to progress quickly (although there's always people that want the new toy's yesterday and will consequently pay for it, but it also requires people to grind out the dilithium in the first place anyway).
Anyway I guess like all things some people will like and others hate this system, but I'm hoping it'll be one of the good additions to the game.
^What Bluegeek said pretty sums up my views 100% (his whole post).
A, how much EC and Dil .... Coz ATM its hard to get enough of each for casual players
B,, how long will it take coz spec points ATM are tied to XP which let's face it sucks
And thank god for that!!
It sounds to me like the Portfolio, except you don't even need to re-train-for-free; you just swap out the ability in a social zone (same as with reputation traits for example).
Joined January 2009
[SIGPIC]Click here to visit my STO YouTube channel[/SIGPIC]
I'd like to know at what level of crafting each manual becomes available.
So at the moment as a tac I can train attack pattern omega 3 at the click of a button. Are the ranks of the abilities tied to unlocking at a specific level of crafting?
Or will it be more like I need to get to level ten to unlock the ability to craft PADDs?
So am I going to need to get to say tier 10 to unlock abilities I currently can train now without waiting months.
This sounds to me like a mish mash of traits and crafting to me and from what I see so far I'm not a fan.
It sounds like a bad idea to me, taking something simple and over complicating it for the sake of it.
Free Tibet!
The blog post specifically states that the boff training school has no levels or XP. Everything you can already do right now is instantly available.
Joined January 2009
In this screenshot, it shows the Science/Intel bridge officer Pexib with Hazard Emitters II in a spot where normally it would be Hazard Emitters I.
I wonder if this is a mistake; or if this means we may be able to slot all level 3 bridge officer abilities on one bridge officer.
Something that I think would have been nice with this update would have been also making it so you could use intel powers in universal slots Just to make the name make sense again.
"Many of the higher ranking Training Manuals will not be for sale at the bridge officer trainer. Players will need to craft those manuals in the new Officer Training school. Unlike the other crafting schools, the Officer Training school does not need to be leveled in order to unlock the recipes. In fact this school has no experience associated with it at all; players either have the recipes unlocked or they dont."
If you don't want to retrain boffs, don't. But for those of us who are attached to the Borg Engineering Officer or the Photonic medical officer - this is an amazing thing. So, and no sarcasm intended, Thanks Cryptic. This is good thing.
Helpful Tools: Dictionary.com - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
Whatever. On the topic, I agree with some that are saying the original BO trainer could use some improvement. I just don't like what they've done here as the improvements. It comes off as overly complicated. And the added Dil costs, well I don't know of anyone who thinks we need more things to take our Dil in this game.
And I can name several things that could and should've been done/fixed before this:
Defera Invasion Zone - could've fixed it
Ker'rat War Zone - could've fixed it
Revamped DS9
Revamped Qo'nos
Added a Voth or Undine PvP Warzone
Revamped Terradome
Fixed the tray loadouts that are still broken
Sent out a hotfix for the Breen ship discount (Cryptic: "This means a lot to the players so all hands on deck, fix this yesterday, everything else is on hold until that gets fixed. Oh i know I'm dreaming.)
System to address Battle Zone AFK'ers & leechers
New PvP maps and modes
Balancing stupid unbalanced powers like Surgical Strikes and Ionic Turbulence
I could go on and on...
Cheers mate, just reread it and caught that.
I'm looking forward to it.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Way to over react.
I skimmed over the article and asked for clarification here because of the discussion going on in the chat channels I am in. What I didn't ask for was someone completely overreacting and jumping down my throat.
can't wait to train cross occupation without having to bug my fleet mates
More likely they'll just have to drop $5 on zen to turn to dil, which I'm sure is part of the point of this. :rolleyes: