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boootz Arc User



  • No, I just want her to be challenging again. There should be a normal difficulty and then there should be elite. My concern is that she is not using her torpedo spread.
  • Some people seem to be conflating Donatra's torpedo spread with the insta kill super heavy plasma torpedoes. I tanked Donatra both when she was challenging and in her current state, and I could survive her torpedo spread, hell even her tholaron blast, in my fleet dssv. . . Not my chel grett however. I have noticed that all…
  • I want a man skirt so I can make a zap brannigan character and dispense some brannigan's justice, in strict accordance with brannigan's law.
  • You can get whites pretty easily, grind down rarer doffs and do the recruitment doff missions. If everyone in your clan did this it would go quickly.
  • +1 I support this idea.
  • The only time I've ever had it be somewhat useful is in CGE while protecting transformers. In every other circumstance it is more beneficial to use a different kit.
  • So has there been any improvement in the time since this was posted?
  • 1v1 shuttle pit fights with hazards such as metreon gas, nebula and vortices ala the badlands :D
  • If you bound Boffs it would be impossible to train them for other people... You can trade them. Just take off all their gear.
  • Put DEM on ensign, problem solved. Shift DEM 2 and 3 down a rank as well and watch the Engineer boat captains rejoice at the new opportunities. You cant really take take away the shared cd on teams or epx... It would break a fundamental mechanic of the game. You can however add an alternative worth using... Such as DEM1…
  • In order to fix this first they need to remove science abilities from damage types buffed by Attack Patterns, then they can address the damage without having to worry about causing imbalances. No beta buff, no delta buff and NO ALPHA BUFF. It's science. If you don't have the know how and equipment you aren't getting jack.…
  • I fly a fleet deep space science vessel, and use gravity well 3 constantly. I have 6 points in both particle and graviton generator skills and I use 2 romulan xi gravity generator consoles. I also have a purple aftershock doff and the rest are deflector cooldown and boff cooldown doffs. In PVE most things cannot escape the…
  • Short: #1 Make Attack Pattern Alpha no longer buff the damage of science abilities! #2 Allow us to set the uniform for the entire crew of our ship. Wouldn't take much effort I wouldn't think, and it would be nice. #3 A heal/repair all button for repairs both in space and at dock/med facilities would be nice! Mid: #1 Re…
  • Badlands, including shield hazard gas clouds and vortex hazards.
  • Tac's shouldn't be able to buff science abilities with attack pattern alpha, we have tried telling them this for a LONG TIME... They decided to nerf Sci powers instead. I think they have nerfed just about all of them now because they refuse to address the real problem.
  • Orly. Then why don't you enlighten me, on how you slay veteran pvp escorts in your sci ship 1v1 oh veteran of 3 years. Because unless they are noobs it doesn't happen.
  • Being as ESCORTS not CARRIERS are public enemy number 1 it is an issue. Anyone with BFAW, CSV or torpedo spread can kill pets. Big whoop de doo. What can a sci do to an escort? As it is now energy drain is our only good offensive skill against escorts (or any other decent build), and this is a problem. Gravity well is just…
  • You're doing it wrong then. Most people just need evasive maneuvers. No need to adjust energy to engines or pop a battery. The only people I've seen get stuck in a gravity well and die honestly would have died whether the gravity well was there or not. If I have to tractor you to try and keep you in the gravity well theres…
  • Fleet actions are boring. The Romulan missions are boring. The hive is fun, Everything else is boring BORING BORING BORING! Even mentioning dilithium mining deserves a court marshal, talk about a concept that should have been aborted. Hop around on an asteroid LOOKING for dilithium, for a pittance of dilithium. YAY! The…
  • Anyways STF's are easy. this is about pvp. Hence the PVP forum.
  • Yea viral matrix is still useful. And our heals and drains. I remember playing my tac before they nerfed gravity well, and I feared gravity wells. I made sure I had engine batteries to aid my escape. Now it is a non factor. I had a noob in a public queue game TBR my targets out of my gravity well iii telling me gravity…
  • It seems to me the neghvars have a new attack. It isn't a heavy plasma it is a pale blue projectile that they fire in bursts of 3 that move very quickly and can punch through my sci's fully specced maco XII shields with 2 shield capacity consoles and hull and kill me in one volley. I have 9's in all shield skills and 9 in…
  • I do a lot of pvp. At lvl 50 Sci doesn't do bupkis for damage in pvp. 1 escort specced and geared can melt a sci facing in about 2 seconds. We can keep it up for a few more using sci team, tss, epts, RSP to stay alive for a few more after that but we cannot kill the escort if they have any idea what they are doing. Most…
  • Notice I said 900% scale from i to iii. All you would have to do is figure what the reasonable maximum damage and effect to a character with 9 points in the resist skill is with 9 points in the attacking skill. Then scale it down for rank i from rank iii 900%. The purpose of doing this is to make Cmdr. level science skills…
  • Why is it you propose to take away ALL our damage skills? You would mangle our class worse than cryptic already has. I would do thusly. Photonic Shockwave 3 900% stronger than Photonic Shockwave 1 with 100% chance of subsystem disable on hull contact. And the area of effect Omni Directional with a range of 10k. Also I…
  • Sci can be very effective in PVP. Restore gravity well so that it actually works again. Restore photonic shockwave so that a SCI who specs heavily into its related skills and buffs themselves with our SCI captain buffs can do severe damage to an unshielded target. Remove the cool down that is triggered on tykens and energy…
  • What is with nerfing SCI? Sci has been nerfed to death in space and now you are gunning for ground as well? wth is wrong with you??
  • Yes tac needs to be nerfed. And we need our sci abilities restored as well.
  • So Tacs should be able to be awesome in all ships, and we sci's should be happy with one role. Give me a break. I'm a sci with 9 points in particle generators and subspace decompiler. I skilled my character for PSW, and it sucks now. That is the problem. Sci ships are slow, they only have 3 fore and aft weapons AND our…
  • I would get the borg console and the retro deflector and engine. Use whatever shield has the most resistance+hp and least bleedthrough until you can get a mako Xii shield. this will give you all the benefits of the retro borg set except for the tractor beam, which isnt that great at all.