You are not the only person this affects. My PC also has multiple accounts accessed from it or rather it used to, and now it can only get the account linked to steam. Edit: Okay managed to get the other accounts to load by making a copy of the star trek online.exe file from the steam launcher directory and pasting it…
The only time I ever thought that the game seemed a bit more difficult than usual is when it goes 'skills invalid' and forcing a respec. Do that respec and reassign skill points and all should be well.
I am not against cross faction flying as a fair few of my Toons fly cardassian or dominion ships, and my Orion flies a Feddie Ambassador class. My first love though where possible will always be a Bird Of Prey for joyriding across the galaxy.
Why wouldnt a Federation captain want to command a superior warship? I can see the KDF not trying to make themselves soft by having all these 'luxuries' on their ships though. (From a story perspective only, your experiences may differ)
I did that no problem at all in my Kor BoP. Just find a tower with other players and do a cannon scatter volley to get a hit on each of the enemies and you get the credit when the other players kill them.
You coould always try the Photonic displacement console and the mask energy signature boff ability. Either of these may work.
As far as we know you only need to be able to ambush kill with whatever you use so a romulan warbird should be fine. My own recruit went from post tutorial to 65 in a Kor Bird of prey so you are certainly not restricted to having to use the M'chla.
I have to assume you mean this boff or its fed equivalent and if so it should be in the legacy unlocks section and not the personnel section. Note there are also Borg boff rewards for buyingthe delta rising and legacy of romulus packs as well
The Vorgon Ryn'kodan-class Carrier when I use a freebie ship, but my go-to is the Cardassian Damar-class Intel Science Dreadnought. What can I say, I love Carriers and Science ships!
When you subscribe or buy a lifetime subscription what you actually get are "20x Bonus Account Shared Bank Slots". What this means is that all accounts have a shared bank but everybody starts with no slots in it. If you buy 10 slots from the store you add those you buy to what you already have.
I had one got stuck this evening. I assume it was waiting for a rescued soul to be put in it which was on my ship. Only problem was I couldnt transport it off my ship anywhere to send it over. Had to go outside to the big laser blast zone to blow myself up killing my passenger before ship would move.
What do you know two of the current issues are being fixed in todays upcoming patch: The latter for me seemed to be that I had one rescued soul on my ship I couldnt transport anywhere and the last freighter bless it was waiting for it to never arrive. Had to go and get myself blown up outside the area to get rid of my…
Having just checked my own subscription status (Lifetime since season 1), the page linked also says no active subscriptions so that is normal. The best way then to check that the account is a Lifetime account then is to first log out. This is important as it gives the game a chance to update your details, then you can try…
This does seem unusual, please say that your support group was at and not elsewhere, and you didnt have to hand over log in details to allow them to get access to your account.
I think it is nice that they have a way to have lockbox ships available for direct currency as many people have been screaming for. It is upto the individual to decide if they think the price is worthwhile but for me its a pass.
It may be that it was decided that if people were going to earn a ship then why not make them take a bit longer and get one which interests them. We have had 2 previous T6 store ship token events with a 3rd in progress which is possibly more poular than the event fleet ship upgrade option.
A lifetime subscription is just a gold subscription with a zero recurring cost. You do not get any additional slots beyond what you get for being gold with this type of subscription. What you get above and beyond the gold level benefits is listed here:…